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Posts posted by flomoe

  1. Yes the grand reserve is good, but it's a trippel (~ 9% abv) so I can only drink so much of it.  The red is a dubbel and a bit more tame ( 7% range).  I get less grief from my wife if I stick to the red.  :)


    For all you American light beer lovers, do yourself a favor and try a Hoegaarden.  Not my cup of tea, but it's definitely a light beer with some taste.




    Stella Artois has always been one of my favorite Belgian beers but only if it's draft, not bottled. I will take that anytime but unfortunately, it isn't the easiest beer to find anywhere. I know of a few places in Orlando that carry it so those are usual stops. Just about any beer produced in either Germany or Belgium are great beers. Most of the American beers are pi$$ and should be drunk only to get a buzz and not for enjoyment of taste. I personally have found myself drinking Busch as a low cost way of catching a buzz. It tastes like Bud IMO so why spend the extra $2-$3 for Bud or Mich when I can get the same out of Busch.

    Also, if I drink anything from Coors, it's Original, Light is just horrible. It's water with a weird flavor and takes about 20 to get you a buzz!! :)

  2. I am not surprised by the tally so far, bunch of bleeding %^&*ing hearts in Buffalo!! So many people get brainwashed from birth by the left wingers that they wouldn't understand common sense if it came up and slapped them upside the head. You would think that the people in Buffalo area would have woken up by now, after getting taxed to death and screwed by the liberals for the last 30 years, and tried to change their Democratic liberal voting. I guess not. Geesh!!!!!!!! :D

  3. If you look at the Houston-Atlanta matchup realistically, the Astros are a much better team. Atlanta won their division by beating up on the likes of Montreal, NY Mets, Philadelphia and even Florida who didn't have their pitching staff healthy for most of the year and their offense is almost as bad as the Bills.

    Houston on the other hand, had to struggle through the early part of the year with a pitching staff that was hurt and took some time getting it straightened out and some injuries to other key players while playing the likes of the Cardinals, Cubs and Reds, who started out pretty hot this year. It's no wonder the Astros should win this series without blinking. I'm not an Astros fan but they should sweep this series or at worst, take it in 4.

  4. Would any of the work of Neil Diamond be considered "mainstream" or for that matter, would he be considered a band since he has a singular name but always had a collection of bands and orchestras playing with him?


    Bases on the choices, I would have to say Van Halen only because they actually produced some quality work until 1984. They were very mainstream but still hit into the heavy metal areas too.


    My personal choice though, not from the list, would probably be The Band or even Grand Funk. Both were great in their time and sometimes get overlooked for their contribution to American music history because of the era in which they were famous. The sixties and early seventies band don't get the recognition because many people thought that they groups of that era were too politically motivated.


    I also have to say that the Beach Boys were a large part of what American mainstream music is today. Without some of their work, I don't think that "American" music would have been able to keep up with what was being produced in England. Just my opinion.

  5. It's good to see your feminine side Pooj.  Me, I sent mine shopping.



    :lol::lol::lol: LMFAO!!!!


    I'm a big fan of Rescue Me too. The humor in it is hilarious and definitely meant for one of the non-"family networks". Funniest show I've seen since "the Job" was on, also another Denis Leary show. I hope that Rescue Me doesn't end up like The Job did.

  6. Here we are three games into the season, and this team of ours is more disappointing than Paris Hilton with a ringing cellphone.


    But do not worry, fellow Bills fans. HOPE IS ON THE WAY!


    If you recall, I've put a $150 dinner on the line for anyone who could accurately predict our win/loss results for the year. Over 90 people participated in this event, and after three games, WE STILL HAVE ONE CONTESTANT!


    Not only is NYCBoozers the only one who correctly predicted we would lose our first three games, he also predicts we will now go on a six-game winning streak!


    Never say die, people. Never say die.


    At this point I'll take anything.



    As enlightening as the six game winning streak sounds, as predicted by NYCBoozers, he also predicted only one more loss, to NE, for the rest of the season. This scares me to think that the Bills, as predicted will be able to beat Seattle on the road and beat St. Louis at RWS. Those are two other games that I see as trouble for the Bills.

    Now, if some sort of miracle occurs and the Bills are able to perform the difficult surgery of "pulling their head out of their asses" then NYCBoozers might be onto something. I still haven't seen a game yet this year that the Bills actually got beat but rather beat themselves consistently. Maybe a good night of booze and hookers might turn this thing around for them. Just a thought but something has to give here!!

  7. Instead of all the incessant whining, let's hear some well thought out alternatives.  You don't like the play at safety?  What should we do about it?  Changes in the OL?  RB?  QB?  Let's hear 'em.




    How about fining the players for dumb a$$ penalties, dropped balls and blown assignments. The way this team is going, there isn't going to be anyone on the team that will be able to afford dinner at Denny's after the games!!

  8. What ever happened to the fans who sat in the tunnel end zone and threw batteries at the opposing team?? Yesterday was a prime example that we need those fans back. :):P:(



    Seriously though, if any one of the three losses this year were a team loss, this was it. Everyone screwed up enough in this game to spread the blame. There are maybe four or five players that didn't have a hand in this loss. This one was a total team failure from blown assignments, to missed blocks, to dropped balls, to DUMB penalties, to poor playcalling, to the fans just not being loud enough when NE had the ball. It was a total team loss from the top down!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is to blame for this one.

  9. For our third game in a row I watched as our opponent's receivers went up for and made difficult catches on clutch downs while our remained perhaps the worst in the league at digging up catchable passes. The stat offered by the annoucing team was interesting- without the 13 (?) dropped passes entering the game Bledsoe would be the highest rated QB in the NFL right now, not to mention we'd have entered the game 2-0.


    And the guys from Stats who consider balls catchable are watching every other game, it's not like they use a different standard for Bledsoe. The truth is if you're inclined like a minority of Bills fans and a couple of blowhard radio personalities to ignore every other player on the field by assigning all things good or evil on the QB then you can somehow make a tortured and false argument that a QB change in Buffalo would improve the team. On the other hand, if you watch all the facets of the game and recognize the advances we've made in many areas of our team including the solid play at the QB position all year you can find positives across the board with the exclusion, as I said two weeks ago, of running back blocking/blitz pick-ups and safety coverage.


    We're fighting to get this offense flowing and all that is required is for our WRs to MAKE PLAYS on third downs instead of being part of the problem. The good news is that we can expect Moulds to get his act together as he has in past seasons and Evans might already be more reliable than Josh Reed. Two plays to the positve by our WRs and we'd be looking at an attractive record even with our liabilities in RB blocking and safety coverage.  Milloy's return will go a good distance in helping with one, the other appears to be a weakenss we'll have to work around.




    I couldn't agree more. There is plenty of blame to be thrown around especially at the lack of desire by the Bills WR's. The complete lack of blocking by the RB's and the total failed experiment of Coy Wire are more of a reason the Bills are 0-3. Bledsoe is being thrown under the bus for the wrong reasons. He wouldn't have had any sacks yesterday if someone, anyone would pick up an OBVIOUS blitzer!! He made some pretty nice throws and stepped up in the pocket when he had to. The offense isn't moving the ball much this year but most of that blame can be spread to just about everyone except Bledsoe. Dumb penalties, dropped balls, wrong routes, fumbles and lack of RB blocking has more to do with the ineptitude of the offense than the QB position!!

  10. BUMP.............. and bench him at least, a statement needs to be made now and he was the one who, if you look at the number of plays he didn't make, cost the Bills the game!!!!!


    I have to disagree with the Fletcher bashing. The hit on Brady was a bad call. I watched it several times and I didn't see the blow to the head. It looked to me like he put his helmet into his chest and Brady's head snapped. It was just a BAD call by the ref. The call when he threw the guy to the ground was a bit excessive but in Fletcher's defense, it's possible that he didn't see the ball pop out. This game is all about hitting, tackling and playing till the whistle and on that play, it was a late whistle and Fletcher did what he was supposed to do, hit and tackle. Another, IMHO, bad call by the refs that was costly.

  11. So, in other words, he's saying "we need to execute better."  Drew says it and it's BS/excuses, Losman says it and it's gospel.  :doh:




    I always like the insight that the "guest" implies!!


    It honestly is a great point, DB says the same exact thing and everyone says that he's just laying out a line of stevestojan. JP says the same exact thing and everyone says that it shows great leadership. Come on people, wake up and get off DB's ass.

  12. 1): Red End Zones

    2): Opening the lots earlier (8am)

    3): Wider entry and exit doors to the restrooms (if possible)

    4): Being able to take in a thermos during the cold games


    5): A pamphlet for people regarding proper etiquette

    ie: No waves while the offense has the ball; when someone is trying to exit their row to the aisle, it isn't your ticket purchasing right to sit there and block the aisle so that person has to climb to the next row up to get out, show some consideration, unless they are doing it while the play is going on of course

  13. With MLB playoffs starting next Tuesday, football season starting to get interesting, even more so if the Bills could win a game, NBA camps opening, usually hockey starting, College Football every SAturday and the Yanks vs the Sox in mid october..........





    I wish hockey was starting!! Oh well, with Baseball going into the postseason, Football just getting warmed up, college Football hitting their midway point and Nascar in their playoff chase, you can't ask for a better month out of the year.

  14. Basically said, People from Buffalo, are the most miserable M'Fers in the world, and they deserve to be.




    Being from Buffalo originally and have been back dozens of times to visit, I would have to say that Gallo's comments are pretty much right on the mark. He told the truth and you can't criticize the guy for that. Every time I'm up there, I run across at least a good couple dozen or so people throughout a weekend that do nothing but complain that somebody is doing them wrong. Most people in the Buffalo area are miserable and Gallo just let it out.

    People who take offense to that comment are probably the same ones who take offense to people throughout the country that say it snows a lot in Buffalo. Wake up folks, it snows a friggin boatload there, just face the facts!!!!

    By the way, I'm not bashing the people of Buffalo since I'm a native of the area but all Gallo did was tell the truth. Most people there are miserable. If you haven't figured that out, go shopping at Tops on a Friday morning just prior to a Bills game. My last trip there pretty much solidified that thought!!

  15. I happen to have a four way blinking red not to far from me and used to have to maneuver through it every couple of days. I loved it, people would get their turn to proceed through the light and just sit there, as if they were waiting for it to turn green or something. It amazed me that people didn't understand the concept that the people traveling, say north-south could both proceed at the same time followed by the people traveling east-west. One would go then everyone would kind of look at each other like friggin morons wondering what to do next. When it came my turn, I would stop and if anyone even remotely hesitated, even though it was their turn, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: em, I'm going!! I can't stand idiots on the road. I also love traveling on some of the major roads here in Orlando that have 55mph speeds and someone pulls from a dead stop out in front of you. The liberal media says that it's road rage and blames it on aggresive people but when crap like that happens every day nearly killing you, sometimes you just want to grab those idiots and beat the living hell out of them!!!!

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