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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Obviously I voted Family Guy. Great show and can't wait until the new episodes come out next summer or fall.
  2. We might need an AMEN for that. Can we get an AMEN? AMEN!!
  3. Yup, it's the same moron from BB.com alright. Self-inflated, everyone look at me trash that he spews there. I guess he has the right to do it here given the whole freedom of speech thing but if the MOD has any power at all, please just BAN this idiot now before it goes to far. He brings absolutely nothing to the table. Just one of the reasons why I don't post on BB.com anymore.
  4. I think that if he was on the Giants practice squad, the Bills would have to sign him to the 53 man roster instead of their PS. The league rule states something to the effect of, "you can't raid other teams practice squads only to enhance your own, you must active that player to your 53 man roster".
  5. I think all Bills fans that were there and that watched that game on TV realized that, that one single play would probably haunt us all season long. As I walked to the parking lot that afternoon, I was talking with a friend of mine and we both said at the same time, that loss, that one play, being to an AFC opponent will come back to bite us in the ass all season long. Here we are 10 weeks later and every day on this board, that single play gets mentioned more than any other play all year. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Clements for not just knocking it down instead of trying to showboat!!
  6. According to what Bills/Sabresfan and I figured out was that the Ravens, who are 7-4 right now, have games remaining against Cincy this week, the Giants, Colts, Steelers and Fins. If they beat CIncy, Giants and Fins, they are probably in and the Bills out of the playoffs. The point is, we really need to beat Miami, which is obvious, but also need Cincy to win considering that the Jets probably will take one of the two wild card spots unless they meltdown completely. An upset by Arizona really would have helped last week! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Dennis Green for using Shawn King!!
  7. Yes. This was an easy one for me since I have always been a TD supporter. The level of talent on this team ranks up there with the best of them. Every team is going to have a black mark on their roster with either FA busts or Draft busts, it's inevitable. With that said, every team is going to have it's diamond in the rough too. What sets TD aside from most everyone else that he has quite a few more diamonds than most. You can't just look at starters but depth players too. TD also has done a miraculous job with managing the cap properly and not overpaying or overextending anyone so that the cap is going to be unmanagable down the road. Even the DB deal is managable if they were to cut him after the season, which won't happen. If there was anything that I would question is hiring GW. Not that I think he was a bad coach but more along the lines of him being a DC with no prior head coaching experience which in turn left his coordinator hiring to be severely second guessed. If GW had hired experienced coaches under him besides Jerry Gray, he would still be here and I honestly believe that this team and last years team would have been playoff teams at least. Bash me if you must but that's my opinion.
  8. Saving Private Ryan is always a good one. If you're interested, try a search on Google for a series called "Victory at Sea". It's not a movie but a rather lengthy documentary with dozens of episodes on WWII. I'm not sure of the cost but it might be something that he would be interested in. Movie Favorites List not in any particular order: Midway (good cast) Flying Leathernecks Wake Island The Bridge at Remagen Battle of the Bulge (good cast) Air Force Tora Tora Tora The Longest Day (good cast) To Hell and Back Anzio Hell is for Heroes (good cast) A Bridge Too Far (good cast) Bataan Wackiest Ship in the Army (funny) Where Eagles Dare The Eagle has Landed The Great Escape Von Ryan's Express Command Decision
  9. ICE, I have to admit that I agree with most of your assessments about the Bills now and in the future. I do have to chime in though on just a couple of thoughts. The OL is actually looking fairly solid the last 7 weeks and whoever said that we should look at getting a new Center is out of their mind IMO. Here are a few telling stats for the last 7 games: MIA, 1 sack 8 yards 137 rushing yards W BAL, 4 sacks 18 yards 85 rushing yards L AZ, 0 sacks 128 rushing yards W NYJ, 0 sacks 157 rushing yards W NE, 3 sacks 6 yards 50 rushing yards L STL, 1 sack 10 yards 119 rushing yards W SEA, 1 sack 6 yards 148 rushing yards W Of all those games, the Bal and NE games gave up the most sacks and were losses but not necessarily contributing completely. Teague was also healthy for the last handful of those games which helped considerably. I don't agree with the TE situation because the game planning obviously hasn't included the TE much and Euhus is still somewhat unproven. I'm not sure if I agree with your assessment of Vincent at CB since he has been injured, which BTW is not the norm for him. He has proven until this year that he can stay healthy. Once he comes back, we might be able to determine if he should be the starter and slide McGee back to nickel to improve the coverage. Pat Williams should stay put! Top DL are very hard to come by and he and Adams have a unique bond between them. Edwards provides quality depth which is a bonus. Moulds' contract does need to be reworked! QB: Though we all know your stance on DB, I don't think it's fair to always use JP in the same sentence as Ben R. He is in a rather unique situation in Pittsburgh where there is a pretty damn good team around him and all he has to do is not lose. If you look at his stats, he is mediocre or just a little above, which could be said for most QB's in this league. Brian Griese has better stats than him but the Bucs suck as a whole. Eli is doing nothing in NY, Boller blows in Bal and Palmer is just starting to look like a decent QB, now in the tail end of his second year. To think that JP is the next coming by comparing his situation to BR's is laughable. Besides the fact that he hasn't been able to practice much this season is even more reason to let him watch and learn until it's necessary to put him in, not before. My opinion on the Bills is that they have a rookie coach with a new offensive system. The team is just now starting to gel and we are finally seeing what we hoped to have seen earlier in the year. Injuries and the learning curve has hampered the growth of this team until now. Let the last few weeks play out and I think we will all be happy with the results. If they don't make the playoffs, look at it as a lessoned learned for a rookie head coach with a whole new offensive staff.
  10. I agree with you about the rankings being meaningless and Prisco is a buffoon. It isn't like the Bills eeked games out against the Rams and Seahawks, they manhandled them and still don't get any love. Prisco has always had a hard on for NFC teams so this ranking seems about right for him. 7 NFC teams ranked in the top 15 is a joke but that's Prisco for ya.
  11. I have heard that he stated once he hit the $2,500,000 he would bow out so this actually sounds about right. I'm sure there are bunches of rumors flying around about all of it but I heard on one of the shows somewhere that he just didn't want to continue any longer. The answer was too easy for him to miss by not thinking so I think he just said enoughs enough and took his 2.5 mil and ran.
  12. The answer was: This fortune 500 company's 70,000 white collar employees work only 4 months a year, or something like that. He guessed Fed Ex and the chick said........ and got it right.
  13. That's pretty funny. Actually, he just helped the University of Central Florida to an impressive 0-11 record for this year. He gutted the whole program and started from scratch which is or isn't always a good idea but from this past season's record, it's not looking good. Just a side note on who Notre Dame might be looking at as the next head coach. I wouldn't be surprised to see them pursue Bob Stoops or Nick Saban for that position with truckloads of cash. IMO, I don't see them going after Meyer and I think the firing of Willingham and Davis back to back is just a coincidence. I could be wrong but ND has much to much invested in their program to go after someone like Meyer and Davis basically rode coat tails, IMO, leading Miami.
  14. She definitely gets a "10" from me with that picture. Hottest ever though, I'm not sure. I have seen quite a few that might rank a bit higher. I guess going back to my younger days, Farrah was right up there with the best of them. The one poster she had out, where she was in a one piece bathing suit and you could tell it was chilly out, lol, that has always stuck in my mind!
  15. The beginning of mine is the initials of the state that I live in and the first three letters of my last name. The MOE is from the greatest bartender of all time, Moe Syzlak from the Simpsons. The whole thing is what a co-worker used to call me back when I lived in Buffalo so it kind of stuck. I do have to say that a thread like this is nice every now and then. It beats the "Bledsoe sucks" threads and the ICE threads calling people idiots.
  16. Whewwww. Thanks for the research. The Bills really need some luck on their side for this but you never know. Just win and let the rest take care of itself, there's no other way to look at it.
  17. I'll second that. I do miss the Simoncast too. This is basically the only place that I get my Bills info now. I catch a little of the ESR during the week but the Simoncast was on at a perfect time for me. Oh well, from what I keep hearing about the City of Buffalo lately, it doesn't surprise me that another business is going down hill.
  18. You must remember that Steve lives in West Palm Beach, the highest cost of living area in all of Florida. The rest of Florida's cost of living is on par with the rest of the country, if not lower. I live in Central Florida, basically Orlando, and the taxes here, for example, on a $100,000 home are roughly $1000. In Buffalo, that tax amount is probably in the range of $3500. Also, there is no state income tax in Florida and the only thing that I find to be more expensive here than Buffalo is beer. That's it. I was down in the Boca Raton area last weekend, just outside of WPB, and that area is ridiculous compared to Orlando. I could, would, never live down there, just to damn expensive.
  19. I for one am never going back. I actually have a friend who posts on here once in a while, that moved to Tampa, then back to Buffalo only to move back to Tampa because he couldn't stand it up there anymore. Don't get me wrong, Buffalo is where I was born and raised, actually Cheektowaga, but I didn't want to spell that out, but it's not the nicest of cities anymore. If the crime, weather or the Bills inconsistent play don't kill you, the taxes surely will. Buffalo is a nice place to visit for a football game but I will NEVER live there again.
  20. The last line sums it up for DB. The line actually played fair against NE and DB still f%^&ed it up. The time for Losman is now Mike, please do the right thing as coach and pull the trigger!!
  21. Asking that is like asking why is the sky blue? Who the hell knows but it is. I just don't understand who Drew blew to be untouchable? Drew blew, good one, lol.
  22. I guess that time is coming soon, a Sunday in the not to distant future, that I will watch the Bills game from 1-430, getting all liquored up, just to go climb around on the roof and a ladder hanging lights. Joy!! It's looking like Miami Sunday that the lights are going up. I'm going to have to break out the bottle of Makers Mark for that one, lord knows you don't want to risk life and limb hanging lights just buzzed from beer alone. There's nothing better than stumbling up a ladder onto the roof with a good Bourbon buzz on ya.
  23. LOL, thanks Rich, I haven't been called an idiot..., well, since the last time you called me one. Anyway, since I live in Central Florida now, with my wife and 1 year old, it is a bit difficult to drive home for every game. I do make at least one a year but just can't justify buying season tickets for one game. I will be there in January for the Pitt game so that's two out of 8 or 10, depending on how you look at it. I guess I am an idiot for not driving 18 hours each way to get up there for the remaining games. Believe me though, I would if I could!! (note to self, do not say "call me an idiot" again while Rich is trolling the board, lol)
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