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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Feed goes private when the safety man isnt there.
  2. Primetime games suck. Give me as few as possible.
  3. Well, I mean since they are playing on Wednesday for our benefit, it being a holiday and all, I guess we should be grateful that we don't have to toil in the fields that day and watch the entertainment the Lords have provided without question then.
  4. Why else play on a Wednesday other than that? As for greed when I see people trying to milk every dime they can out of a community while at the same time buying a 200M boat I'll call it as ai see it.
  5. It seems a reasonable place to start. If you're acting like a turd just because you can we can consider adding you.
  6. I'm tired of people who aren't billionaires sticking up for billionaires and the crappy things they do. It normalizes their greed and excess and that's a problem.
  7. Looking forward to those games being on Peabrain or Bezos-1 or something so you get the Christmas gift of paying extra on top of the extra you already pay
  8. Right, but they need another way for hazardous cargo to cross and that can't go in a tunnel. Harbor Tunnel and McHenry tunnel are both restricted. Don't want to force all the cargo all the way around Baltimore the other way, onto the busier side of the loop for reasons that will become apparent beginning today. It'll be a bridge of some sort again. It also helped that it was 130am
  9. Yep. And newly constructed bridges usually do but not always. The new Tappan Zee bridge doesn't have them. Fun fact, the picture of the Skyway in that Wikipedia site is of a bridge that was built to replace a bridge that was destroyed in the exact same way as the Key Bridge was today. Ship collision. Hence when they built its replacement protection from ship collision was a strong consideration. The Key Bridge was built in 1977. There are TONS of older bridges in shipping lanes that don't have them. The South Grand Island Bridge is an example. The Bay Bridge in Annapolis doesn't have them either. Whatever they replace the Key Bridge with won't be built the same way. It'll either have the biggest dolphins you've ever seen or be a different type of bridge that gets the support pillars much further out of the shipping channel so any ship would ground itself before hitting them.
  10. They aren't designed to handle lateral loads like that. They are designed to withstand compressing loads from above, not to be pushed over (or through) from the side.
  11. Ships are really heavy and when moving represent a lot of kinetic energy. Bridges aren't built to withstand that.
  12. I have a lot of questions. A lot. The first of which being how that happens on a clear night with no appreciable weather. The second is how does this happen when the ship has a harbor pilot on board and in command.
  13. Apparently the Ukrainians and the Russians both like the Bills. C'mon Rog. Let it happen. For world peace.
  14. We could hope the truckers who show up to move them remember their fuel rebates...
  15. I'm shuttin' down the studio!
  16. I look forward to getting completely boned by both the calling and non-calling of this at least three times next year.
  17. They aren't, and that step is coming. Our refs can't even call false starts properly.
  18. You expect them to tell you the equivalent of "plenty of good seats still available"? Of course they will try to cause some urgency for you to sign. They should be bigger.
  19. And I wonder what part of that 10 percent interest M&T is charging is getting kicked back to the Pegulas for the privilege of being the bank that gets to make the loans.
  20. That certainly is the optimistic way of looking at it.
  21. I had my wisdom teeth out the day before and accidentally pulled a stitch knot through my mouth screaming at my television. I think I'll pass on watching that travesty again. Johnson had that game won, with one shoe on.
  22. The real fun will start when the next round of people get brought in for the non "Club" seating. I don't think that will be in a month or two.
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