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That's No Moon

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Posts posted by That's No Moon

  1. 1 hour ago, Nextmanup said:

    Have a good friend who is a public high school math teacher in the NOVA area of DC.  


    She said she would be "overjoyed" if ANY student in ANY of her classes would raise a hand with an answer or to ask a question, and that half the class is routinely asleep.


    One of her 15 year old female students was being pimped out by her MOTHER, with the tricks going down in the girl's/mom's house.


    She has now taught on Long Island, Syracuse area, and DC....says it's "the same everywhere."


    She really paints a grim picture of the schooling scene in 21st century America, believe me.



    I also work in public education. It's pretty far from ideal.

  2. 2 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    They do call the RT.  He's had 15 penalties this season including 7 false start (which is a dead ball foul thus supercedes Offside) and 1 offsetting.


    Thing is, it's like DBs mugging the receiver, even if they're called for DPI or DH it's not called nearly as often as they do it. 


    But the Chiefs have been (IMHO) getting the "star treatment" on penalties IMHO, thus their reaction I guess.

    They call the RT when they feel like it. If they called every time he did it he'd stop or be on the bench.


    My point is everyone will look at that image and debate this and that and still completely ignore the RT in the backfield because they do it so much it's now normal

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  3. Just now, BRH said:



    It's almost like they thought it would look more like a straight line to the refs if Toney lined up a yard ahead of the ball and the RT lined up a yard behind it.  A little trick of perspective.  Problem is, there are actually yard lines and *****.

    Well, if they don't call the RT ever, and clearly see it every play, maybe they won't call the WR either. From their reaction you clearly see the entitlement. Demanding a warning for a player who never checked with the official rather than owning up to the mistake.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Scott7975 said:


    Dude is lined up a full two yards ahead of the RT lol.

    Remember, this is the same team whose RT false started virtually every pass play in week 1. I think it's fair to say that alignment has been discussed in meetings and that the team is ok with pushing the boundaries of legality. The RT is lined up in the backfield on that play as well, and is basically always. Uncalled.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Tipster19 said:

    I think that this is a real possibility and to me it would indicate that they are supporting McDermott. I think that this just might be the biggest “us against the world” statement that the Bills have made in quite some time.


    Go Bills!

    If the Bills kicked half as much ass as they talk they wouldnt be in this mess. Room full of kitties and I expect them to fold like origami. Just like they have every time it's mattered all year.

    • Vomit 1
    • Haha (+1) 2
  6. On 12/7/2023 at 3:59 PM, Einstein said:

    A company has developed a device that allows people to control their dreams for productive activities such as practicing for meetings or designing. The device uses focused ultrasound beams to activate decision-making and awareness regions of the brain involved in lucid dreaming.



    I'm lucky if I can get people to focus on work when they are awake.


    That said, if this works, I can see large applications in the education field. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. On 11/30/2023 at 12:25 AM, Shaw66 said:

    I don't know that we know for a fact that this is why Dorsey was gone, but it certainly makes sense.   And, really, that play represents what looks like a problem, but it was only one problem.  The thing that was troubling everyone, starting at game 5, was the disappearance of any offensive flow or effectiveness.  The Bills are 6-6 because the offense substantially underperformed its potential.  With decent offensive performance, like we've seen in the last two games, the Bills would be 9-3 or even 10-2.   


    It's really frustrating to have blown (absent a miracle) another opportunity. 

    I know the offense is easy to blame, but they'd also be 9-3 if the defense could have closed out games where the offense left the field with the lead. The underachievement has been a team effort this year.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, muppy said:

    sadly beebe it seems that bad officiating is par for the NFL course.  If they don't bite in you in one game they will in another. Yes I'm jaded and cynical. 

    It's WWE at this point. The calls make no sense and are clearly terrible to the point that you can't legitimately debate them, yet nobody loses their job and nothing changes.  Mahomes wasn't roughed, MVS was going backwards when he went out of bounds so the clock should have run, MVS was CLEARLY interfered with downfield. Each of those calls was clear cut and had significant meaning on that last drive. They got every single one of them wrong. In a marquee game. Again.

    • Agree 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, prissythecat said:

    that’s correct.  Billionaire owners never agreed to have the league favor a single  team at their expense.


    as to the Pats cheating by stealing calls or playing with ball inflation ,  I’ll let sports historians figure out how to categorize that in the history books when they write about the Pats dynasty many years in the future 

    So it did happen, but it wasn't league organized or sanctioned by the other owners? And the commissioner, who works for the owners, he surely lost his job then.

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