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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Defensive Backs coach.
  2. I don't trust them at all. Not at all.
  3. The righteous indignation is a big turnoff. The teachers in the building you volunteer in can't have an Only Fans as a side hustle (along with a host of other things for that matter) because of moral turpitude language in their contracts, why should you? Because you are free? Piss off.
  4. So, is this how they are fitting him under the cap? I didnt know salary retention was a thing in the NFL.
  5. This place is embarrassing sometimes.
  6. Penn State might be the most overrated team in history this year.
  7. That's a dangerous game to play because if there are things in there which could be evidence in a lawsuit they'd have to give them up in discovery. That people even know they exist at this point makes it likely someone will try to find a way to sue to see them, or at least portions of them. They'd be wise to destroy every single one now that they are done with them and before anything comes down the path that would prevent them from destroying them later on.
  8. Put it this way, if the STL thing ends up working out for STL because the NFL can be shown to have acted in bad faith you can bet there will at least be a court case following any future relocation. Whether or not league people can be smart enough to say things over the phone where they disappear into the ephemera rather than document them over email for future discovery remains to be seen. <Glances at the 650,000 emails the league doesn't want to release about WFT>
  9. Heard yesterday that Watson had only waived his NTC for Miami which I found curious given that he went to Clemson just down the road from Charlotte. Given his current legal situation it makes me wonder if there are some things in Charlotte he'd rather not get that close to. Also, Charlotte tends to be a bit more religious than most places and I don't think his current situation would sit well with a number of people there.
  10. I think what he's saying is that this case has some specific circumstances that won't apply to all future cases of relocation. If a future lease were expired or it could be proven that the league negotiated in good faith that would establish a different situation from what happened in STL thus the outcome would likely be different in that instance. If I read that incorrectly feel free to correct me.
  11. You mean the stadium the Rams left because St. Louis wouldn't build them a new one? So they're going to get an expansion team, fine. How long before the stadium shakedown starts again? In settling for an expansion franchise in lieu of payment they'd be accepting that they then need to spend a billion dollars on a stadium almost immediately for someone else to profit while the NFL itself who is offering the settlement pays nothing and actually profits from the expansion fee they will charge to the new owner. The Texans owner paid 700 million dollars almost 20 years ago. I think it's fair to say a new STL team would be valued at at least 1.3-1.5 billion. Rather than the current owners paying over a billion, they'd stand to make over a billion, while STL would be back on the hook to pay for future NFL whims. Again, if I'm STL I say F that. Pay me. The only scenario under which I agree to accepting a franchise in lieu of money is if the league agrees to community ownership of the new team so it can never be yoinked away again. I doubt they will do that so f you NFL, pay me.
  12. How does awarding a franchise, that they sell mind you, to a 3rd party make the city of St. Louis whole? Unless they are going to award the team to the actual city, for free, I'd tell them to pound sand. I'd rather have billions of dollars if I were the city of St. Louis rather than a ticket back into the circus that screwed you twice already.
  13. It's the only logo in sports with observable genitalia.
  14. The city, that really needs the money any way they can get it and yes, it moves some money from the suburbs back into the city.
  15. I don't even care about what the neighborhood is like, the bigger issue is that it's an island away from everything and it was built that way on purpose. It's really hard to undo that
  16. Teams devalue guards in the drafting process and take tackles thinking they can make them into guards if necessary which is not always the case. Then they almost always prioritize position flexibility in that position as well. Guards need to be able to play both sides, center, and a tackle position if possible. Oh and they also need to be dirt cheap, cuz we'll they ain't tackles are they. This leads to what the league has in abundance. Guards who are mediocre at many things and not really good at any.
  17. That building was built in the wrong location in the first place. I get that it's a pretty building and people like train stations but it was an albatross when it was new and it's not any less of one now. The train station the city needed to keep was the one that was actually downtown, across from where the Aud was. That ship sailed a loooong time ago.
  18. I had ka-zar-chick. Well done sir
  19. The problem for Sabres games is where the arena is located downtown, not that it's downtown. It's in a place where two of the directions to get out are blocked by geography and one of the big roads that should be available is closed because of the train. The place they are discussing for a football stadium does not have that issue to nearly the same degree. They would need to rework some of the 190 access and, if they are smart, make Elm and Oak cross the 190 instead of stopping at it. That will help Sabres and Bills traffic both. You could use the 190 in either direction, Ohio St. To go south, south park Ave to go southeast. If they connect oak and elm as I suggested you could take Elm to the Kensington, you could take Hamburg to Jefferson also to the Kensington or Broadway, or Sycamore, or William St. There is plenty of road infrastructure available to absorb that traffic and yeah, you might drive through the East Side for a minute and see some things you don't want to see, you'll be fine. IMO traffic flow at events and stadiums is rarely about the roads and more about the number of police at the event to direct traffic. The more cops directing traffic and controlling lights the better everything works. Unsurprisingly this is also the area where teams try to cheap out and get the minimum.
  20. The stadium was already in that location, they just shifted parking lots. Since the stadium had already been in that location for more than 30 years I'm not sure what new development you are looking for. The place where Three Rivers was now has an office building with two corporate headquarters and the local cable sports network in it though. In terms of doing "nothing" the downtown hotels I'm sure appreciate the minimum 8 weekends of bookings. The parking revenue is taxed, the hotels are taxed, the people who come into the city for the weekend spend money. Is it some sort of magic bullet of development? No. But it's not nothing. The baseball stadium is the same way and it's unfortunate that the team is so bad because that drives people downtown a lot as well when they are good. Heinz Field also wasn't very expensive when it was built either. It cost an inflation adjusted 450 million dollars. It is essentially what lots of people here say they want. A basic place to go watch football with good sightlines and not tons of fluff. It preserves tailgating and the traditions the Steelers fans have and generally people are happy with it. Lincoln Financial in Philly is very similar and cost a very similar amount and is a fine place to watch a game without being JerruhWorld. Because Bills fans also want tickets to be the cheapest in the league, pay a minimal amount for a PSL and preferably none at all, and drink all their alcohol in the parking lot. I'll be amazed if there isn't someone at the public hearing that demands the stadium accept green stamps.
  21. They really dont. They look substantially different from regular rounds. They also generally use guns that can't accept regular rounds. Stuff does still come out the end when it's fired though and if something is lodged in the barrel is can be discharged when the blank is fired. That's what happened to Brandon Lee. The investigation into this will be interesting to see what actually happened. Who was in charge of the weapons on set, which protocol wasn't properly followed, etc. Minimally there isn't supposed to be anyone in front of the firearm when it's discharged, even with blanks.
  22. #FreeMilesSanders
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