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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I've tried going in to start a new poll and keep getting an error message stating that I only had one choice even though I had six lines of choices. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. HELL NO!!!!!! But I have gone shopping for my wife and daughter already and have gone those nights along with sneaking out of work for a little while during the day. I just know, from a guys persepctive, that dealing with these friggin broads during a busy time is ridiculous. I just have gotten lucky the last two weeks by going once on a Tuesday and the other on a Wednesday evening. On a side note, and maybe I should bring this up as an OT topic, but, how much time does a guy spend at a Mall Bar as opposed to shopping during the holiday season?? Personally, it's about 90% to 10% in favor of the bar.
  3. You are a hero to all the ditzy Hooter's girls around Corp! lol Just don't forget to share the pictures!! Ok, I have to ask, if she wasn't hanging out of her shirt and only semi-attractive or borderline ugly, would you have still helped her or would you have told her to call AAA? j/k Good job and Good Luck at Hooters!!
  4. Why would you want to wait, go now, well, before this weekend and get yourself a new one. Always check Best Buy for any open boxes that they might have because they usually have some pretty good deals on them, especially the larger screens. I have found, in dealing with the Christmas Rush, that Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are usually a bit less crowded than the other nights to shop. Unless of course you can leave work for a while and do some shopping, which I do, then it's even less crowded. Good Luck!! The Mitsu is always a good choice for the large screens.
  5. I'm guessing it was taken in Europe somewhere considering the bottles were being shipped individually in plastic cases. A very sad day for Beer Drinkers everywhere!!
  6. Steve, was that picture taken at the Ralph? I've seen it before and was always curious.
  7. There is probably even a more tragic part to this picture. Generally, when there is a loss like this with any type of perishable good on the highway, they usually dispose of the survivors too. A truck full of Bud tipped over on one of the ramps here in Orlando a couple of years ago and they detroyed the whole shipment even though less than a quarter of the load was lost. This is a tragedy of incredible proportions!!!
  8. Such a horrific loss. I did notice that the tops on these are the normal caps and not the plug type cap that you find on some other types of Grolsch. Still a horrifiying loss!!!
  9. Just to keep this from being OT, doesn't Bill Cowher and Burgermeister Meisterburger look awfully similar, especially when BC is pissed about something? I just hope we make Pittsburgh the new Sombertown come 4pm on January 2nd.
  10. I read both of their question/answer sessions on bb.com and found them both to be pretty funny. MM does dance a little when asked a tough question but for the most part you get a straight answer. TD on the other hand is the ultimate politician when it comes to answering questions. You really have to read between the lines to figure out what the answer is. Pretty funny stuff though.
  11. At this point in the season, barring what happens the rest of the way, you almost have to go with DB as your incumbent next year. Six weeks ago, I wouldn't have said this but DB and the OL has certainly changed how they play. DB isn't the statue that all of us thought he was and the OL does actually know how to form a pocket. I think, going into training camp next year, if the Bills say that it's a toss up for the QB position, they will be taking one step backwards. It's DB's job to lose, which we all know he is capable of, so let the chips fall as they may. *listening for ICE's head exploding*
  12. IF they were picking in the 1st round next year, I would have to say either best player available or possibly a FS if there is a quality one available at that point. Given the fact that the Bills don't have a 1st round pick and have to pick somewhere in the middle of the 2nd round, I would have to say they definitely should be looking at some sort of DB, either safety or corner unless there is a top notch OL still on the board. I think TD will probably do what he has done these past few years though and solidify the needs through FA, if available, and draft depth at other positions.
  13. Personally, I think the BCS sucks and a playoff in college football might be the wrong way to go since the NCAA is actually considered amatuer athletics. I heard an interview with Chan Gailey, the Georgia Tech head coach yesterday, regarding a playoff and he said that since the NCAA is an amateur organization, they shouldn't have the playoffs and they should eliminate the BCS because there is to much money and emphasis on the BCS games and not enough on the rest of the bowl games. He would like to see the system go back to the way it used to be with bowl games and 56 teams with the chance to play for something instead of basically amounts to 8 teams playing for a BCS berth. The writers and coaches would decide, upon completion of the bowl games, who the national chamion(s) would be. I have to say that there seems to be much more controversy since the BCS was established a few years ago than there was in the years preceeding it. I say eliminate the BCS because it does leave some conferences out of the picture and let the national championship be decided by the bowl games and polls. If there is controversy over that, so be it but it beats only a few schools making all the money while others are left out. Spread the wealth NCAA!!
  14. That was classic. I loved that commercial.
  15. I can't stand when I'm driving down the road, say doing 55, when some jackass decides to pull out of a side street or a parking lot from a complete standstill directly in front of me causing me to lock up my brakes or swerve into another lane. Some people are just to damn dumb to be driving. Car A going 55mph Car B stopped but decideds to pull out. Less than 100 feet between Car B pulling out and Car A having the right of way. Do the math people. Geesh!! Just my personal peeve of drivers. By the way, I'm in Orlando and this is a daily occurence with the Blue Hairs!!
  16. This is so typical of most Dolphish fans. They prove time and time again that they are the most arrogant, spineless fans while at the same time being the least cordial when things don't work out for them. I have only met two decent fish fans and both of them were from Buffalo, which I still find hard to believe. You and everyone should have just tossed him into the river Darin! Keep us posted if he shows up at that bar again. I doubt he will though being the spineless fish fan that he is!!
  17. Win one at a time and a little help from everyone else and our chances look better. We dug ourselves a hole early on but we aren't out of it. The Jets, IMO, aren't that good and could quite possibly lose out. (A-Pittsburgh, H-Seattle, H-New England and A-St. Louis). Anything is possible with their schedule now that they actually play decent teams down the stretch. The combined record for their opponents that are left is 37-13 as opposed to ours being 21-27. Their opponents record for the season is 54-66 and ours is 55-52, if any of that means anything.
  18. Can't disagree with you there kasper. I was hoping, after seeing Leary staring in Rescue Me, that they might try and rekindle "The Job" that was on ABC a couple of years ago. I personally thought it was as good as Rescue Me in quality and probably funnier than most any show on TV today.
  19. Can't disagree with you there kasper. I was hoping, after seeing Leary staring in Rescue Me, that they might try and rekindle "The Job" that was on ABC a couple of years ago. I personally thought it was as good as Rescue Me in quality and probably funnier than most any show on TV today.
  20. Can't the NFL and NFLPA come to an agreement to allow ALL 53 players on the roster to dress? This assinine rule makes absolutely no sense to me and I can't understand why teams pay 53 guys their salary, not practice squad salaries, but full salaries, only to have 6 or 7 of them sitting on the sideline every week. If the NFL does anything, this should be a point that is addressed. I'm sure the owners would be all for it considering they are paying guys to dress in street clothes on Sunday.
  21. I thought the show was great!! It didn't seem like a soap opera because it was actually a realistic show dealing with the trials and tribulations of a New York City firefighter. I don't think much of it was as farfetched as some people have said in other posts. I'm pretty sure the reality of what firefighters go through on a daily basis, along with dealing with the post-9/11 traumatic syndrome, was brought out in that show. Leary is a great actor within his realm and he is perfect for a character like the one he portrays. I can't wait for the next season. How many other shows have someone punching out a priest? Just a classic!!
  22. I loved that game. Where or where have all the good ones gone?
  23. Happy Birthday Nick!! If you have too many Guinesses, try to be successful like a 4 and 80 year old.
  24. Thanks for analysis Mickey. I wondered about that first TD by Willis too. I've watched it a couple times now and to me, it does look like he zigged when he should have zagged. It does look like he saw another hole and went to it only to get stuffed and just bounced it left from there. Nice job by the line and Willis on that one In reference to the Peters reporting/not reporting, when the penalty was called, the camera showed Peters on the sideline talking to one of the coaches telling them that he did report. The guy is a rookie and new to playing as of late but the look on his face was disbelief which leads me to think that he did report and the zebras blew it. Surprise Surprise!!
  25. That's hilarious. Flomoe thinks that the cowbell link should be posted at least once a week or even have a link on the TBD board just for ***** and giggles!!
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