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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I think if we just labeled more people "SLOW!" It would help out quite a few things.
  2. He had a rib injury from at least the middle of December forward and he had a wrist injury before that and he was on the injury report and missed practice multiple times. Anyone who had ever had one understands that rib injuries suck and they really only get better with rest.
  3. He got hurt and played hurt.
  4. Center only is fine if he starts day one. Lots of teams already have a guy though. You can't keep a guy who is only a backup center and doesn't long snap or play guard or anything else. There's no roster space for it which then pushes a guy like that down in the draft.
  5. AI is just picking up what TV marketing is putting down. All sorts of "food" on TV isn't edible.
  6. Yeah I read about that. Even if the suit is successful they wont close, they'll just owe a minor investor a check. I'm more worried about them getting so big they lose quality control. The first time I went there was during COVID. It was the main location out in Charlton, MA and it was pickup only and there was a whole procedure. Basically you paid online and then lined up in your car and they'd bring the stuff out to you. So we show up to pick up the beer, the line was easily 35 minutes long when we got there and just in the short time we were able to observe other cars getting order we saw people filling up pickup trucks with beer at like $125 a case. Thousands of dollars of beer were loaded in the time it took them to grab our paltry 2 case order form inside and load it into my car. When we were pulling out the pickup line was at least 20% longer than when we'd originally gotten into it. They made an absolutely stupid amount of money and that was just one day of operations. I went to the main location again on my way home from Maine in 2022 and it was still absolutely mobbed, fully open now, still mobbed with people there and also many people like me who had put in a pickup order who were just in and out. They have something like 5 locations now, my wife went to the one on Cape Cod this past March to grab me some stuff when she was on a college visit with my son. You are correct, Trillium is good. IMO TreeHouse is much better. If you're up in that area again, Bissell Brothers in Portland, ME is also quite enjoyable.
  7. I was always a John's man when I lived on the Island. Beach House for wings though. I'll give that spot a try next time I'm up there.
  8. Stone is another one. Bought by Sapporo a couple years ago. We've gotten Stone out here for a long while now though. I've enjoyed it a time or twenty. Do they still brew Arrogant Bastard?
  9. Elysian isn't bad. I think they got bought out by one of the big beers though, I think InBev. Increased distribution which can be good in theory, but now it's just another brand in the world of InBev. A lot of craft breweries are struggling right now which TBH is probably good. There were too many and a lot of them didn't have good product. That's capitalism. It bothers me when a decent one closes up or sells out though. This reminds me, I need to go back to Massachusetts soon. My stash of TreeHouse is running low.
  10. The people that time these lights don't do us many favors either. That left turn out of our school is an extremely quick light. 3 cars at most can make the turn. There is a sensor, but the wait for the light to cycle again is at least 3 full minutes. That causes people to be right up your rear end and you do need to go fairly quickly if you aren't first in line. Like I said, those are the times when I've almost gotten hit. I wasn't first in line. I was second or third and the person coming from the right side just blew the intersection completely. Fortunately they were in the right lane and all of us were turning into the left lane that day. I don't always because my next turn is a right at the next intersection so there are plenty of times I make that turn directly into the right lane. We have them here too. I could describe the decorations on 95% of them but people would get butthurt.
  11. Also, add to my list of things that really piss me off when I'm driving. People who are dumb when I'm just trying to be safe. Dry clear day? I'll drive pretty fast, no problem. You have to drive that way around here or you'll get run over and the longer I've lived here the more used to it I've gotten. Fine. However, if it's snowing or raining hard or foggy, or if nighttime in a place I know there are a load of deer? Get off my ass. Stop flashing me. Stop creating a more dangerous situation than the one that already exists. I drive very well. If I'm slowing down, you should too. Example. I had to drive across the PA Turnpike in a snowstorm to get back to college. The right lane was snowy but driveable, the left lane was entirely snow covered. I was in the right lane in my 1989 Pontiac GrandAm going about 50 (this was in the days where the actual limit was 55 on that road) Dude in a RWD car comes right up on my ass flashing and whatnot. After a mile or so he passes me on the left and disappears. About 2 minutes later I go around a curve and see the same guy spun out facing the wrong direction up into the Jersey barrier. I waved on the way by. I see a lot of dumb stuff on the roads these days. Crotch rocket split lanes between me and a truck yesterday. I was in the left lane, the truck was merging onto the highway on my right, I was passing the truck because I was already at speed, the truck was going maybe 50. Idiot goosed it from behind the truck and split us. He got a death wobble in the middle of it and fortunately saved it then sped off into the distance. All he had to do was wait 1 second. I was in the midst of passing the truck and was going to move over. Nearly killed himself getting onto a highway for no reason.
  12. Runner of the light was 22 years old driving a 4Runner. Person killed was driving a Cadillac DTS. Not on camera to my knowledge, no official traffic cameras there. No idea about legal consequences at this point. I saw the aftermath of the accident. The DTS was spun around backwards and driven across 3 lanes of traffic. Airbags had deployed, including side airbags, but the cabin was clearly compromised by the impact and the door had been pushed into the cabin space by at least a foot, maybe more. The car that hit him continued through the intersection at least 50 feet before it came to a stop. I didn't see the second car, just the DTS, but the mess of fluids it had left on the ground where it stopped was still there. Keep in mind, I saw all this at 11:30am when I stepped out to grab lunch. The accident was at 7:30. People often run this light because it's in between two major intersections. Both of those have red light cameras, this one does not even though this is the one where you have 25 school buses coming in and out twice a day. I've almost gotten tagged a couple times making that left after school, but by people coming from the right rather than the left because that's the busier traffic flow in the afternoon. In the AM it's coming from the left. Right, look up thread and see how many ppl go nuts if you don't move immediately. Also, I've almost gotten hit by people coming from the right side, on the other side of a 4 lane divided road. So the light changes, you go, maybe you're the 2nd or 3rd car, cross over two lanes and a median THEN some ass comes flying through the intersection from your right side. There isn't an amount of time you can wait to eliminate the problem. I look plenty. Especially now.
  13. When social media and dash cams became a thing. The father of one of my students was killed right in front of our school a couple weeks ago. 7:30am, he dropped the kid off, waited at a traffic light to make a left outof the school parking lot, light changed, he pulled out to make the left and got T-Boned by some jackass who ran the light. Killed on impact. Road was closed for 4 hours, guy who ran the light was uninjured. We had to tell the kid. Now the kid has to ride a schoolbus through that intersection twice a day and sit 300 yards from it all day long.
  14. Bernard Ford
  15. People can't just be jackasses anymore. Everyone has a disorder.
  16. Along with Cousins AND Penix.
  17. Id rather watch footage of my mother in laws colonoscopy.
  18. And then there was a higher place to go and they lost, at home. 1965 was a really long time ago and yeah it happened but I have zero emotional attachment to that. I was far from being born. My parents were 15 and 13 respectively. My mother's parents were alive, young, and had season tickets in the Rockpile. The Bandits are the only team that I've watched win. I've watched the others blow it several times. They are the only one I've watched actually win something. That gives them a special place. McDermott should bring them in to talk to the boys about how to close out a game when it matters. Adams should have them in for the Sabres too. I didn't see any crowd issues tonight. Lots of energy. Why? The team wins. Stop sulking like spoiled brats and play better. You'll get all the support you can ask for.
  19. The only Buffalo team that can actually close the deal.
  20. Green Bay has had heated grass for a long time, the difference there is that it doesn't snow nearly as much in Green Bay as it does in Orchard Park. The closest equivalent would be Cleveland. They have grass and also the potential for large snow, but they haven't had to play games there deep into January and I don't remember it going well the handful of times they had large snow.
  21. I pine for the day when we no longer have to discuss this person.
  22. Several people have tried to grow grass inside, it doesn't really work well. Honestly, I'm skeptical of a grass field in Buffalo at all. It will be fine until mid-November. What happens when it gets 2 feet of snow on it? How do you empty out the stadium without driving heavy equipment on the field? How do you drive heavy equipment on the field without destroying it? The grass has to be heated from underneath so it keeps growing, fine, so the field won't freeze either, meaning it will still be relatively soft. They will need grow lights, etc similar to what they use in England soccer to keep the grass growing because it's too dark in the winter, plus the shade the stadium and overhang itself will create. I'm less worried about the grass growing provided that they are committed to making it happen properly, but the removal of the inevitable large snowfalls is a question. Also resodding. If they have to resod in say January can they get the soil warm enough for the roots to take?
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