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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Because you need different solutions for different places. Bermuda grass grows really well in Florida. It doesn't grow well in the north and it goes dormant at the first bit of cold weather. Several teams have domes. You can't roll a grass field outside in Minnesota or Detroit after October. Growing grass fully inside hasn't gone well in several times it has been tried.
  2. Green bay doesn't have grass in the winter. They have green painted dirt. The warming system doesn't make the grass grow it just keeps the ground from freezing rock hard. Pittsburgh has grass, it's terrible after October and it just gets worse because the turf doesn't grow to self heal and you can't re-sod because the roots won't grow so it won't anchor. Also the reality of orchard park is that field needs to be plowed routinely. Run that equipment over grass in November/December and see if you can play on it. Pittsburgh gets 40 inches a year. Green Bay gets 48. Cleveland gets 54. Orchard Park gets 114 inches. The stadium is also below grade and the whole stadium is built to drain into the bowl of the field so drainage for a natural turf field will be interesting. Especially on the sidelines. It's not as easy as just saying I want grass. Hey, I'm just explaining why it could be necessary. I'm not talking about who decides when it's necessary or who pays the bills when it's needed.
  3. What do we need to do to have him leave the country and take his catalog of schlock with him?
  4. It makes sense, every time they have to plow the field they lose some fill as it mixes in with the snow and the fill goes out with the snow in the dump truck. If it's not regularly refreshed it will get low.
  5. Well one is $8 and the other will be $25 before tax so it's more like 3 juices.
  6. Good way to kill off that brand. Make it corporate and uncool. Chet and Muffy in the Bills Mafia club level. I can see it now.
  7. How many of the pass rushers are out because it seems like all of them.
  8. That and their kicker actively boned them when the game was close which then caused them not to kick any more FGs all day.
  9. If they cut him in 2021 he creates 49.9M of dead cap space. In 2022 it's still 26.5M. 2023 is the easiest out at 8.6M. None of that says they can't or won't draft a QB but it does suggest that Ryan will be a Falcon until at least 2022.
  10. Hauschka is 0-2 today for the Jags. Missed from 24 wide and 49 short, in a dome. Anybody still want to argue that he should have been kept?
  11. Alabama ole Miss yesterday was ridiculous too. 63-48? The second best team in the country, from the SEC, allowed 48 points to an unranked opponent. There was no defense in the second half of that game at all and it ended up with a college basketball score. I feel like every game I looked at yesterday had at least 60 points scored. Acc, sec, big 12, didn't matter. It was just garbage defense all over the place, people running wide open, horrendous tackling, etc. I wonder if this is the product of the NFL becoming more offense focused over the last 10 years. How many more talented kids are gravitating towards playing offense in pee wee and high school and then colleges are taking kids who could play one side or the other and putting them on offense rather than defense? We talk about the ridiculous athletes, I didn't see a lot of ridiculous athletes playing defense anywhere in the country yesterday. The ridiculous athletes all had the ball in their hands.
  12. Crucifixion is strongly motivating.
  13. My guess is it's a shower with umbrellas and lollipops passed out to everyone
  14. How is it fair to the Bills to have them have to change their schedule to accommodate a team that didn't follow clearly established rules and protocols? The Pats just had to play the Chiefs without their QB. It mattered. I'm sure they don't consider it "fair"
  15. Ahhh. So then there is complicity with the private school too because those facilities also have locks and they don't just let people walks in off the street to play football. This should be fun.
  16. The facility was supposed to be closed. The doors have locks. He players were let in. The facility was clearly not closed. It's pretty simple.
  17. So caserio and mcdaniels will have to decide whether they want to wait out Belichick and take over the Pats or jump to Houston with no draft picks for the next couple years.
  18. Idiot owner finally woke up. He let BOB burn the house down around himself
  19. He's not good. He's barely adequate, and those two punts into the EZ yesterday were just awful.
  20. I think they were asking him to hang it high and allow them to return the ball rather than knock it out of the EZ. It worked earlier in the game too.
  21. 4 million in dead cap next year if we cut him. 400k in 2020. He might stick around next year, particularly if the cap is flat.
  22. Bojorquez didn't rotate the ball on the PAT miss and his punting was terrible today.
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