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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I won $100 in my squares this year. Had 0-0. Could have won two more.
  2. How many times does he need to take a successful running team with a lead then stop running the ball while blowing that lead?
  3. It depends where you live. Lacrosse is toxic where I live. There are too many parents who DO know the game or played the game here and they run things. It's a shame, my kid played lacrosse for a couple years and he was good at it. He played until he aged out of the youth program we moved him to (in the town next door because the local team was toxic and allowed hazing of 9 year olds) and when he got to the point where he had to play for school, and with the toxic people we left, he stopped playing rather than deal with them and their parents. Hockey is bad also and while an average joe can't go start a team a non average Joe can buy a rink and that rarely goes well and sometimes a local rink decides kick clubs out of rinks, create their own teams, and then jack up prices. The local leagues and associations throw a fit and threaten x,y, and z and then let it go because at the end of the day, the owner of the big rink (or rinks) has more money and power. Team Philadelphia out of Ice Line in West Chester, PA is a perfect example of this. Owned by the rink, kicked out a club that had been there for decades. Local league tried to sanction them, they played an independent schedule for a year then the league let them in. The club eventually left that league for a new league that was formed by the owner of multiple rinks called Black Bear. The Black Bear rinks basically flipped off USA Hockey and the sanctioning bodies and dared them to exclude them from Nationals,etc. and that didn't happen. They were the 800 pound gorilla because they owned something like 14 rinks (now 37) AND the clubs that ALL of those dues paying members played at. My kid just finished with hockey, he loves to play but he's done with the off-ice BS with coaches after 9 years and more games than I care to admit. He's also a thrower for track and he's pursuing that in college next year. He enjoys it, is decent at it, and there aren't the politics involved. You can either throw far or you can't. It's pretty objective. My other kid was a district and state level swimmer for our local YMCA until this year. Coach has a kid on the team who can do no wrong which is always frustrating. Bigger issue is my kid is a big boy, he's not fat but he's just big and he's strong as hell and he basically got fat-shamed out of swimming by the coach. God bless my kid he stepped up at age 13 just after he had a season where he qualified for the state meet and said "I'm done". He wanted to play football and if you ask him why it's because he gets praised for being big in football and he always got crap for it at swim. He played for his 8th grade team only, and not for the local youth level team. I cautioned my wife about that and told her there is going to be a family out there that hates your kid because he's going to take their kid's spot at some point. Some kid who has been playing Pop Warner forever and whose parents see that future spot on the Varsity team as their kid's isn't going to be pleased when our kid, who never played football before, but who is twice the other kid's size shows up and makes that kid switch positions or sit on the bench. Sure enough, he started the season as a backup and running special teams. By the end of the year he played basically the whole game going both ways on the line. I know who he supplanted and they were not happy and the backbiting and politicking in the stands has already begun. Now it's off-season lifting for next year's HS teams and he's already gotten the attention of the varsity coach because he's always at the sessions and he's an ox. The other kid isn't. That kid isn't getting his spot back and it's just going to get worse from that family and potentially the rest of the Pop Warner clique that we aren't part of. I don't know ANYBODY at football because I spent the last 9 years at hockey rinks, lacrosse fields and swimming pools. From my perspective, it's nice. I can just go to the games and watch my kid for a change. The boosters had a meeting recently and my wife asked if I wanted to go and I told her absolutely not. I don't want to meet the other parents. Not at all. At some point it will be inevitable, but that day can wait as long as possible. I'm an AD for the school I work at (not the school my kids attend) and I can tell you so many stories about parent and player misconduct you'd never want to have your kids do anything. I've got a story from 2 days ago and another two from January and another from December. Just basketball. Middle school basketball, and most of it is employees (not mine), not even the kids or their parents. Though they have their share also. I had to kick 4 people out of a track meet recently. Let that sink in. Youth sports is not a great place to be and I feel like it's getting worse over time. There is a reckoning coming as referees retire and are not replaced by younger kids. My oldest is 17, he has 9 years of playing experience and would be the perfect sort of candidate to become a ref now that he's not playing anymore. Zero interest and I don't blame him. I am qualified to officiate a couple sports myself. Zero chance of that happening. When my boys are both out of the house I MIGHT go back to coaching baseball because I enjoy that, but I stopped doing that a couple years ago when I became AD. Coaching for the school was OK. I got to pick my team and keep the parents at arms length mostly. When I coached Little League it was horrible and that's sad because what I really WANT to do is get involved with the local Little League to coach the coaches of the youngest players and help them be better and to teach the players better. That's the way I think I can be the most useful, by making the whole program better. But I know if I do that a good percentage of the new dads coming in aren't going to listen to what I say because they all know better and every parent whose kid doesn't immediately become Shohei Ohtani will be angry with me and then I have to decide if that aggravation is worth my time.
  4. Need to throw an NSFW on that link. If you scroll down there's quite a lot of....artwork.
  5. So they've lost at home 2 years in a row, but the focus is getting home field advantage. Got it.
  6. I went to the last one with my family. It was a fun car ride down and a long quiet car ride home.
  7. There are two activities I never want to watch Josh Allen do. 1. Play in whatever they are doing for a Pro Bowl 2. play golf. I'm not saying he can't do these things, I just don't care to watch.
  8. At age 24 it's fairly likely that he's close to a finished product.
  9. Dolph Lundgren, the Predator, and an alligator should be in the receiving line at the funeral.
  10. What possible grievance would there be to file? The dude was in a jet ski accident. It's the definition of a non football injury.
  11. Most places, the sink doesn't look like a giant urinal though.
  12. When you call, do you get a parlay for how long you will be on hold and what country your customer service agent will be speaking from?
  13. I figured this out awhile ago and don't feel like looking it up or recalculating. Suffice to say it's really strong. Part of that is that I was a season ticket holder from 1989-1995 and another part is I was really good at cherry picking games I thought we'd win during the drought. My personal playoff record is 8-1.
  14. The league doesn't have a problem though. This is all fine. I'm sure it never impacts games, it's guys in suits that do stupid things
  15. I'd rather trade for Davis Webb
  16. Most of these kids can't launder shirts let alone money.
  17. Josh is 28 next season. Very few people on that list past 32 or 33. Very few. 4-5 years left to get it done sort of adds a bit more urgency dontcha think?
  18. His clock is ticking and if Brady as OC means a return to a permanent increase in his running the clock speeds up.
  19. Send the message to the script writers. Don't watch.
  20. I'm glad I'm not a Lions fan. They bungled this opportunity.
  21. On the plus, it's another year where I can just buy my squares and not be bothered about the actual game.
  22. We've all seen this movie before. We know how it ends. Lions had their shot at the end of 2Q and the start of 3Q. Got 3 points instead of 14.
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