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Posts posted by flomoe

  1. My speculation: Arizona trying to persuade Tyrod Taylor to come and be a back up to an injury prone Carson Palmer. The Bills willing to move on to Peterman since he is a better fit with more potential in WCO.

    Please be true!


    Actually, just unloading Taylor for whatever you can get for him is worth it. Finding another QB in the process is a bonus.

  2. TT is not the Future.

    Maybe Peterman is not the Future, maybe he is or maybe he is a future backup.

    McD has to take the temperature of the Players he intends to keep and go from there. Does benching TT ruin the lockerroom? Does it just tick off guys McD doesn't intend to keep?

    Unless NP has a Tuel- like melt down in the regular season game you ride with him.

    If McD wants to be a coach in this league longer than a year or two, he goes with the QB that can execute all facets of the game. If he has a QB that can see over the line, can't see open receivers 10 yards downfield and can only throw to guys standing still, he needs to find another QB. TT is not the future regardless how much his teammates like him or how well he can escape trouble after 5 seconds in the pocket.

    The future is now, go with somebody, anybody out there(possibly not even on the team yet) that is willing to throw to a receiver that is running while the ball is thrown.

    I'll bet that Woods and Watkins among others are thankful they don't have to catch a ball and get lambasted. Just ask McCoy when he almost lost his life last year catching a ball from TT because he had to stop to catch it.

  3. Interesting theory.


    Say if that premise came to fruition, and a team offers the Bills a 1st round pick for Peterman. Would you take that trade?

    Hell Yes!


    I'm not on the Peterman bandwagon or anything, I just think that most teams would value him more than Tyrod. Neither would be "starters" right now on 90%+ of NFL teams. IF a team lost its starter, in this case, Seattle, there are a whole hell of a lot of other quarterbacks that would be sought after before they got to Tyrod.

    I'm sure he's a good guy, good father, good teammate and a hell of a great American but he is what we've seen as a quarterback. Average at best, limited in reading a defense, below average in carrying a team and other than being able to throw it long, below average arm in throwing to a non-stationary target. Nobody is going to give up more than a 3rd in the most desperate situation for him.

  4. If it was offered, take it and run.

    Problem is, NOBODY(NFL Franchises) values Tyrod as more than a gimmick or backup QB at best. Sorry, nobody other than delusional Bills Fans.

    If he was thought of as anything, he would be gone. He came back to Buffalo because there was no market for him.

    If a team loses their starter, there would probably be more of a chance that Peterman would get requested before Tyrod.

  5. my take away from this post is that your quite content with the digital digits that reside on the ledger that your bank holds. you know, the ones that are controlled by GUS.



    GUS ???


    Wasn't GUS a mule that kicked field goals?


    Maybe this thread should be moved to the main board, it is football related.


    GUS was another Knotts/Conway gem. Couple it with The Apple Dumpling Gang and there were what should have been Academy Award Nominations! (seriously trying to hijack the thread here)

    What about the Scooby Doo cartoons with Knotts and Conway? Pure Gold.

  6. Great city, fans of their sports teams are a bunch of tools, for the most part.

    There are some that are true fans of their teams, from personal experiences, mostly Bruins and Celtics. It's the uneducated moronic bandwagon jumpers from the Pats and Sox that are the worst. They don't know the history of those teams and know only Tom Brady and David Ortiz. Ask them who Steve Grogan or Jim Rice are and they have no clue.

    The worst thing is, regardless of their knowledge of the past, they all seem to think the sports world revolves around Boston/New England.

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