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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Because the military is a different animal and not like a regular employer, once you are in they own you. Like it or not. Read up on stop-lossing.
  2. So he's getting cut in camp then??
  3. They'd solve the problem if they'd eliminate football at the academies. Of course then no Army/Navy game so that won't be happening.
  4. I expect him to miss at least 4 games with injury. 20 tackles 2.5 sacks. 1 TFL.
  5. Prove they didn't. This works both ways. Even if they didn't they are, almost by default, attacking StubHub users, and collecting data on their own season ticket holders throughout the year for the purpose of excluding them without telling them they are doing it. If they are getting the data from StubHub as to which tickets are sold through them each week I wonder how happy StubHub is with this and if they'll be open with the data in the future.
  6. So the NFL promotes it's Ticket Exchange through Ticketmaster then allows teams to punish season ticket holders for using it. Well done. The lesson I learned from this article? If I'm going to sell seats don't do it online and DEFINITELY don't do it through the team's site.
  7. Come back when the Bills are good. We should be colonizing Europa by then.
  8. Why do I have to be a fan of any team to be posting here? I followed the Bills and considered myself a fan for a very long time. Last September I took all of my stuff and all of my kids stuff and threw it in a Goodwill container and haven't watched a minute since. Things I'd owned for 30 years, gone. The Bills are banned from my house. No TV, no radio, no discussion. They are dead. They are a non-entity in my home. If my kids want to watch football they can become Eagles or Ravens fans because either of those would be acceptable local teams. They should support their local team or none at all. They certainly shouldn't continue to absorb **** from other people, adults and children alike, because their father grew up somewhere else. To be perfectly frank the sport they call football now is very different from what I grew up watching and I'd been liking it less and less for many years but kept watching because of fantasy football and misplaced loyalty to the Bills. I stopped playing fantasy football the year after they started Thursday night football because it stopped being fun and started being a job to keep up with. Without the gambling action the game itself was incredibly boring which made it much easier to face reality about the Bills. They are the jobbers of the NFL and will be forever. Since the NFL sucks in general now, and the Bills suck even more, what was the point? The entire process stopped being fun. It's not about being a bandwaggoner somewhere else, I couldn't give a **** who wins week to week. I watched the Super Bowl and that was only because I had money on it. The game is garbage. So I come in here extremely occasioanally to kick your dog and throw your lolly in the dirt. Get over it.
  9. No see, this is where you have me incorrectly pigeon holed. I don't like ANY of them. They are ALL useless and will remain so well into the future. Watkins was a stupid draft choice made for stupid reasons. However, that ship already sailed and he's the best receiver on the team and they need to make it work. They wont do that though. They'll just throw him away and overdraft another WR next year because the problem isn't their cap management or their talent evaluation or their game day coaching or their roster of players. IT'S EVERYTHING. Top to bottom, the entire organization. Useless piles of continual failure. There is literally nothing they can't screw up or won't continue to screw up. They have been stuck in neutral for nearly two DECADES and everything they touch turns to ****. You can feel however you want about this week. Track record says they !@#$ed it up. Yes, golfing on Sundays rather than watching the NFL has been wonderful.
  10. I'm sorry, you're right, it's sunshine and rainbow season right now. Enjoy that, your next GM search starts in about 12 hours. Good luck with that.
  11. you're right, you can't pay everyone, but we paid Vlad Ducasse and 2 freaking FULLBACKS. Woods? Fine, let go. Gilmore was a foolish thing to do and they'll do the same thing next year when they let Watkins walk then need to go draft a WR again and we can all be happy about how they addressed their needs. To be honest I could probably just give it an F, not give any reasons, wait 4 years and be right when nobody is still on the roster.
  12. because when you do that you can never address other needs. The team had needs LAST year that didn't get addressed because we needed to fill new holes that didnt need to be there. Unless the new CB and WR are upgrades rather than just replacements there was no progress made.
  13. I gave them an F, they drafted a CB to fill a need they should have never opened. A possession WR, 3 tweeners, and a mediocre QB AND they gave up additional picks to get the possession WR and a tweener OL.
  14. nickel LB that McDermott would like to bring up the A gap. In the meantime ST demon.
  15. and then I read his profile and it says he might not have enough leg.
  16. I'm wondering how long it takes for him to embarrass himself and the Broncos. Even money he either blows off or acts like an arrogant ass at the Mr. Irrelevant festivities.
  17. Nope, it's stupid. It's a loser move and if his last name wasn't Kelly there'd be literally ZERO people advocating for it.
  18. You know, we complain when the Bills do Billsy things...this would be the absolute Billsiest thing possible. What is the best way to use a late round pick? Let's start an immediate and perpetually ongoing quarterback controversy over a player who has shown himself repeatedly, over a long period of time, in multiple venues, to be a colossally entitled Dbag. I'm sure he'll come right in and go with the flow and everything will work out fantastically.
  19. and because he tore up his knee, and tore a ligament in his wrist and can't throw for several months and and and and
  20. Gonna need to replace Watkins when they let him walk for nothing.
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