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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. They aren't magic, it's there to brace for instability. If he has a history of elbow dislocation the brace can help, but it's not going to fix the underlying instability.
  2. It looked like he moved the elbow so it may have popped out and back in again
  3. Likely, and he's been very directional as well.
  4. I wanna see Lenoir get a chance to return
  5. Is the embarrassing thing making a bet on a preseason game?
  6. they put an aircast on him which is a little unusual for just an ACL, there must've been a lot of instability so it might be worse than just the ACL.
  7. Eagles down to 4 TEs now. Bottom two guys are gonna get a LOT of snaps today and next week.
  8. Bills had a call like that go against them last week. They don't want rushing defensive players to use the crown of their helmet as a weapon in the pass rush.
  9. There's still something wrong but he looks like he's coping with it better.
  10. If it was a complete rupture then that's what happened.
  11. Because when you tear an achilles your calf muscle rolls up like a window shade and it looks pretty nasty.
  12. 344 miles. 6 - 6.5 hours depending on traffic.
  13. T Andre Dillard could be available from the Eagles. He's been disappointing for them but he's a heckuva lot better than Bobby Hart. I'd be curious about the cost because it can't be very high.
  14. IMO, unless you see Lenoir running back kicks he's on the outside looking in.
  15. It's Amazon humid down here today. We got about four inches of rain last night too. So the word of the day is moist.
  16. Couple things. First, that was in 1982, before Kelly. Next, I'm pretty sure player preparation has changed significantly in the last 39 years. Finally, there was no preseason last year and it seemed fine.
  17. Isn't that the game where they were popping road flares in the upper deck?
  18. No and it's as much due to the giant void where her soul should be but she sold it to become a social media influencer. The parasite's parasite.
  19. I would pay cash money to watch a fight among the Chet and Muffy crowd at a Super Bowl
  20. <Trent Edwards has entered the chat>
  21. It didn't occur to me that those were Rams fans fighting Chargers fans but that's what it was. The security response was....lacking.
  22. They probably will, but that doesn't really stop you from getting into the stadium. It just means you'll get charged with trespassing if they have to have security involved with you again.
  23. I hear what he's saying though. You're there to enjoy the game and people really can spoil it for you. At some point, if you have enough bad experiences it stops being worth it for the entertainment. Bills games I will still do, but I will never go to a festival seating show again. As much of amateur hour a Bills game is, festival shows are 10x worse and after getting peed on and having someone try to drunkenly fight me for walking between his blankets in consecutive shows I decided I had enough. If people were over the top obnoxious in my immediate area a couple times I might think about avoiding the stadium and watching on TV. Such as it is the jackassery has been at a distance that I can observe and not be stuck in the middle of for the most part so it hasn't been too bad. I've brought my kids to games when they were young and didn't really think twice about it. I don't get the people commenting that they've never seen it or rarely see it though. A quick tour of the internet shows you how frequent it is, or at least was. According to the team they'd average 30 arrests and 140 ejections a game, the last season with fans in the stands it was down to 2 arrests and 42 ejections a game. Of course, last season the first game with fans in the stands was the Indianapolis game and there was a fight at that, even with the few number of people in the building. People seem to have lost some common sense over the last year or so so I will be very interested to see if the major unruly behavior ticks back up this year or if the team will be good enough that people won't want to get ejected badly enough that they will behave. Week 1 is a good test. It will be good weather so tailgating will be in full swing and there will be plenty of opposing fans with big mouths in the stands. Get through that with only 2 arrests and I might believe that the tide has turned. https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/arrests-and-ejections-hit-all-time-low-at-buffalo-bills-games
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