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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I get to see a handful of Carolina league games every year. It's a relaxing time and you see the occasional top prospect come through by my God, nobody can hit in that league. I feel like every game I go to ends up 2-1 or 3-2. Now if you are an autograph hound A ball is totally the way to go, the kids sign every thing. They haven't been jaded by success yet. It's not my thing but I tell the little kids to get everyone they can because you never know who that next star is going to be. Also, A ball cracks me up to sit near the dugout because there are more than a few super young Latino players who don't speak much English. They tend to group together in the dugout and they assume the gringo in the front row doesn't speak Spanish. Lots of funny stuff to be overheard.
  2. Sort of begs the question why the retired state trooper has a tinted windshield in the first place.
  3. 89 Grand Am. If you were driving the car at speed and then come to a stop light it would stall. First time it did it was in the middle of a busy intersection in Pittsburgh. Getting it out of the road would have meant pushing it uphill so I was stuck. Put the parkong brake on, called a tow truck, etc. Cop pulls up and tells me to try it, It starts and pulls right away and I look like an ass. It does it a couple more times over the next month or so but not consistently so it was very hard to show a mechanic. 2 different shops punted, by buddy had another 89 grand am with the same problem and sold it in frustration. Read through a Hughes guide and find out there is a solenoid in the transmission that locks the car into high gear at high speed. Turns out the solenoid was sticking so when you'd slow down the car wouldn't downshift and it wouldn't idle in top gear so it would die unless you caught it in time and two footed the pedals to keep the rpms up. Relatively cheap fix once I figured out what it was but it was really annoying for awhile and it's very unnerving to drive a car you think might die at every stop light.
  4. They will be lucky if McCarron and Peterman aren't both hurt by week 7. I think most would agree that the line was better last year than it looks to be this year and this year the line looks to be weaker up the middle in particular. Immediate pressure in a QBs face is always so helpful, mix that in with the missed assignments and failed blitz pickups that come with inexperience and our QB's in general will be lucky to survive let alone succeed. Taylor had his share of flaws, but he covered up an awful lot of crappy pass blocking in his time in Buffalo.
  5. How am I feeling? Defense? Better. Offense? Significantly worse. Taylor wasn't a great QB but his value to the team is going to become readily apparent when we see our current stable of QBs get pounded into oblivion behind our sieve of an O-Line.
  6. Did not realize the Pooj was a Mainline fellow. You're right in the neighborhood of the spurned woman murder/suicide a couple weeks back. Because they are jamming up the traffic.
  7. When you add up how much it takes to keep a grass field in good condition turf is a smart investment for a high school. You can play on it all year without destroying it, and you don't have to water it, feed it, mow it, use pesticide on it, aerate it, etc. The field never closes because of weather and you can host multiple events in a single day without killing the field. Soccer, lacrosse, and football each tend to have a specific wear pattern on the field. Football is the center of the field between the hashes, lacrosse is the goal crease area and soccer is the 18 yard box. Football and girls soccer are in the fall and in most parts of the country the grass doesn't have time to recover before winter. Then you have lacrosse and boys soccer out on the field in March before it wakes up and starts growing again (and also when it's super wet and you are very prone to tearing it up). Add it all together and you've done a lot of damage to your field during the time your customers (the students) are trying to use it. You do your repairs over the summer (hopefully) and the field is hopefully ready for Fall football and you repeat the cycle. Have a bad weather year and you're looking at a full re-sod. Have a bad fall season and your field are considerably less safe for all of your other sports. All that said, 70M for a HS football stadium is insanity.
  8. I'll put a Kroger up against a Safeway any day of the week.
  9. In theory I am very happy with this. In practice we'd all better be ready for some serious hiccups with multiple new linemen and an inexperienced QB.
  10. 3 for 3 there. Jif or GTFO.
  11. All of those things are also true but kudos to the people who complained about him for years. They stopped clicking on his work and that eventually made it go away.
  12. The ignore button is your friend. High motor??
  13. Fresh produce is expensive and if you aren't used to buying it it's hard to measure how much you will use before it goes bad (which is fast) so you end up throwing out a lot. Now if you shop day-to-day that's not an issue but most people don't do that. Also if when he tried the vegan thing if he bought stuff like soy milk instead of cow milk, it gets expensive. Also keep in mind the number of calories these guys need to eat in a day to maintain their weight. Avocados are expensive.
  14. I had a great time torturing my children (when they were small) at the beach telling them to watch out for the sarlaac. They wouldn't go anywhere near crab holes. It was hilarious.
  15. Cant. I decided to go to bed at a reasonable hour and not torture myself. Seems like a solid call still.
  16. He isn't eaten by a sarlaac. He isn't different, genetically, from any clone trooper. He's not a Greenwich Fett, he's one of the Newport Fett's. Completely different group. Much more hoity toity. When you say it that way... If only because we would get to see it die at the end.
  17. Just because Richie perceived that the guy did "something" doesn't mean the guy did something that the rest of society would deem as "something". Given that Richie apparently told him to "get out of his playground", his simple presence in the room could have been that thing that Richie found irksome. Or it could be completely different and the guy is full of it but given that the cops took one and not the other leads me to believe he was telling something at least close to the truth. I'd imagine there is security footage somewhere and its usually pretty easy to pull up footage quickly so if there is footage, assume the cops already saw it.
  18. Why can't people just be plain old !@#$s anymore?
  19. Here's feedback, because your footwork sucked. It sucked at penn state and it sucks now. You look like Frankenstein on benzos dipped in solidifying concrete.
  20. Gruden did this in Tampa also, I think at one point he had 5 QBS on his roster. Got a bad QB that was a high pick? Gruden will take him. Got a QB Gruden said nice things about? He will take him. There hasn't been a qb born that Gruden can't fix, in his own mind.
  21. If anyone wanted to pay him that they'd have given philly a 7th rounder for him and moved on. He's had injury issues and he didn't make "enough" plays in Philly so he was expendable. At this point in summer expect a 1 year show-me deal.
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