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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I don't know why this is hard to understand. It's not about attention, the guy needs money. He has no other way of making a living. It's not like he's one of the guys who spent his off seasons learning a profession. He has no skills other than playing football. He couldn't even translate just being TO into a career because he is so dislikable and that's saying something in a world where people pay deion sanders to be on tv. He's passing on the HOF enshrinement because he doesn't have the money to throw the expected party. I can appreciate that. He wants attention so he passes on a ceremony specifically geared to give him attention AND an open mic on national tv to say whatever he wants about whomever he wants. Ok. He wants attention so he wants to go play in the CFL? Ok. He needs paychecks and quite frankly the person who mentioned the xfl is probably spot on. By exercising this clause he now forces Edmonton to pay him or to relinquish any claim they have to him. Those are both win situations for him. It will be interesting to see what the Eskimos choose to do.
  2. I like Sandbridge MUCH more than Ocean City. Not much to do is a matter of perspective. It's not a long ride to get to VA Beach proper and all that is there as opposed to parts of OBX that are really isolated. One of the silly things we liked to do in Sandbridge is play bingo at the fire hall. Nit sure what day of the week they are running it this summer but its kind of a nice small beachbtown sort of thing ti do for an hour or two. I like the isolated rather than the cheesy boardwalk beaches but that's just me. Give me a beach with as few people as possible. I'm buying a 4x4 truck soon specifically so I can start going past the end of rt. 12 to Carova Beach and have even fewer people to see/hear on my vacation.
  3. I've stayed in Sandbridge several times. It's nice but be aware, the further to the North you stay lower the F-18's are when they buzz your house. The Oceana NAS is very close by and the flight paths line up with the Northern end of Sandbridge. If a carrier is loading or unloading during your stay it can be endless. Otherwise it is a pretty steady stream of planes in and out. Sometimes you have guys practicing so they will do a touch and go, loop around and do another, over and over. I'm a fan of Corolla in the OBX. Takes a lot longer to get there but it's quieter. For me it's more like vacation, Sandbridge is a neighborhood. As for Ocean City, it's not really my cup of tea but my wife grew up going to Jersey beaches. I refuse to go there so this is a compromise. My in-laws have a home on the Bay and we go down a couple times a year. There's a boardwalk and all that - I agree with a previous poster regarding some of the clientele and I witnessed some stuff in a mens room that didn't make me feel real good about having my young kids with me but it's not as bad as say Wildwood in NJ. You should be aware of any local events. There are multiple bike weeks and car weeks that bring in another whole element of interesting. The OC government tries to keep a lid on it, they really want to remain family friendly but if you want a quiet time at the beach that's not it. Assateague National Seashore is very close by and that's nice. You'll see wild horses (and their poo). There are generally many fewer people there than OC beaches. $20 per car
  4. Dana Delany Dorothy Krysiuk (Previously of Fox29 - Philadelphia, not sure now) Karen Rogers (6ABC - Philadelphia)- met her in person at a gala. Was not disappointed.
  5. So you're saying the bedrock solid plan quickly turned to Rubble?
  6. Because if the motive was just robbery it was a pretty half-assed robbery. Go to all that trouble and commit multiple felonies just to take 1 ring and some cash when there is tons of other, small, portable stuff around? If it's a robbery of a person you wait for the person to be home where there are security cameras and possibly/probably weapons? If it was a robbery of the house she was just out of the country and the house was empty you wait for her to come home and then don't take anything from the house? If it was drug addicts needing money they would have taken all the small stuff, particularly the cell phones. If they were professional people they would have taken all the jewelry, cash, cell phones, etc.
  7. This is getting crazy. The woman, her friends and the lawyer are trying to get this case tried in the court of public opinion and are doing it poorly. Hence the multiple statements some of which now contradict each other, etc. The only benefit to doing this for the client is if you are hoping for a settlement. I would expect a decent lawyer with a case to advise their client to keep their mouths shut in order to prevent what is happening now. You have the lawyer making statements that now contradict what her client actually said on the 911 call. Presumably the lawyer's statement was made to address the Instagram post made by the friend who has now posted again saying that the lawyer forced her to take the post down but that she stands by what she originally said. Well, dummy, that defeats the purpose of taking down the other post and is undercutting what the lawyer is trying to do. You also have the contradiction of the original claim of bruises on the woman's wrist where the assailant couldn't get the bracelet off which I call BS because if someone just pistol whipped you and told you to take a bracelet off you are taking it off. No person is that much of a hard ass staring down the barrel of a gun at 3am. The bracelet was apparently one of the borrowed items that Shady had asked for previously so of course you'd want to include that in your statement right? Except it doesn't make sense for someone to steal that from you because, as it was loaned to them in the first place, they still have to pay for it if it's not returned. It would be a little odd for the bracelet suddenly to show up back at the jeweler's. So now the story changes again to say it was only a ring that McCoy gave her as a gift, nothing else. My thoughts. 1. It makes no sense for this to have been set up by McCoy. The assailant left without getting all the items in question. There is no reason for them to do that. They presumably had control of the situation, they then had the time and ability to go get whatever they needed to get before leaving. Also, McCoy had already previously stated to police his apprehension regarding getting jammed up by this particular person over false claims. He recognized the problem a year ago. Did he suddenly forget when he supposedly set this crime up? If he chose to ignore that knowledge he then set it up for the people to do a half-assed job? The woman was just out of the country. He knew she wasn't home based on security footage he controlled. He could have had the house cleaned out while she was gone and claimed it was a burglary. He didn't do that. The security cameras were installed to make sure the woman didn't clean out the house or destroy the house. The lawyer says there is no text or phone record or documentation form Shady telling her to leave. Well, that's the lawyer telling you in her own words that McCoy hadn't contacted the woman in a very long time because in terms of phone records, anything could have been said in a phone call. To say there is no record means there was no call. 2. It makes no sense for this to have been a targeted crime. Again, they would not have left valuables in the house once they gained control of the house. Nothing. All the jewelry, cell phones, etc. would have been gone. The woman certainly wouldn't have been left to call 911 as soon as the assailant left. She'd have been found on the floor in zip cuffs by her son who heard the commotion, snuck out his window, and returned later. 3. It makes a TON of sense to have this set up by the victim herself. It explains why that single specific piece of jewelry was taken and not anything else. It explains why she was able to make a 911 call so soon afterward. Let's get back to the 16 year old for a minute. Why exactly had he climbed out of his window that night? To avoid the crime? Let's start with that. He was smart enough to sneak out of the house and knew his mother was being robbed and assaulted. He didn't go to the neighbor's house? He didn't call the cops himself? What 16 year old in his situation doesn't have a cell phone? He was far enough away that his mother later said he was taking an Uber home. Where the hell did he go that he was a cab ride away? How did he learn that it was safe to come home if not for, again, the cell phone? So, to me, all of that doesn't make a ton of sense so let's explore the sneaking out. Maybe he snuck out to go do things 16 year olds do and picked a really bad night to do it. OK that makes sense. I want to know what time he left and where he went. I also want to know what his plan was to get back in the house - climb back up? That's not as easy as it sounds. Did he leave the front door unlocked or bring his own key? That seems more likely. That also explains how another person could have entered the home without forced entry. Why sneak out the window though? Going out the window avoids the security cameras in the house which, again if you are a smart 16 year old is something you want to do, but Mom doesn't have control of the new cameras and can't see what you've been doing anyway. Why the effort to avoid the camera then? None of this means Shady DIDN'T set it up. It's entirely possible. I'm just not seeing the logic of it from a person who had clearly gone to great lengths to insulate himself from this person (not having any direct contact, sending his mother to get his stuff, etc.) and her ability to make false claims about him and who was already following the legal process to get her removed from the house. Sabotaging all of that over 1 ring seems pretty stupid when he was a month away from completing the eviction process and being done with it.
  8. His stock is down 42% over the last 2 years (~$51/share) while his primary competitor is up about 150% (~$280/share). His competitor's market cap is over 6 times his own now and the gap is growing by the day. In the same period, the overall market has also been strong. That, in and of itself, is more than enough to get a CEO canned.
  9. Nobody forced him to make Papa John's a publicly traded company. It ceased to be "his" company at that point. Take the money, gain a of Board of Directors and shareholders to whom you report. Own less than 50% of the shares, lose control totally. He still holds a massive number of Papa John's shares whether he is CEO or sitting on the BoD or not.
  10. I got to go to some Bisons games there as a kid. I remember being attacked by yellow jackets frequently.
  11. I'm Italian and find their "pizza" to be offensive.
  12. Big Mouth on Netflix. Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Maya Rudolph, Fred Armisen, Jordan Peele amongst others. The trailer doesn't do it justice. If you remember the sheer awkwardness of middle school or have kids near that age this is great for you. The Hormone Monster and Monstress are the best. NSFW at all
  13. Agreed. I fell asleep in the upper deck. Sober.
  14. Thanks for sort of illustrate what I was talking about. The NFL floats out the idea of a 3 game suspension and measures the reaction to it before it becomes offical. If people go nuts they can increase it and blame fake news. If it goes by mostly un discussed in the media then the 3 sticks.
  15. I thought it was interesting that it was leaked out ahead of time. Sort of lets the NFL fly a test balloon out there to see if people go nuts and I don't think it was accidental.
  16. Guessing it was working it's way through the courts. At some point he settled, the league reviewed the evidence and suspended him.
  17. Thank you for reminding me why I refuse to support anything those jackasses do.
  18. I'd move back tomorrow. The wife ain't having it. Ever.
  19. I get to see a handful of Carolina league games every year. It's a relaxing time and you see the occasional top prospect come through by my God, nobody can hit in that league. I feel like every game I go to ends up 2-1 or 3-2. Now if you are an autograph hound A ball is totally the way to go, the kids sign every thing. They haven't been jaded by success yet. It's not my thing but I tell the little kids to get everyone they can because you never know who that next star is going to be. Also, A ball cracks me up to sit near the dugout because there are more than a few super young Latino players who don't speak much English. They tend to group together in the dugout and they assume the gringo in the front row doesn't speak Spanish. Lots of funny stuff to be overheard.
  20. Sort of begs the question why the retired state trooper has a tinted windshield in the first place.
  21. 89 Grand Am. If you were driving the car at speed and then come to a stop light it would stall. First time it did it was in the middle of a busy intersection in Pittsburgh. Getting it out of the road would have meant pushing it uphill so I was stuck. Put the parkong brake on, called a tow truck, etc. Cop pulls up and tells me to try it, It starts and pulls right away and I look like an ass. It does it a couple more times over the next month or so but not consistently so it was very hard to show a mechanic. 2 different shops punted, by buddy had another 89 grand am with the same problem and sold it in frustration. Read through a Hughes guide and find out there is a solenoid in the transmission that locks the car into high gear at high speed. Turns out the solenoid was sticking so when you'd slow down the car wouldn't downshift and it wouldn't idle in top gear so it would die unless you caught it in time and two footed the pedals to keep the rpms up. Relatively cheap fix once I figured out what it was but it was really annoying for awhile and it's very unnerving to drive a car you think might die at every stop light.
  22. They will be lucky if McCarron and Peterman aren't both hurt by week 7. I think most would agree that the line was better last year than it looks to be this year and this year the line looks to be weaker up the middle in particular. Immediate pressure in a QBs face is always so helpful, mix that in with the missed assignments and failed blitz pickups that come with inexperience and our QB's in general will be lucky to survive let alone succeed. Taylor had his share of flaws, but he covered up an awful lot of crappy pass blocking in his time in Buffalo.
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