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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. You've got to be good to be lucky. If you noticed the home team here wasn't very good in the beginning of the year and were probably the unluckiest team in the league. The Bills are now pretty good and have been pretty lucky. Being good generates the luck.
  2. Just an observation but I did notice that the tight end's were kept in to block a few times yesterday while the outlet receiver was the fullback and running back. It's quite possible that the coaches noticed something and game planned to get the rb's more involved. It also doesn't hurt that the line with the help of the te's did a pretty good job in protection yesterday and for the last month and a half.
  3. Incredible!!!!!!!! Nice way to start off a Monday Nick, thanks.
  4. Didn't Bettis come into the league with the Rams. I would guess Chuck Knox but I'm not sure if he was still the coach with the Rams at the time they drafted Bettis.
  5. Great Post!! Just goes to show that even the experts are wrong. I've always felt that the football guys seem to know a bit more than the so-called experts, so when TD made that pick, it was for a reason. How could he pass up on a guy that probably would have been a top 3 pick and still get him in the low 20's. He still got his guy in Kelsay 20 picks later because, unlike the so-called experts, the football guys tend to know what everyone else is doing in the draft. This was one of many great picks by TD but probably the one that will keep him in Buffalo for a while.
  6. Contrary to popular belief about 6 or 7 weeks ago, TD has actually done a pretty damn good job putting this team together. Most people wanted to criticize him for drafting Mike Williams at the 4 spot a couple years ago but in essence, that draft class sucked with the exception of about 5 players. TD has really put together a pretty decent team by drafting depth, acquiring FA that start for us and finding UFA's that have ability to play and start at the NFL level. Every one of these players contribute to this team. It's amazing how the tune around here changes when the team rips off a few wins. TD was a good as gone, according to a lot of you and now he's ready to be awarded GM of the year by some. IMO, the guy is and always has been a genius with football players. If he has a fault, it's probably his mistake that he made with Gregg Williams, though, I think GW would have probably had this defense playing as well, the offense would have sucked because GW hired Gilbride. That's what set this team back, not a lack of talent!!
  7. Actually, when I lived in Buffalo, a group of us used to get together and, surprise surpise, went bowling Christmas night then out to a bar. I don't think anything should be open until at least 4pm on Christmas Day. I know of a supermarket here in Orlando that is open on a limited basis Christmas which is just ridiculous. Still though, the Labor day non football has me really irked. That was one day/weekend that I looked forward to every year for football. I used to love flying back to Buffalo for a home opener that weekend. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: NFL/TV Executives for stealing that holy weekend from us football fans!!!
  8. I'm not saying that all the Malls are open but I know of some grocery stores are open limited hours but regardless, they're still open. It's ridiculous. Why can't everything but the bare necessities like bars and fire stations, just close for one day a year?
  9. I'll second the notion to supply your own "Canadian Beer", besides being expensive, it's not always the easiest to find down here. If you're looking for something to do to entertain them, look into the multitude of golf courses for them to go to on Saturday. St. Augustine has some nice ones and is only about an hour south of J-Ville. St. Aug is also home to one of the Caddyshack Restaurants and also the Golf Hall Of Fame, which might or might not be nice to see for them. The many strip clubs are also something to look into. Daytona Beach and the Space Center are only about 2 hours south which also might be something to consider. Good Luck with the planning Circle.
  10. It only happens a couple times every handful of years that Christmas falls on a weekend, so I voted no to this. If this was the case, then there shouldn't be any games on Thanksgiving and New Years either. I can understand the religious side of it but hell, if malls and every store imaginable is now open Christmas Day, why not play football. Also, if it's a religious thing, then maybe the NFL should play on Saturdays so they don't interfere with Sunday's religious background, unless you're a Seventh Day Adventist, then it would be okay on Sundays but not Saturdays. I would have mentioned that no games should be on Labor Day either but the "television executives" already took away that great football weekend from us.
  11. And that's about it stuck. I do miss most of the people of Buffalo, probably except the "stuck in their ways" folk that have a coronary every time the word "change" is mentioned. They are the ones that will still refer to the "other day" as a time back in 1942 when things were actually prosperous in the area. I really miss the food in Buffalo too. I was talking to someone here in Orlando yesterday that is in the process of moving down from Kalamazoo, MI and they were asking how things are here. I told them that if there is anything like pizza that they really liked from up there, to bring some back with them because they won't find it here. I have to give rolly some credit for trying to stay there and make it work, you're one of the few that is willing to sacrafice a better standard of living for staying home. I left in 1996 and have vowed to NEVER move back to Buffalo or NYS. It's a nice place to visit for a weekend football game but you couldn't pay me enough to live there again.
  12. ................... and the rest is history. Somewhere along the way there, with Kelly going to the USFL, I believe RW realized, along with the owner of the Chiefs, Steelers and a couple of others who I can't think of off the top of my head, changed their philosophy about attracting players. The days of penny pinching and holding a draft pick hostage to the demands of the owner were done. They all seemed to realize that if they didn't get off the wallet and keep pace with the rest of the league, they were going to end up as the perennial laughing stocks. It's funny how all of that happened within a span of about 2 years or so. The USFL starting up and failing was quite the blessing to Bills fans regardless of the Kelly situation, IMHO.
  13. Hey Mark, I live in Florida, Orlando to be exact and still have family in the Buffalo area. I wouldn't classify Florida or Orlando as paradise by any means but the tax burden is much much much less than it is in Buffalo. You have probably read that there is no state income tax which is a nice benefit to living here. The property tax, in the surrounding suburbs of Orlando is roughly equated to 1% of the value of your house. If you buy a $100,000 house, which is about the minimum around here, your property/school taxes will be roughly $1,000. A 1K house will get you the basic 3/2 with attached garage on a 1/4 to 1/2 acre lot and about 1250-1400 square feet. 2K will get you roughly a 4/2 or 4/2, 1/2 acre or larger lot and about 2000-2500 square feet. Florida isn't paradise in general but if you research schools, cost of living and basic incomes, it's probably not to far off. The Seminole County area of Central Florida have some of the better schools in the state and taxes are slighty higher than the norm but nowhere near what NYS or Erie County rapes you for. I hope that helps.
  14. To me, it seems, that the fan base is dwindling with the rest of Buffalo. This should be a sellout no matter what. It would have been back in the late 80's and early to mid 90's. I guess people are just to afraid to spend money with Christmas right around the corner. I am not going so I shouldn't be criticizing but I do live in Orlando and I will be up there for the Pitt game on January 2nd, when the weather should even be worse. Step it up Bills fans and show some support!!
  15. Whew, it just isn't me that thinks that he is creepy. Whoever came up with that commercial, and the radio commercials trying to explain the TV commercial, should be canned immediately!!
  16. LOL ICE, it was only a matter of time till that was mentioned. Good One. I don't agree with you on it but that's pretty funny.
  17. Free Beer and Nude Jills?? That might help.
  18. I would guess that SW would take over as OC if TC left to go to ND. They would probably bring someone in to learn from SW to be the QB coach. Damn, lots of initials there. If that doesn't confuse you...what will?
  19. Well, given the time of season, I thought it might be somewhat appropriate. Why is everyone so friggin critical on here about everything?
  20. Beer, are you sure you haven't already stopped at the bar this morning?? LOL
  21. I got it, thanks BiB, much appreciated. R.Rich, I didn't even think to look in the FAQ section but if there isn't anything there, the spaces between the answers should be noted since that's what my problem was. Don't skip any lines between answers and it went right through.
  22. I'm usually in the 90-10 range but have slacked a bit this year so far and probably am only around 80-20 but I will, for mankind, step it back up before the shopping season is over!!
  23. Ahhhhhhhhhh, both good answers but I did spell POLL correctly so the criticism shouldn't be that harsh, lol. Thanks anyway!!
  24. Sounds to me like Pataki learned quite a bit from Cuomo, lol. New York State politics are probably the worst, or close to it, in the country. I'm just glad I don't live there anymore and have to deal with that crap. Can't understand why NYW is broke and the constituants are overtaxed.....
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