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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I am really beginning to hate the NFL....
  2. For as frequently as penalties are called on kick returns (even moreso against the Bills this year) you could make an argument against ever attempting to return a kick of any kind. Blocks in the back and holds are 10 yard penalties. Penalties on kicking plays are some of the most punitive because they negate any return in addition to penalizing distance. If the average return hovers around 10 yards, a block in the back or hold is then a net 20 yard penalty.
  3. Season opener 2007 vs. Denver. Broncos have the ball on their own 34 with 2:13 to play 1 time out. They convert 2 4th downs including one after a 3rd and 23 and another after a 3rd and 13 then complete an 11 yard pass on 3rd and 10 to get into FG range. Denver runs out onto the field (with no TOs) and Elam makes a 42 yd FG as time expires. He'd missed 2 earlier in the day.
  4. This is over and it's going to get ugly.
  5. This team is the definition of "all hat and no cattle".
  6. Track is clearly the priority. Football is paying the bills.
  7. People with concussion symptoms really aren't supposed to do much of anything. No TV, no reading, no music, nothing. You're supposed to eliminate as much sensory input as possible. When you start reintroducing activity you're supposed to stop the instant you feel the least bit strange - headaches, dizziness, etc. You have to keep restarting a little at a time until your body stops reacting badly. It can take a really long time. I'd imagine these guys have baseline testing done so it makes the measurement a little easier. You have to get back to your pre-injury benchmark without feeling symptoms. For a person who is supposed to limit sensory input 5+ hours of airplane white noise +whatever else is going on, plus the motion of the plane (which makes some non concussed people nauseated), plus the car/bus ride to and from the airport, plus the rapid changes in atmospheric pressure, plus plus plus aren't really good for someone. Not to mention that if you get him there OK then he has some sort of major setback then you have to figure out the plane home. It's not like you can drive in an emergency.
  8. So many missed kicks this year, of all lengths. The league clearly wants fewer made kicks and they exclusively control the kicking balls. Wonder if they made an adjustment there. Even within the legal parameters, balls with less air are a little more angular than a fully inflated ball and I'd think would tend to curve a little more when flying end over end. Plus kickers would have to swing harder adding to the likelihood of pulls and pushes. Or maybe I should buy a tin foil hat.
  9. His error to down played ratio was pretty high for a guy they didn't cut.
  10. Interesting side note, Donte Stallworth would pay practice squad players who scraped dead pedestrians off his hood for him.
  11. "You want me to play second fiddle to Dan freaking Campbell on an interim basis????"
  12. Anybody have any large fundamental problems with Mazda CX-9s? I like the way they look and drive and can get a great deal on one right now but I've never owned a Mazda. I've had a Toyota and a Honda and have been underwhelmed by the build quality. The Toyota ate oxygen sensors and the interior trim fell apart. The Honda body panels are egg fragile and it is now on it's 3rd set of ignition coils (I got my money back on the first replacement set when they all STB in a month - yes I bought Honda parts, they are made by Hitachi actually.) I have a Chrysler now and hate it, my father has a Dodge and it's crap too.
  13. Does he smell like cabbage?
  14. He ALWAYS cashes his checks promptly.
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