You're aware there are people who want to cut Bass today because he missed two kicks (possibly one) out of seven in a game we won.
I'm not one of those people, but they are out there. Heard an Eagles fan call to bench Wentz for Jalen Hurts today.
First game, came out of a break wide open, didn't get the ball gave a wtf gesture in the middle of the play.
I'm gonna see how this one plays out. Especially after a loss.
And if you look at the pounding Newton has taken over his career you understand why people are worried. Also, how many fumbles did Cam have? He has 55 in 125 games. Josh has 24 in 29 games. That's alarming frequency.
You think that's rough,try listening to Eagles radio. I tune in after losses out of morbid curiosity. I'm never disappointed.
Today one of the topics was how Jason Peters held the team hostage for more money then came out and stunk up the joint. I smiled.
I don't think Belichick made that popular per se. That's been a college football strategy for years. They changed the rules in the NFL to allow you to defer the choice to the 2nd half. It didn't used to be that way.
It's funny how people want law and order except when it applies to themselves. Law and order by definition means doing what the government says to do. Not the government you like or agree with.
Then shut up and do what you need to do to pay for it. When the contract comes up for bid again you'll get it the way you want it because Att is moving away fr the sat based model anyway. Until then stop kvetching.