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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. They kept their discipline for the most part and kept him hemmed in more often than not.
  2. Collinsworth and Mowins in the same booth summons Gozer the Gozarian.
  3. I don't care, his hatred is my manna. To be fair, the refs have good weeks sometimes, Collinsworth sucks every week
  4. Edmunds, Rousseau, all of the DBs. Manny Sands, Knox, Spencer Brown.
  5. Fun fact, his first game was Bills v. Colts in 1990. He slobbered all over Jeff George that day even though we pounded the Colts
  6. Anybody remember the bird lady from Kids in the Hall? Cris Collinsworth.
  7. I don't think many people expected to see an 18 point spread in the early 3rd.
  8. Slow down. The Chargers are still a thing.
  9. It would have been 1st and 14
  10. Points. They need points. 1 play, 10 plays. Points.
  11. For as prepared as McDermott likes to talk about being I would be surprised if this was not discussed as a possibility during the week and it's not like we don't go to Miami every year. You would be remise if you didn't have a plan on how to handle something like this. The forecast has been crap for days.
  12. It. Isn't. Because. Of. The. Rain.
  13. That's usually the standard. 30 minutes since the last strike within the defined radius. I've seen different radii. 10 miles is the smartest one, but people push it.
  14. They said 11pm at the earliest. That's 10 minutes from now. Unless the teams are already on the field warming back up that's not a realistic timeline. They are going to keep bumping this in small increments. If they come out and tell America it won't restart until midnight Eastern, if it restarts at all, a while bunch of TVs will click off.
  15. No way that happens. None.
  16. They didn't stop because of rain, so that's irrelevant.
  17. Because they know they have an hour to kill at least.
  18. It's an 11 point game. They absolutely do not need to throw every down. In fact, if they want us to change our defense one way to do that is run effectively so we need to bring the safeties up.
  19. Crosby seems to have one game like that every year. He won't miss another one for months.
  20. Exactly. You want to know why Beasley's targets are down? His name is Emmanuel Sanders.
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