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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Because people don't do what they are told.
  2. It's 97 in Philly today. Everything is fine. Play the game! I mean Florida is super cold this time of year also so when the snow melts there I'm sure it will tone down.
  3. You're right. It's just a made up thing. Nothing actually happens. It's all part of a world-wide conspiracy. I have nothing to be concerned about with schools reopening either. My asthmatic wife will be fine as well. As will by diabetic father and my mother who is coming off cancer treatment. My kids as well they will be fine. Kids don't sick except the ones that do. Everything will be great and this will disappear. Bunch of hullabaloo over nothing I tells ya.
  4. And how does that work in a high school? Also, it's not just teachers, we are going to blow through bus drivers like you wouldn't believe and there aren't enough of them to begin with
  5. Really? The medical community or the medical community that got told to rewrite all the guidelines a couple weeks ago or just the medical community on the channel you watch.
  6. And it often takes two weeks to show up so no I don't think it was from this weekend.
  7. Crazy. But it's like some person said, if we test less we will have fewer positives so maybe the solution here is just not to test players anymore so we have no more positive results and baseball can continue. That's how this works right?
  8. Maybe the Marlins won't have enough people to field a team and since there is no minor league baseball this year they can't call up 12 guys to fill the roster.
  9. And it's their fault that Florida has done whatever they feel like for months now? What a shock that the first team to blow up is from Florida. I'm amazed.
  10. Still took two of three from the Phillies....
  11. No, but if you have a public defender and 2 felony charges pending you'll get told to take a plea.
  12. Rick Vaughn comes to mind. Pre glasses.
  13. Turns out more than you'd think.
  14. Now ask yourself what would have happened if the person pulled over couldn't afford a decent lawyer.
  15. When a big part of your household income comes from an industry you tend to learn a lot about it and pay attention to things lots of people don't. Sugar Mama pays a lot of bills, hence I know a lot about groceries. ?
  16. It would except restaurants have been closed for awhile and I'm sure their cash flow sucks right now Yes, and all of that is tax deductible. A stadium naming deal is not.
  17. It's so much about this. Settlement doesn't come together the way he likes so he talks retirement to fire the shot that there isn't any more money coming.
  18. They really aren't. Produce is often a big differentiator, as are service deli, butcher and prepared food. Some stores have in house butchers, some don't, it makes a difference. Some have a service deli counter some are all prepacked, some have prepared food some don't some is good some is not. The center store is often similar but not the same as some stores have many fewer products and more own brands, some have 20 kinds of mustard (no joke). The meat stores get all comes from different suppliers and it can be very different quality. The produce comes from different places too and some stores are ok with having B produce on the shelf and some aren't. Some stores are really good at staffing the departments and rotating stock and keeping things fresh, some are not. They are the same in that they all sell food, yes that's true, but they all have their own differences. I like Wegmans and Harris Teeter generally. Publix and Kroger are a little hit or miss. I hate Food Lion. Acme, Giant and Shop Rite are most of what I have locally and they are pretty much a toss up though I prefer Acme's meats. The other thing WNY people need to realize is Wegmans outside of WNY are a little different than those in WNY. They are usually bigger and more of a destination type store than what you typically find in the WNY home market area and there are many fewer of them. I haven't been to every Wegmans in WNY but for the 3 or 4 I've been to often enough to make comment that is the case. Edit: yes I know Kroger owns Harris Teeter now.
  19. Southeast PA. Admittedly I'm not in Wegmans often but I feel like every time I'm there they are .69 I'm sort of trained to look whether I'm buying them or not and I'm usually taking pictures of some sort of produce when I'm in a store. Like I said though, if they are .49 it's because customers in the area are demanding that price point and the rest of the prices in produce are suffering for it. It doesn't cost less to get bananas in WNY than it does in the city where they unload a lot of them off the boats. In fact it probably costs significantly more when you factor transportation costs into the mix. You pay for those .49 bananas in every other item in the department.
  20. That's kinda the idea, but it helps drive incremental sales.
  21. It depends on the department. Center store name brand items? Yeah, margins are pretty small. Other places in the store, not so much. Margins on the things Wegmans is good at like prepared foods are pretty high. They also have a lot of own brand merch in the center store and fewer national brands by design. There is much higher margin on own brand stuff so if they carry fewer SKUs of national brands and more of own brand and have a decent quality own brand, they will make more money in the end. You wouldn't believe the sheer number of different products out there and some stores go crazy with the number of SKUs they have trying to carry all this different stuff. The ones that make money don't do that. They have the core national brands or regional brands that customers demand and a solid selection of own brand. My wife was category manager for the produce department and then the seafood department for a major grocery store chain so I assure you I've heard about this enough over the last 20 years and I've double checked more than one P&L sheet over the years. Margins on individual items may be small if they are on sale but as a department whole they really don't change. It depends on the store's business model of course, whether it's a "high/low" store that runs a lot of sales and such but then buffers that by having higher margins on other items or if it's an "everyday low price" store that runs less sales across the board. The margins in the stores are about the same but they get there in different ways. Smart stores will merchandise coordinating items near or with items that are on sale so people pick those up as well when they grab the smoking good deal. Of course the margin on the coordinating items is usually pretty high so the store makes up the dollars they are losing by putting the other thing on sale. One thing my wife would do a lot when she was in that role was "meal solutions" she'd have something like broccoli crowns or halibut (not exciting) that she'd merchandise together with other things so that a customer could walk into a store, see this group of things right next to each other that could easily be built into a meal with a recipe card or something and people would pick up all of the items all the time. Sure one of the them would be on sale, the other stuff wouldn't be, it would be stuff she got a good cost of goods on so she was able to have a massive margin on those things and she would crush sales on those things for the week. The next week it would be something different built around what she could get a good cost of goods on, wash/rinse/repeat but to the customer it looks like something new and fresh every week. One thing that used to make her crazy was that consumers tend to judge the overall prices of a store based on the price of bananas. Hence, there is strong incentive to keep bananas cheap which then, in turn, forces the rest of the prices in the produce department to be higher to support the low banana price. Whereas if you charged a dime more for bananas everything else could be cheaper. Customers don't generally see it that way so if you go to a store because they have 49 cent bananas rest assured the other stuff in produce is more expensive. Wegmans bananas are usually 69 cents and basically never go on sale. Take from that what you will. Also, there is ZERO ROI in a stadium naming deal. None. It's setting money on fire so the honchos at the company can get their butts kissed by the team and get things like VIP access to stuff and a fancy lux box or two. That's all it is. Given the restrictions that will be in place this year that will limit all of that corporate ball washing I'd expect the stadium to go unnamed at least for this year.
  22. He's the 25th highest paid RB in the league by AAV (2.9M AAV with 2.4M guaranteed at signing) That said he's 28 and the clock is ticking for him to be able to make money. He won't be a FA again until he's 30 and by then it's too late. I get it from his point of view. It doesn't mean that anybody will acquire him to give him more money and I certainly don't know what his expectations are but when Duke Johnson is making 5.2M a year AAV and got almost 6M guaranteed. and Mike Davis is making 3M with 3M guaranteed there is probably someone willing to pay him something in between those two contracts without thinking about it too hard.
  23. Also a Canisius grad. More years ago than I'd like to admit.
  24. Good thing they don't have earthquakes there which would make the thing sway unnaturally and shift loads around all over the place. If I'm going to watch the game on TV I'm going to do it at home and save a bunch of time and money.
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