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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Right, but what if I only want the weekend in Mexico and the fruit basket comes up first. I can just run up the bid on the fruit basket, let you have it eventually, then take the weekend on Mexico without you in the running because you shot your wad on a fruit basket.
  2. No, it's one tweet combined with a player being dressed and held out of practice entirely with 0 explanation.
  3. I know you are kidding but McCoy and Edmunds for Keuchly and McCaffrey. Yes or no? I think the Panthers say no.
  4. OK. I believe you Chris. WHY WAS NSEKHE SITTING OUT?!?!?!?!?! Clowney isn't the only player in the league and if the question posed is only about Clowney it's super easy to truthfully say "Nope, we aren't trading for that guy."
  5. I agree with you. But it's more aggravating that none of the actual journalists have asked about Nsekhe's absence from practice today.
  6. You asked the wrong question, Tim.
  7. So long as those guys are asking questions, why don't they just go ahead and ask why Ty Nsekhe didn't get any reps today??? I mean, THAT is the thing that's driving this conversation right now is it not?
  8. What does Khalil Mack feel like? I'd guess firm...and bumpy...
  9. He's either held out of practice in full equipment because a trade is possible in the very near future or he was held out of practice for a disciplinary matter. Body language doesn't really tell you either way on that. Either way, Ty has to know why he was held out. Either he knows he effed up or the team had to give him at least a nugget that something was up even if they didn't give him all the details.
  10. I do now, but I didn't earlier. I blame Incarcerated Bob
  11. He's been reading our board... Hi Bob!
  12. OK, I'll play. Nseke and Lawson to Washington, Williams to Houston, Clowney to Buffalo
  13. I'm in a perpetual "show me" pattern with this team. Good teams with top 5 defenses don't get blown out as much as McDermott's teams have gotten blown out. I don't think anyone with an actual NFL quarterback is afraid of our defense at this point. The offense needs to prove quite a bit in pretty much every area. The new offensive line needs to show that it's better, not just different. The WRs need to prove they are better, not just different. Allen needs to show growth. TE is a huge question mark as always. Vegas has them improving by a game if you're an optimist and holding steady if you're a pessimist. Vegas tends to not be super wrong but I also doubt that there is big money coming in on Buffalo to move that line, they just aren't a popular team in the scope of things and nobody trusts them to do anything. There are smarter bets is my point. In terms of media types, they have a canned take that they throw out there. There are teams they pump up every year and teams they beat down every year. It has been a safe bet and easy click bait to beat down the Bills for 20 years. They will pump up the Jets because of Bell etc, they can pump the Dolphins because speaking well of Miami drives clicks in that front runner fan base, New England is the biggest chalk take of all time at this point and until someone takes them down they will be the choice. When a media person automatically starts the Bills with a least 4 losses (2 to NE and splits with Jets and Fish) it's pretty easy to come up with a 6-10 finish. All you have to do is project them to go 6-6 in the other games (a milquetoast take if I've ever seen one). Voila! 6-10. Nobody is going to project Buffalo to beat New England with Brady. That means, for a pundit, that Buffalo need to go 10-4 against everyone else to have a shot at the playoffs. Based on what you've seen from this team over the last 20 years what, other than hope and faith, do you have to go on to see the Bills going 10-4 against anyone?
  14. I like my D to have some D's on it though. O-line too.
  15. He IS dressed though. He's just getting reps. That, in theory, means he's healthy. Another option is he missed curfew last night or something low level stupid and this is his discipline.
  16. I think Carter puts that competition to bed this week so he can have a couple weeks working exclusively with Hauschka as holder.
  17. "If they'll drink this @$#! in Syracuse, they'll drink it anywhere..."
  18. There are certain ones I know for absolute certain. After I moved away from Buffalo I started going much less frequently and that's when it got harder to remember specifics. If there wasn't a specific event attached to the game (e.g Jim Kelly WoF day or Seattle home opener with my pregnant wife or my son's first Miami game or the super boring Cleveland game where I actually fell asleep) it's hard to recall it and as I'm typing I remember that I was at the Jeff Tuel game so add another loss to my tally. I might have forgotten one or two more but that's a pretty close figure. The ones when I had seasons tickets were easiest and you just go back through profootballreference and count. It helps my overall record that I had seasons from 1989-1994. And FTR I actually WAS one of the people at the Comeback Game, and NO I didn't leave. My Dad wanted to but I gave him crap as a teenager would. I remind him of the good turn I did for him to this day. He only left one game early and it was the Roland Hooks Hail Mary game. Had he left the Comeback Game also it might have killed him. ?
  19. 76 games - we are 55-21 in those games.
  20. Gruden clearly realized he didn't get much face time last week...
  21. I think I went to the second annual one of those...actually I lie...it was the Seattle game in 2001. Jim Kelly wall of fame day. Brought my girlfriend who is now my wife.
  22. That whole list and he forgot to tell her to put the lotion on the skin. Amateur.
  23. Rather than going 4-0 in the preseason I'd like win the first and second quarter of each game individually. The 2nd half be damned. With gameplans that are focused on player evaluation rather than defeating your opponent it really just comes down to talent and execution. If our 1st and 2nd teams can out execute other team's 1st and 2nd teams I'm happy.
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