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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. You sort of have to don't you? Just to see what you have?
  2. He's not wrong. It's not smart business to give RBs big second contracts. Just look at his brother for an example why not. 4 years of heavy use, 1 superlative year in there, then he fell off a cliff and was done at age 28. Do we expect James' physiology to be vastly different than his brother's? This is a very tricky contract for the Bills to navigate. Certainly you want to keep him, but the reality of running backs is what it is. If you're spending money at RB you're not spending it somewhere else. For it to make sense at that position it needs to be a shorter term deal which then basically forces the actual dollars to be higher because SOMEONE will make him a ridiculous offer. Do you tag him and deal with the animosity that comes with that? Saquon's current deal is actually relatively affordable and it's structed in a very team friendly way with and out AND voidable years at the end along with manageable cap hits. If James is up for something like that (3 yrs/37M/26M guaranteed) it might be doable. He's the most consistently explosive back we've had in a long time. Maybe Shady for a little while? Then I'm not sure who it would be before that. We've always had pretty good RBs, they're just usually a bit different style, more power, fewer long plays.
  3. Nah, they do that sometimes. The wildcat snap to Cook(?) with handoff option to Josh has a little play tree that goes with it too I'm sure. They showed that just enough to make people worry about it
  4. Exactly. If KC and Houston both win Wednesday health has to become the priority. Everybody wants the 1 seed to get the bye, well if they get the 2 seed and can give themselves 2 weeks off I don't see the issue. Two weeks of 17 not getting hit or having to jump over or run through anyone is huge. Only new thing I saw today was Anderson coming in motion before kicking out the DE. They did it a couple times and I'm guessing they showed that because they have something else they want to run off of it. If I had to guess it would be a PA pass to Anderson, after showing that motion, inside the 5 yard line for a cheap TD.
  5. I'm referring to basically every play where he is pulling and tugging on the receiver. It happens very very frequently, usually when the receiver is coming out of their break or when the ball is coming, and if he could stop doing that it would be preferred.
  6. Is it legal to play in oven mitts? If so he might have to.
  7. Anthony Lynn Dickey Len Dawson Knox
  8. It's easier if you are allowed to mix positions. Trevor Lawrence McCutcheon
  9. Matt Ryan Mallett Pat Ryan Fitzpatrick
  10. I said the same thing to my wife at halftime "watch, they'll mess it up. I've seen this game from the other perspective like 10 times. They're going to let us score after halftime, then turn the ball over. Then it will spiral and be over."
  11. And yet they played Spector ahead of him by choice.
  12. Am I allowed to be concerned about the defense now? Jaysus Christ.
  13. "Really good" WRs aren't on 4 teams in a 12 month span. Not being a jackass is a skill set. It's also one that you and he both lack so it doesn't shock me that you wouldn't recognize it's importance.
  14. Alabama didn't deserve to be in either. Today didn't show that Alabama should have been in, it showed that 12 teams is too many. 8 was sufficient.
  15. There was always an argument that Tennessee didn't belong. Their best win was against a fraudulent Alabama.
  16. Yup. And if they don't it tells you a LOT about how the league feels about the guy.
  17. I remember when Jerry Butler did that. A very long time ago.
  18. They might do exactly what Atlanta just did.
  19. I don't think the Bills situation ever got bad with players and agents in the way that it has with the Sabres.
  20. He's quick, not fast. Different things. And the lack of hands are a legitimate problem.
  21. He drops footballs, isn't terribly fast, and yes is a head case. He is not a "really good WR".
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