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That's No Moon

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Posts posted by That's No Moon

  1. I recall reading that it was setup just the opposite. The Chargers have dibs on joining the Rams in LA. If they decided against it, then the Raiders could look at LA. With Nevada committing money towards a Vegas stadium for the Raiders, they're likely going there as long as the NFL owners approve it. Latest I heard though is the casino owner (Sheldon?) involved is getting greedy and wants a casino attached to the stadium. I don't know if that'll fly with the owners.


    Glad we don't have to worry about this now.

    There are owners who own major stakes in Daily Fantasy Football gambling sites. You think they'll care about having a casino attached to the building? I'd be surprised if there weren't a sports book at the 50 yard line with all the owners getting a cut via revenue sharing.

    They started breaking ground on the new stadium in LA. The Chargers are as good as gone.


    I'm surprised more people aren't talking about the Raiders move to Vegas. The Raiders could very well make it to the super bowl and then the next day pack up and leave town!

    Al Davis' ghost would be chortling in hell if that happened.

  2. You guys do realize that Rex hasn't been "rolled" by the Patriots in over 5 years? Every game he's coached since he became HC with the Jets has been close. This is going to be a nail biter. That's why the spread is so low. If Rex knows anything it's how to beat Brady. His team just has to show up.

    They've been rolled by 3 division opponents THIS SEASON let alone the horrific performance Rex put in last year v. Brady at home. But hey, I'm sure that trip out to Seattle will go much better.

  3. Don't any of you get tired of eating your own words? Ever? When's the last time the Bills HAVEN'T let you down? Doesn't running your mouth like an idiot beforehand just make that worse?


    If you've been paying any attention at all for the last decade and a half your response to this weekend should be to keep your mouth shut and pray heavily.


    Wasn't that the marketing slogan for EJ's first season


    How did that turn out

    Most of this thread is a marketing slogan. If you don't think the Pats are going to come out to prove a point on Sunday after we shut them out at home vs. the JV I want some of the happy drugs you take. This is going to be a beatdown of epic proportions and they absolutely will run up the score until the final gun.


    When you have 16 games on Sunday, people can only watch 2-3 on Sunday at most. If you spread it out, you can get people to watch games during the week. They would do one each day of the week if they could get away with it.

    Except they aren't.



    This is how the networks (not the NFL) pay for the huge TV contracts that: A) bring us free football all season, B) cover the entire cost of roster salaries for every owner in the league. The networks make NFL football free for everyone--from fan to owner.


    None of this is new, or news. None of this explains the current drop-off in ratings. TD/commercial/PAT/commercial/kickoff/commercial has been the routine for years. The broadcast has to get 10 commercial breaks per half. That's the deal the networks paid for years ago.


    People are losing their minds over this, yet the don't understand that this is how it works and has been this way for years. The disdain for the NFL gets increasingly more misplaced and bizarre.

    They over-saturated the marketplace at the same time that they were messing with the essence of the core product with rule changes. People are bored with it.


    Another thought is that they alienated a big chunk of middle America when they left St. Louis for LA. If LA didn't net any NEW viewers and only cannibalized their existing audience while people who actually liked St. Louis turned off the game that would get you your sudden lost viewer base. I haven't seen anyone reporting what ratings are in St. Louis and LA are compared to previous years.

  7. Thursday ruined fantasy football for me. It made something that was fun and basically once a week way too much maintenance and work and not fun. That killed my interest in other teams.


    I'm tired of the team I want to root for sucking constantly and that is what killed the rest. Sunday afternoon is now naptime after I get home from the rink and before I go back to the rink with my kids.

  8. ...I mean seriously. A full strength Pats*** roster against our depleted WR corps, gimpy Shady, probably no AW?


    Good god -- I'm going to go out tailgating at 8:30 and get blitzed so I just won't care.

    My only questions are whether Brady will throw for 400 or 500 yards and whether the Pats will keep the margin under 50.

    I'm watching. To hell with the wuss talk. Hope the Bills kick the snot out of NE so we put this garbage talk to bed.

    Said I like 10 years ago. Brady's playing and the game matters? I learned my lesson.

  9. complete with the big play highlights...


    I can still see that game in my mind...Reed breaking away for a 72 yard TD, Metcalf going 90 yards for a big return TD right after we scored to take the lead...and of course Harmon dropping a perfectly thrown pas while he was wide open and the subsequent Clay Matthews INT to end it...


    what a great game...and I agree, it was one of the greatest games nobody ever talks about...







    It's fun to go back in these old games and count up how many penalties would be called today. Hint. It's tons. And the NFL wonders why ratings are down...

  10. Seems to have a much better pulse of the game and the team. Not needing to call a specific defense on 4th and 1 - reminding them to get the safety in. All good stuff.

    Letting go of that control of the defense may be the best thing that ever happened to him if he's able to focus in the big picture better than before. I'd assume he trusts his brother implicitly and if he's tasked Rob with working with Thurman to execute the gameplan on gameday that'd be a smart move. He can actually look at what the offense is doing and, as we saw in previous weeks, help out the offensive staff with adjusting to the opposing defense. That sort of insight can be invaluable and an underrated benefit of having an experienced coordinator as your head coach. Not only do they help the area of expertise but they can advise the other side of the ball as well. Hoody is a defensive coach but his offenses excel at breaking down your defense methodically and often with surgical precision. This ability has transcended multiple coordinators and I'm sure Hoody has a lot to do with it.

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