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Everything posted by fisheralum

  1. My dad's sister once dated Don Shula, before he was famous. That's what I heard anyway.
  2. It takes one to know one. Don't worry. I'm not running for anything. It's hard enough to just keep my employees happy.
  3. It took me six years, at MCC, Geneseo, and St. John Fisher. I switched majors several times. To help pay my way, I often had to work 20-30 hours a week, at various jobs. I always seemed to end up back in the Deli at Star Market. In two of those years I played sports, which was time consuming and physically very demanding. It wasn't easy for me. But I was determined.
  4. Darwin awards candidate, me thinks.
  5. Some were his wife's investment properties. What an irrelevent question to play gotcha with?
  6. Another sign of the end of the world.
  7. Because it would legitimize them.
  8. A little slow on the uptake. But I get it.
  9. Discussing this with you seems to be a waste of time and bandwidth. Though, and I repeat, even though this story is not about me, I do have a problem with firemen who start fires, financial advisors who steal money from the people who trust them, police who act illegally, and violently, and public officials who abuse their authority. Which one are you? Since your comments obviously a show bias in favor of such abuse of authority. Actually, I would never pretend to imagine I could figure out what's going on inside your brain. I'm going to ask you again to not put words in my mouth, or pretend to know you can read my mind. I've explained why I'm outraged, which should not lead to imagining non-existant tickets, or cop hatred. I want to know I can trust the police. I want to know that if I get mugged and need their help, that they will be there to help, and not be trying to make it into a drug deal gone bad or something. Just keep living in your little world. We'll manage without you.
  10. What do you not understand, that is still needing to be sorted out? And what do YOU do with a Fed-Ex delivery left on the porch at your house? Wonder why everything is perfectly clear at this point, to everyone else. Somehow you don't want to understand, or just like looking foolish. The vet that examined the dead dogs said BOTH animals had rear entry wounds. They shot the dogs because it was either policy to do so, or because they just like shooting fleeing animals. And I don't see how trying to make these stories somehow about me helps your argument. It is about all of us though, the fourth ammendment, and perhaps about a failed policy of a war on drugs. And it seems to be a frightening trend, happening everywhere. Don't kill the messenger because you don't like the message. Freedom loving citizens must have the balls to stand up to this. Some of us will.Newsweek
  11. You keep saying that the mayor lied. Explain. There has been nothing in the news anywhere about him lying about anything. How do I admit the mayor handled it badly? Tied up in his underwear in his own house by masked men not even dressed as police, who had just kicked in his door and assasinated his dogs? Explain what he did badly. Explain your facts. The cops didn't believe he was mayor. But he was. And those Florida cops. I guess I also forget to mention that two were fired and a third one resigned, following that incident. Gee, I guess even the police chief figured they were not 100 percent right on that one. Police are not supposed to be judge jury and executioner.
  12. The facts were out before the first post on this thread. The mayor, his wife and mother-in-law were cleared of any wrong doing over a week ago. Your statements show no regard for anything factual, including the BS that I made some blanket statement about all cops. I do not like anyone attrributing false words to me.
  13. The more I think about it, the Prince George raid/ fiasco is a good thing. Because it happened to a public official, it should bring light to something that, if it happens to you or me or any other average Joe, it gets covered up. Because there are crayon eating people in this country that don't know people in this country are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and they don't care about anything that transends themselves. The Sturgis shooting? Looks like a big coverup already. But it's happenning more and more. Link Increasing arrogance from the police, and little accountability. I've actually got a couple of friendly aquaintences in a club called the Iron Pigs in Texas. They are very cool guys. One is actually not a cop, but an EMT.
  14. Wow, 2115 posts on TBD. That's a lot of trolling. Freedom of speech is a good thing, no matter how inane and foolish. (sound of someone hitting permanent ignore button).
  15. Do they still put lead in crayons? You didn't read it, or you didn't comprehend it. The mayor guy is not in jail, or charged with anything. But he is all over the national news. And the FBI is now investigating to see if their civil rights were violated.
  16. Did you read the article Einstein?
  17. Very incitefull. I know it's not all of them. I know a lot of people in, or who have been in, law enforcement. But there is that code of silence thing. And I understand conditions can harden some who may have started out very idealistically. One of the more impressive signs I once saw was in front of the Greece NY Police department. It said "Serve, Protect, and LEAD." Wow, leadership! Nice to think that the police might actually want to believe they are on the same side as most citizens. I later read that Greece was considered one of the top five police departments in the whole country. Excellent
  18. Some kind of scheme where the drugs are mailed to an unsuspecting address, and then intercepted. Maybe the bad guys knew the police were on to them. Anyway, the police shot one of the dogs in the back as it was running for cover.
  19. I am increasingly troubled by law enforcement in general. This is just crazy. If he's not mayor, I bet we never hear about this. In all likelyhood, these innocent people probably go to jail. This probably happens more than we know. Raid
  20. Sounds like state officials are finally pursuing this the way that they should have in the first place. Even if it is, at this point, probably motivated by vengence and vindication, as much as by justice.
  21. Now the question is how should they have ENDED it? Your above suggestion would have been a good way to possibly have prevented the situation, at the start. I'm done playing this game. And about the DNA thing. Is it against the law to have Arkansas-like DNA amongst a population that has been much secluded for the past 70 years? I don't know. I don't think the judge ordered those tests to prove guilt of some yet to be charged offense. I thought it was more about helping to accertain which children belonged to which parents. But, you know, they went in there, with tanks and a Swat team. Sure looks like they were ready to go, first sign of anything. But what do I don't know. Yeah, this a free country. As long as you do what you're told, and don't act weird.
  22. Because your questions are stupid. The UPS driver dropped a box he was delivering to the site. A fake grenade rolled out of the torn box. The driver thought it was real and reported it. The Davidians made most of their money legally selling firearms at gunshows. Thay had a licence to do that. Fake paperweights grenades were one of the items. So what could they have done? Nothing. That's what. Not jump to conclusions? Or arrest David Koresh quietly during one of his many outings. Or not show up in full battle gear at Denny's on the way to the compound. What idiots. They could have done a hundred things different. There's the answer to one your loaded questions. Now that said, there apparently were some real live grenades in the compound. At least that is what the government later told us. I still don't want to talk about Waco. I brought up Waco, not just because of some similarities, but because some of the same people are involved. It's obvious you have some pre-existing opinions about the FLDS. Now, I'm no fan of the FLDS. But I believe some of their rights were violated. I believe Texas acted hastilly, and without proper cause. Three Texas judges agree with me.
  23. I didn't want to discuss Waco. Is that what this thread was about? They could have done a hundred things differently at Waco. But nothing can be done about any of that now. And your DNA question was loaded, full of assumptions. Where are you getting all of your supposed evidence, from Nancy Grace? I think some of the FLDS may have some things to answer for. Meanwhile, I think the abused 16-year-old girl is busily building weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as we speak.
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