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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. It's been on the duece all morning!! I think the top 10 or something.
  2. Is it possible that the Eagles might need to move Westbrook because of a contract situation or roster bonus that is due? I can't see their need for Henry except for a backup plan or the eventual departure of Westbrook.
  3. Since Weiler reports on the Bills, he should be on this list. He is, by far and away, the worst of the worst.
  4. That Buffalo finally gets a nationally televised game at home. It works out perfect for Ralph since he doesn't like having Sunday or Monday night games in Buffalo since a large number of fans commute from all over New York State and Ontario. I'm glad to see that the NFL finally has given Buffalo a break, in December no less. That's just awesome!!
  5. Just thinking that Shelton might not be a Bill, is it possible that the line might look like this: LT: Williams LG: Anderson C: Teague RG: Villarrial RT: Gandy Even if the Bills do get Shelton, is it possible that the Bills possibly trade Williams and his huge contract to get into the 1st round and even add a 2nd too? Since we never can really figure out what TD is up to, I guess any thoughts like this are possible.
  6. There are just so many things wrong with this, I don't know where to begin. There are going to be a lot of heads rolling at all different levels here, the school, police and even the government that set the laws. I am just glad I don't live in Illinois.
  7. It's spelled Clermont and the winery there is pretty awesome. Clermont used to be somewhat of a backwater town but recently has become one of the booming cities in the Orlando area. If you get a chance, check out Universal's theme parks. Otherwise, bring your golf clubs and enjoy one of the hundreds of courses in the area.
  8. All I want to know is.................... who is the woman in you're Avatar???? On a side note..................screw it........more cleavage!!!!!!!!! LOL
  9. Don't forget the Hofbrau House not far off the strip that has some of the best food in town along with "The Best" beer available!!!!
  10. LOL!!!!!!! That's hilarious. I've been out of there so long that I don't even know if it's still there. My senior year, the rifle range had been converted into a senior lounge for a couple months. Did you go to Cleve Hill stuck?
  11. Just an observation from reading TD's comments. First of all, he is not publicly going to criticize his kicker, who is currently under contract, for his lack of ability to hit from beyond 40 yards. If he did that, he would be tipping his hat that the Bills are looking for another kicker either via free agency or, more likely, the draft. Going along with the draft aspect, there are people wondering why TD didn't cut RL. Well, if you cut your kicker, you again are telling other teams that you probably will be looking for one in the draft and if there are any other teams out there looking at drafting a kicker, the Bills would be telling them that they are looking to pick one up, possibly on the first day. If TD tows the company line on RL, like he did with the answer to the 40 yd question, it might be possible that Nugent could slip to the second day of the draft and the Bills might look to pick him up at a bargain 4th or 5th rounder instead of having to invest a 2nd or 3rd on him. Just some food for thought.
  12. Hey dib, Cleve Hill H.S.
  13. I don't think I could have said that any better myself. Looking at this post by Jeff, most of the people that responded are living most everywhere except Buffalo now. It's just a shame that the politicians and the people of Buffalo that are so set in their ways fail to realize that the lack of an economy in Buffalo is creating a mass exodus. Too Bad!! Buffalo is a great city.
  14. Cheektowaga/38/Altamonte Springs, FL - suburb of Orlando
  15. The football portion of this post was quite entertaining and had some very good points about why TD might be waiting to pull the trigger on any free agents. Thanks JP for posting Justin's thoughts onto this board, they were very well thought out. Now, regarding the other crap flying around, I just don't understand why so many people on this board insist on flaming someone just because they post several football related items that are similarily related. Not all of us that visit this board visit it every day and read the same things over and over. There are some of us who check in a couple times a week to see whats going on in the Bills world. A post like this, that maybe has been mentioned earlier this week, might not have been seen by everyone. This is the first time that someone posted something that made sense, that I have seen. I've read a lot of other posts with people criticizing TD for a lack of movement in the FA period and this post just shows that there might be a reason why he hasn't made a move. Take it easy on someone just because he posts here. If you see his name pop up and you don't like him (or her), don't read their post then.
  16. This comment alone might explain the reason why TD hasn't overspent for either JJ or PW. I'm pretty sure that TD looks at the big picture rather than one free agency period at a time. He knows that the Bills have some issues to address concerning some players for next year and doesn't want to overspend on contracts for free agents this year that will directly affect next years cap number. As has been said in a lot of posts, TD is probably waiting to see what the fair market value is for both JJ and PW, more so PW though, so he can give him a fair contract without killing any chance of keeping someone like NC next year. Even with 8-9 million dollars in cap room this year, the Bills still need to look into the future when offering contracts because of the cap hit that will be suffered for the remaining years on any contract. I'm not trying to defend TD here but just pointing out the fact that you can't look at just one season anymore when dealing with free agency. There are reprecussions down the road on any contract signed, which should be noted by EM's contract a couple years ago which directly affected this years cap number.
  17. I honestly can't see the Bills getting more than a 3rd for Henry and probably a mid to late 3rd at best. If they were to get a 2nd, which is unlikely given the FA's available and the crop of RB's coming out, I don't think they should package them to get a 1st. First of all, I don't think there are many teams willing to give up their own 1st unless they were getting another 1st the folllowing year. Teams just don't move out of the 1st round altogether like that. Add in the fact that you could get two 2nd rounders for the cost of one 1st, it makes more sense to get servicable quantity than quality at that point. If they were to get an extra 2nd, then maybe they could use that pick on a Kicker unless TD somehow finds someone through free agency again, yikes!
  18. I think Nugent would be a pretty good pick by the Bills but using a 2nd on him might be stretching it a little. I don't think they have Kickers slotted to make that kind of money (bonus + salary) with the exception of Janikowski who was a 1st round pick by Al Davis. I wouldn't be surprised to see TD look hard at somebody like Tyler Jones from Boise State who actually put up similar percentage numbers to Nugent but might not have quite as strong of a leg. Jones probably kicked in the same conditions in Boise and other venues that he would in Buffalo so that wouldn't be a factor and he could probably be had for a 6th or 7th round pick. Just some food for thought. If Nugent was there in round 3 or 4 though, I would hope TD would consider it.
  19. I guess I missed leaving a word in there. I used to have season tickets for over 10 years before I moved out of town and the one thing that made my decision to move difficult was the fact that I was going to lose my season tickets. Better? If you think I'm here to bash anyone or act like Rudy or Ice, you're mistaken. I'm just trying to take the blinders off and see this team for what it is. There are positions on the team that need to be upgraded. Questions about the fans desire that need to be addressed. I'm a Bills fan through and through but after seeing another season go by the wayside, it's time to take the rose-colored glasses off and figure out where the problems are.
  20. He did get better and maybe it was the defensive schemes but he just seemed to be out of place on a lot of 3rd downs. I don't know if it's McGee or the defense that the Bills were in but obviously other teams knew who to go after if they needed a completion. Just my opinion. All I'm saying is that McGee might be better suited being the Nickle Corner and Kick Returner instead of a Starting Corner.
  21. Jimmy Williams. Terrence McGee is a very servicable nickle or dime back but the Bills could use a quality starting corner opposite Clements. McGee is good but he does seem to lose track of WR's when playing in coverage. He can't cover an out pattern and this was evident last week when he was basically eaten alive. Williams would be a huge upgrade to a pretty good secondary.
  22. Hey, don't get me wrong here. I'm just making an observation. I am about as far from Rudy as anyone on here but the point is that something needs to be done to address the problem of RWS being the home of the Bills and not the home of the home of the Steelers, Patriots, Jets, Raiders, Packers, Browns, Dolphins or any other team in the league that has a pretty good following.
  23. I'm sorry if this discussion has already been talked about earlier this week but why in the hell were there so many Steeler fans in attendance at the game on Sunday? Maybe the question should be, have the people of WNY lost interest in the Bills? I guess there are probably a couple of explanations for the large contingent of Steeler fans in Buffalo last Sunday but I guess, in my opinion, Bills fans just don't have the desire to spend the money to go see this team play. I understand that part of the problem is the group sales that occur in June that allow anyone buying over 15 tickets to get first dibs on games but the fact of the matter is, there should be more season tickets sold! Having over 20,000 opponents fans in "OUR" house is ridiculous. The people of WNY and all Bills fans should be embarrassed by that display of yellow towels that were flying last week. I sat there wondering how this could happen but in talking with a lot of people this part week, the main conclusion is that there is a huge majority of people that just don't care about the team. Sure they watch them on TV but when I asked if they would go to a game, they said "sure, if someone gave me a ticket". I know the economic situation in Buffalo is poor but tickets to the Bills games are among the lowest in the league. I guess I just don't understand it. I used to have season tickets for over 10 years before I moved out of town and the one thing that made my decision to move was the fact that I was going to lose my season tickets. I guess the people of WNY just don't have the spirit for the team like they used to. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Bills as one of the potential teams going to LA in the next 10 years. The people of WNY obviously don't care by their lack of support for the team.
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