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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Well that's interesting. Bigger name than a multibillionaire owner of the most successful franchise in recent history. Hmm. Who would qualify as bigger than that? Almost has to be major politician doesn't it? I guess maybe athletes are more famous but kraft is certainly more wealthy and powerful
  2. That explains so much about today
  3. $20. Even if I don't win I'm still +$260 over the last 2 years.
  4. The reason the old cards were valuable were because so many fewer were made and so many of those were destroyed either in bicycle spokes or by mother's cleaning attics. The 80's and 90's they printed millions of cards and everybody kept them. The only way those cards EVER get more value is if enough people Marie Kondo them. It's not super likely. I keep some of mine because I like them and they remind me of my childhood. I have a handful that are decent cards and a couple boxes of commons. Bottom line, if they don't give you any personal joy then you need to get rid of the commons because they will never bring you any financial gain. The handful of keepers you have? Nowadays even those aren't worth squat unless they've been graded. So unless you are willing to pay to send those cards away for grading then don't bother keeping them either.
  5. That's sort of what I was getting at. We'd rather be spoken of poorly than ignored. The Bills haven't been in the AFC Championship Game for 25 years. For reference, when they went in 1990 they hadn't been to a Championship game in 24 years. That isn't to say that the 1966 Bills were completely irrelevant to me, I knew they existed and were good, but I was negative 12 years old when they played so I didn't have any personal connection to it. We have an entire generation of people who have no connection to the Bills other than them being varying degrees of crappy. My sons are 12 and 9, they won't watch Bills games at all because "we know they're going to lose so why bother?" My 12 year old has vague memories of the Sabres being ok, the 9 year old has nothing.
  6. Just so I'm straight, we get mad when the media repetitively mentions bad things about Buffalo, and also when the media ignores bad things about Buffalo. Right?
  7. I'm looking forward to the next decade of nick foles and the patriots.
  8. Or perhaps it's because they have an inside and an outside threat as well as a qb who will cut you apart.
  9. That's ok to bring into a stadium, but I can't have my keys in my pocket. Ok.
  10. I trust the saints to be able to move the ball on new england more than the rams. Go saints.
  11. With nickel robey in the slot, woods and hogan at wr maybe Jason Peters at lt?
  12. Hero worship of the military is not a positive thing for a democracy. There are bad people in the services just like there are bad people in every other profession, including mine. Also, Buffalo sports fans highly overrate themselves.
  13. Dude, it's New Orelans. He qualifies as normal.
  14. Fantasy football brought us here. The nfl realized that fantasy football brought so many casual viewers in who were only interested because of that angle. FF players want offense.
  15. Maybe it's the guy with a big whistle on his head. Or is that profiling?
  16. Davis, Vontae Boldin, Anquan Benjamin, Kelvin Merriman, Shawne And FTR if they bring Jackson here they can take all that culture crap and flush it permanently.
  17. Yeah, I mean we can go see a totally normal movie from and interesting and intellectual genre...like Shazam!
  18. His manscaped beard stubble is irking me.
  19. Solid use of the aluminum beer bottles as rattles as well. A whistle is supposed to be against the rules but if it's just a person whistling that happens to be a near a field mic you can't stop that.
  20. My son plays hockey and has a bunch of stuff. The ones that matter to him are from when he actually won something like a tournament and one participation trophy he got when he was 9 when they team voted him most improved player. The other participation trophies? Whatever. The second place medals from tournaments? Whatever. He also has a left taillight from a 2013 Mazda CX-9 on his shelf. He won a tournament and played great all weekend. After the final game, somebody busted our taillight for us. The one right next to the sticker with his name and number on it. We assumed it wasn't accidental and made it another trophy for the weekend. I'm 40 years old and received my share of unearned trophies in my day as well so let's not pretend this whole participation trophy thing is a new phenomenon.
  21. I've said to others that I felt that South Park was the All in the Family of our times. Certainly a different framework of show but they go after every controversial topic, no holds barred. Part of the probelm with doing a full re-boot of All in the Family would be finding an actor willing to be Carroll O'Connor. Those are HUGE shoes to fill. Sort of like there won't be a Mama's Family because nobody will want to try to one-up Carol Burnett.
  22. I don't think "liberals" fail to realize what you think they fail to realize. Quite honestly I think a show like that today would do fabulously. Maybe not on broadcast TV, but somewhere in the vast realm of entertainment broadcasting. Audiences would love to laugh at a character like that right now. Not with him because he is right, but AT him because he was so incredibly wrong and behind the times. Just like they did in the 1970's.
  23. Hogan's Heroes The Lawrence Welk Show The Captain and Tenille ?
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