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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. It's a common problem that I think there is a different thread for...
  2. That's a helluva tag line for a business card. Shawn Oakman Young. Acquitted.
  3. They forgot the flames...
  4. AAF is suspending operations and exactly 0 NFLPA members will lose jobs because of it.
  5. Exactly. There are a LOT of issues in play and I think the AAF was a little presumptuous regarding everyone else's buy in. Their goal was clearly to be first to market but getting into the market with an unsustainable business plan is a recipe for big losses and ultimate disaster. I think they talked themselves into this belief that the NFL and the players would hurriedly jump on board with some of the NFL name cache they threw around.
  6. What's the sound of one hand clapping? I heard his friends call him Gonorrhea
  7. Jesus Christ, did you even read the post I was responding to? The person I was responding to was speculating that Spain would prefer Buffalo because of his background. All I did was point out that his background doesn't necessarily have anything to do with where he wants to play now. ?
  8. I'm aware of who they are employees of but they have a collectively bargained labor agreement that, amongst other things, dictates working rules. Nothing in the current CBA provides for players to be loaned, by their club, to another league. I'm also aware the the AAF has it's own medical for it's own players. What about a player on loan who has an NFL contract? Does the player still have access to his NFL team's doctors in case of injury? Does that insurance carry over or do they then have AAF coverage and doctors? Are those things the same? if not, again, why would the NFLPA agree to this change to the CBA?
  9. They sure are, but that doesn't solve the AAF problem. They need the NFLPA to agree to allow NFL teams to loan players to the AAF so the AAF can reduce their overall wage bill. Basically, the AAF needs the NFL to subsidize its labor costs and the players need to agree to be used that way and they haven't done that and, honestly I can't blame them. What are the terms of the actual deal the AAF is proposing? Is it worth it financially for a fringe player to risk injury? Who is responsible for medical care the NFL team with resources or the broke AAF team? How about long term disability? Does time playing in the AAF as a loaned player count as service time toward earning an NFL pension? There are a lot of issues and these are only a handful.
  10. Not wanting their membership to be shipped off to expose themselves to increased risk of injury for minimal additional compensation? The union protecting the wages of the bottom fringes of their membership by preventing 2 way contracts like the NHL has and maintaining things like the practice squad? The AAF pays considerably less than the NFL does. How exactly does having young NFL players help the AAF? They pay everyone exactly the same. The only way it helps is if it's a loan situation where the NFL team send the player and foots most if not all of the bill so the AAF can reduce its wage bill. That actually reduces the number of football jobs available for everyone and, as I said increases the exposure of the most vulnerable members of the NFLPA. You are on a futures contract and your team tells you they want you to go to the AAF. The pay difference is very close to zero if not actually zero. What are you going to do? Say no? It isn't the NFLPA fault that the longterm AAF business model depended upon treating the bottom tier of players more like livestock than they already are. There is a reason these things are bargained. You want something, you give up something. The NFLPA could care less whether or not the AAF lives or dies, there is ZERO benefit to the NFLPA in helping them survive unless the AAF becomes a union shop.
  11. It's not about being comfortable necessarily. The Rams have a better football team than we do, they have a more heralded coach, and just because a guy is from the sticks, went to school in WVA and played in Nashville doesn't mean that the he wouldn't LIKE the opportunity to move to California if it presented itself. I'm from WNY, I've lived in Southeastern PA for 20+ years now and I'd move to Arizona tomorrow given the opportunity. I really like it there, particularly the Flagstaff area. There is no obvious connection that anyone could see looking at my bio but if I had professional opportunities in WNY or Flagstaff and I had to choose one, WNY would have to pay me SIGNIFICANTLY more money. These guys travel. He's been to a lot of the cities in the NFL and I'm sure he has preferences based on that at a minimum.
  12. William Andrews. Career was shortened by injury but he was a good football player.
  13. I'm willing to ask the price. Heck, I'm the guy who said you should take a QB in the 1st round every year until you find one because nothing else matters. You can't win without a QB, having 2 on affordable deals isn't the worst position to be in.
  14. Yes. He's stopping the puck...and everyone is happier! See?
  15. See, here's the thing. Stop the puck. It makes people happier.
  16. There is a difference between MAC good and Big 12/SEC good. UB had no interior game to speak of, were generally small, and extremely reliant on making shots from the outside. Texas Tech is one of the best defensive teams in the country. They shut lots of people down and if you are 1 dimensional it's easier. Recruiting to Alabama for basketball isn't easy. Lots of competition and they don't really have a strong tradition. Avery Johnson came from the NBA and couldn't get it done recruiting wise. He also doesn't have Bobby Hurley's name recognition when he's sitting in someone's living room. A rotating group of JUCO mercenaries isn't going to get it done in the SEC. You need your share of one and dones or you are toast. Welcome to the big leagues Nate. If you can't recruit from Day 1 you'll be back at a mid major in 3 years.
  17. If it was truly an equitable system all the players would now be able to leave on a free transfer without having to sit out but they cant. Fortunately for UB most of their players are JUCO transfers and only have 2 years of eligibility anyway.
  18. I think everything you just mentioned will be in the plan. The 190 has needed to be reworked in that area for awhile anyway in terms of ingress and egress and this is as good an excuse as any. The light rail will be extended to at least the building being the arena if not further. The Perry projects will be demolished to make way for something, etc. Etc.
  19. I'm sure that was just UB protecting themselves with a bigger buyout. Those extensions for college coaches mean nothing.
  20. They've been fine...after I've invested the 45 minutes waiting on hold.
  21. That's a special kind of insane. No thank you.
  22. He already defecates out of his mouth, I don't think it's as big a stretch as you think. Or this. NSFW https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3103/2747510493_08a2085a0b_z.jpg?zz=1
  23. Well, like I said if you've pumped all that money into a public facility you have more of a claim to it but it's still not great. It sort of depends how far you want to take it. If you have documentation of everything you've spent you can bring it to open session of a town board meeting and complain about it so it at least ends up on the record. What the other club is paying for the time is public record also. I dint think that will get you action by April 7th. In terms of the school there is usually an application process. I would start by calling the District office to find out what that is then make sure you have all your paperwork completely in order. Sometimes a building principal has the authority to approve stuff, sometimes it has to go through the superintendents office, sometimes school board. It all depends what procedure they established. I would expect them to charge something for the turf field and it probably depends what status your group has if or what you charge participants and how many of the participants are district residents. I'll see if I can track down the chart for our local District to give you an idea of what I mean but start at District Office, probably the Facilities Dept.
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