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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Faking a fair catch is a penalty. Pretending you aren't going to catch the ball isn't, but it remains risky. The primary value of special teams is on punts and punt coverage, Nyhiem Hines amazing day not withstanding You can fair catch kickoffs already, that's not new. Teams do it on mortar kicks frequently.
  2. Unless it hits the ground first, that negates a fair catch. So if you kick it rolling along the ground or immediately bouncing, no. It applies to kickoffs, if you kickoff out of bounds it goes to the 40. It doesn't say anything about fair caught punts going to the 25.
  3. With two teenage boys that play sports? Almost every day.
  4. If they watch the Bills offense on Sundays that should seem normal.
  5. Scenes like this are what give me pause about declaring the Iine fixed. It's not like they inherited Saffold. They went out and signed him intentionally. Line has been a serious blind spot for this front office in general. They have a ton to prove.
  6. Just in time for Comcast to eliminate free Peacock for subscribers. They can kiss both cheeks of my ass.
  7. I drove across 3/4 of Utah and once I left Salt Lake City proper I saw about 15 people and some goats for a couple hours. Then I got to a town with about 10k people, turned left, and then didn't see a soul for a couple more hours until I got to a "big" town in Wyoming with about 24k people. Keep in mind this is using some pretty main roads. US-40, US 191. Not like a dirt road through the wilderness. Point being, you could have gotten WAY further out into the boonies than I actually went. There is a whole bunch of Colorado that has basically no people. Figure, most of Colorado in varying degrees except for the strip on I-25 from roughly Colorado Springs to Ft. Collins. Get to the Eastern edge of Denver, out by the airport, and look east. That's an awful lot of dead flat, empty Colorado just laying in front of you all the way to Nebraska. That was one of the things that struck me about Denver actually. The city doesn't gradually fade into rural area like lots of places do, it just stops. City, busy suburb, nothing. I also drove from Mt. Rushmore to Cheyenne on that trip. If you've never actually been there it's difficult to explain the utter lack of anything that's there. The drive was about 250 miles, most of it was not on the Interstate, and there were EXTREMELY long periods of time where there was nothing but grassland. The roads were all 2 lanes with speed limits of 70mph and very few cars. We drove through a town, hand to God, population 6. There were two houses and a bar. That was it. It made the drive from Yellowstone to Mt. Rushmore seem busy by comparison because at least that route had a couple decent sized towns along the way (Cody, Buffalo, WY, etc.) Cutting across, away from the Interstate, and away from the tourist path gave an amazing perspective. Then we took a tour of a decommissioned Minuteman Alert Station which was just cool AF and is highly recommended if you happen to be near Cheyenne. Right off I-25, hidden in plain sight behind a chain link fence and under a very non-descript yellow building. Overall point. Lots of land, lots of grassland or scrub desert and not very many people or even buildings. You can be anywhere on the East coast and never be really that far away from some sort of town. It's might be small and it might be 10-15 miles away, but it's nothing like out there where it's a legitimate hour between tiny towns with nothing but ranches or open grassland in between.
  8. People buy paraphernalia associated with people way worse than that and pay way more for it. Some of them wear in in public too.
  9. One of the best things the DC team did was play in the soccer stadium rather than FedEx field. They could fill it up and give it some actual atmosphere. It's horrible atmosphere, plus you have to endure Jaq Collinsworth. The level of play overall was better in the XFL IMO
  10. All of those things look at the positive outcome. There's nothing saying Brown will be better than he has been or even be healthier than he has been. The rookie is a rookie and is unproven and McGovern is a mid level FA. Is he better than Saffold? Maybe. There are a TON of maybes which is what makes the line a question.
  11. With what money??
  12. I'm not pinning anything on a rookie TE when they don't throw to the one they have. Having a player is one thing. Having that player on the field is two and having the QB actually throw that player the ball rather than run or force it elsewhere is a third. I'm really curious, listening to Beane talk about Kincaid as a flex TE, what's the actual difference between a flex TE and a slow slot WR? If he's not going to block you don't have to treat him like a TE. He's also 6'3, not 6'6 like Gronkowski was so there are a lot more DBs that can handle him.
  13. They outscored the Jets by 5 last year. Do I think they've made up 5? Or an average of 2.5 better per game? Has Rodgers netted them a FG a game more by himself? Forgetting everything else I think at least that is likely.
  14. Should they? Which position groups on the Bills are better than the Jets?
  15. They are soft until proven otherwise. This is a good opportunity to start to show that there has been a change. Handle the Jets d line better than they have been able to, run the ball against a physical defense, stop the run against an offense that wants to run it on you, get pressure on Rogers. All things they've struggled with. Color me skeptical of the new line and very skeptical of the defense up the middle.
  16. Because they are going to want to come out flying and we are the top dog in the division. It's also a defense we already struggle with, tbh Rodgers isn't that much of my concern.
  17. I agree with you. This feels like one of those times we had to go to Arrowhead or Three Rivers at night in the 90s. ROFL stomp is definitely possible.
  18. No idea what the spread is or will even be but I'm taking the Jets with whatever number there is. They are a horrible matchup for us in almost every way and it's going to be their Super Bowl.
  19. I didn't say enjoyable. I just said normal.
  20. I agree, I'd like to have a normal meal with my family this year.
  21. Count me in the ten percent that never uses cash for anything so I never have change. I used to shop at a store that had the quarter thing, I forget which one. Maybe a Giant Eagle back in the day. I hated it then and I won't do it now. I'll shop somewhere else.
  22. Because it's a pain in the ass if you don't carry change around. They are buggies in Pittsburgh
  23. The Eagles one is great. So is Billy Buffalo 2. It's funny how good some of them are and how just oddly crap other are. The NBA ones too. I like the Suns one the Bucks came out well too. It seemed that the more odd your team name was the more the AI struggled with a concept. See also the Browns and the 49ers. The eyes on all of then seem to have quite a lot of Gritty influence
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