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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. They lost a lot in those helmets too so I agree.
  2. I'm sure he just started now and was totally clean for the Super Bowl, etc.
  3. I prefer the Cantor call on that.
  4. I don't care how much bigger he is. Someone like Steve Atwater who gave 0 craps would have ripped his head off. I've gone back and watched several games and it's absolutely amazing how many plays would have been refereed completely differently today.
  5. Let's see Allen live in a league where you could still hit the QB the way Jim got hit. He wouldn't be running nearly as much I promise you that.
  6. Yeah, he needs to be lights out because I dislike him already after these interviews. If he comes out with a four sack season after saying he didn't want to be here and came because of the money, and then repeating it several times, it's not going to go well.
  7. Agreed but sometimes ppl have to live together for awhile because of circumstances.
  8. That would be bold given that we don't know what will happen with the Watson situation
  9. Wilson had threatened to leave in the early 80's
  10. The Milky Way Galaxy alone is over 100,000 light years wide. We've been sending signals into space since roughly 1936 and able to send people to the front porch of our own planet for about 55 years and I think it's fair to assume that we are the most advanced species in this particular backwater of a solar system. All of recorded human history will have come and gone 20 times by the time the light from the most distant stars in this galaxy reaches Earth. But yes, because we haven't been visited yet, or at least visited in a manner that anyone was able to comprehend, survive, and record, means that there's clearly nothing else out there. There are 4.5 billion years of Earth history. Who's to say someone didn't cruise past here a billion years ago, see essentially nothing, and keep going? We aren't in an area of our own galaxy where I would expect to see a high level of activity just based upon the dispersion of material. Closer to the center there is a greater concentration and thus a greater likelihood of interstellar beings interacting with one another based on relative proximity compared to where we are. Human beings seem to have a need for humans and Earth to be the zenith of the universe when it's far more likely that we aren't. FWIW, if you were a species capable of coming this far to land on Earth and communicate with us, you'd be able to monitor us from a good distance away undetected. Based on what we pump out into the universe, how we treat each other, and how we treat our own planet, why would they stop here? Because we are an "intelligent species" I see plenty of evidence every day that we are willfully stupid and if an alien spaceship showed up tomorrow IMO it's a better than 50/50 chance that one of our moronic tribes will shoot at it.
  11. Whatever. I watched that game with a mouth full of stitches and a brain full of oxycodone (I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled the day before) so any memories I have of it should be taken with large grains of salt.
  12. It was in response to the comment that his switch was always in the OFF position. It wasn't. He wasn't good, but it's fair to wonder if he'd be thought of at all differently if they'd covered that kickoff and made it to the Super Bowl that year.
  13. 4 x 12M 30M guaranteed somewhere other than Buffalo.
  14. And yet, he completed a pass on the run without a shoe on to put the team in FG position that should have won the game, on the road, against a really good Titans team.
  15. The way the baseball throwing motion is, every single throw stresses the UCL to the breaking point. Warmup pitches, throws to first base, etc. If a pitcher throws 100 pitches in the game they probably throw the ball over 130 times. This is why you see UCL injuries to catchers. They don't throw all out every throw but they get the wear and tear of throw after throw and they don't get relievers. The motion of throwing a football is a fundamentally different motion which stresses different areas. Without getting overly technical, from what I know about baseball throwing motions, there are pitchers who are more at risk than others because of the way they throw. If you look like an M in your delivery it's bad and those guys have more problems because of the way they torque their arms out of that position to throw home. Stephen Strasbourg is an M guy. I've also seen it called inverted W which is silly because...that's an M. Football throwing doesn't put you into that position. You really can't throw a football that way effectively so most people dont. You usually throw footballs up to some degree, baseballs you are throwing down so you can get away with some different things, plus the ball is smaller and lighter. An earlier poster postulated about the grip and it's kind of that but it's more about hand down versus hand up during the wind up. It's hard to explain without a visual. Try it. Stand with your arms like an M and then throw a baseball. You pull the ball up and then around your body, which if you do it fast, and a lot, is very stressful. If you keep your hand up or "fangs out" on the ball you will more naturally rotate your body to throw the ball and use the little muscles in your arm less and put less stress on the elbow. Again, hard to explain, easier to show. https://youtu.be/MDzvD-3neaU This is an example of bad. https://youtu.be/T_l-bMP2c4c
  16. During 1 on 1 pass rush drills the defense has to grab one of his beach chairs.
  17. Until he was prancing like a gazelle whilst nude in the median of the 219.
  18. With what the price of natural gas is doing these days I think ol' Terry is doing just fine. Maybe not Wal-Mart money fine, but just fine.
  19. Cloverbank CC. Wanakah would probably have people keel over dead if there was shouting and air horns.
  20. Revenues must be up at Flying J. Wonder how they are stealing from truckers this time.
  21. I like the house a lot, not a huge fan of the property.
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