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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. What if they were Ostrogoths? Uhm, yeah. That probably would have been the GTFO moment for me and if I were the Dad I'd call my sister and ask WTF is up with your kid and why didn't you teach them any reasonable manners. I'm going to a hockey tournament in February that's 20 minutes from my sister's house over a long weekend. We are staying in a hotel and it never crossed my mind to crash at her house for 3 days let alone doing it without asking her. Your parents should swing through Iowa sometime randomly and just show up. Of course, that means going to Iowa which is a punishment unto itself. They were out of folding tables for weeks.
  2. He can definitely throw it over those mountains. Video of his private workout in Wyoming.
  3. Actually, we haven't. We've seen Tyrod that did that hence the recency bias but we have had plenty of QBs who threw INTs and fumbled the ball a lot. We've also had tons of QBs who 3 and out the offense deep in our own territory repeatedly which puts the defense in a hole all game long. FWIW, if that's your goal for the offense coming into the year then it leads directly into #2 and #3 of what I said. We're going to struggle to score points, especially early in the season.
  4. 1. That's a pretty big caveat. 2. There are going to be a lot of games where 14 points is going to look like a lot. 3. They still might win because Baltimore is awful but it will be one of those hideous 9-6 type things. Take the under and run away laughing.
  5. I'm having a hard time thinking of a Patriot draft pick who washed out there and went on to great success somewhere else. When they've decided you can't play they are usually correct.
  6. Yes, the current model of screwing the service providers with race to the bottom pricing which then encourages them to screw the customers while providing no customer service is much better. They had Uber before, they were called Gypsy cabs.
  7. You have no idea how many do or don't but that comment fits your narrative so have at it. Ask yourself, before this topic came up how much time had you personally spent contemplating police treatment of minorities. Probably close to zero. If that number is now greater than the original number, even if your opinion has not been changed, the protest was effective.
  8. and I'm equally doubting that more than 0.5% of the people who walked by would recognize him if they did.
  9. Given where so many current MLB players come from the comments on that would be highly entertaining and tragically awful at the same time.
  10. You know, I don't really want people to shut up about it. I'd really like for people to start acting like adults and realize that they don't need to like or agree with every single thing that everyone else does. Have an adult, nuanced conversation about things. Nothing is black and white yet we continue to try to force everything into those two columns. I don't agree with the tiki torch waving guys in Charlottesville either but I recognize their right to do what they do. I don't understand when this became so difficult for so many people to wrap their heads around and both the right and the left are hugely guilty of the problem. I know, I'm asking for a lot.
  11. Where's the condescension coming from? I commented twice. It's not like we've had a long protracted argument about this.
  12. All the media outlets are. All of them. On every side.
  13. FTR - the act of sitting or kneeling through the anthem never crossed my mind until the current POTUS said "You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing. You shouldn't be there. Maybe you shouldn't be in the country." That's not what this country is about. That's not what many founders of this country would have believed in. Many founders of this country would have argued to their dying breath that such an assertion of federal and executive power flies in the face of the principles the country was founded upon. There is a reason the Bill of Rights were the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. They weren't originally included and a large contingent of delegates refused to support the Constitution until they were included and moments like this are why they did that. The NFL as a private employer has an issue with your behavior, fine. When the government starts weighing in then it becomes an issue. Obedience and fealty to tradition and symbolism are not what patriotism is about. I still stand because it's what I choose to do, not because POTUS suggested I have to. I still teach my children to stand because it what I believe is the right thing to do. if one of them came to me and told me they didn't want to stand and the could give me a well thought out reason for doing so and a particular objective they were trying to achieve I'd support that. I don't have to agree with them and I can still continue to make my own choice on how to behave. I would also respect the spirit of what they were doing with the understanding that this country was made as much by people who cut across the grain of what was commonplace, expected, and tolerated by the majority as it was by those who fell in line.
  14. And the magic word in that statement is COULD. It's not written as WILL. And just so you're clear it's not some cases where an employers can fire you for exercising 1st Amendment rights. It's any case.
  15. Yeah, you can get fired for protesting on your own time too.
  16. Each team has it's own policy. It will be interesting to see how these policies differ as they come to light in the next week or so.
  17. Inexperienced QB behind a makeshift o-line throwing to a terrible group of WRs and a 30 y/o starting RB in the midst of a major legal issue? It will look a lot like this.
  18. By what standard though. It's average celebrities so you're already swimming at one end of the pool.
  19. The Money Pit. I thought it was funny as a kid. Then I grew up, got married and bought a house. It became hilarious.
  20. I'm interested to see if the ESKIMOS are that interested in gaining attention. I've seen a couple games this season, their attendance sucks.
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