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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Thanks for the reports for all of us from out of town that can't be there to see all this in person. You are doing great. Thank you!
  2. gantrules really likes Rueben Gant and think Ron Gant is a sissy!
  3. Southwest recently had a pretty good deal for $49 each way to Buffalo from Orlando, probably the other way around too. I had booked a flight in May for the home opener from Orl to Buf for $89 and was able to change it to the $49 each way price and received a future flight credit through Southwest. They always run those deals, so keep watching the Southwest website.
  4. If the Bills adapted to their QB last year and max protected, every team that we faced would know what they were going to do. You can't just say they should have done everything to protect DB and give the ball to Moulds or Evans, that's just idiotic. Every team would be able to defense that in a heartbeat and completly shut down the already limited passing game, (see the New England games)!!!!!!!!!!! If you're going to make statements like that, think about the logic behind them. Of course there is always a learning curve for every coach, but isn't there a learning curve for even the veteran coaches and players on every play of every game every year?
  5. I've actually been hit by a dog. I was driving down the street near my house, heading to work and this dumb dog runs out from his yard and right into the passenger door of my truck. I stopped, got out and went to check on the dog when the owner came out. The dog was dazed and the owner said it's the second time he's done that. There wasn't any damage to the door so I went on my way but the dog must have had one hell of a head ache. I also have hit an armadillo, which make one horendous sound when you drive over it, all you hear is this loud crunching sound. I looked back and it was all over the road behind me. I didn't stop then but when I got to the next exit on the highway, I stopped to fill up and checked for any dillo remains, which thankfully there weren't any. They sound cool running over though. Kinda of like opening a walnut.
  6. There isn't anything that can top that in the movie, except for maybe when the chick shows her rack, that's about it. For the movies I have never seen: ET, though I do have the video but just can't be bothered to watch it. Lord of the Rings or any of the sequels. Casablanca, though I did see a little of Assablanca on a Family Guy episode.
  7. This couldn't be any more of an indication why the Bills felt they could let him go!!
  8. I had the opportunity once to stand a couple of feet from Jennie Finch as she warmed up. This girl can bring it. I wouldn't mind standing in the box against her to see what it's like. Wouldn't mind a lot of things with her but this isn't penthouse forum. Besides the fact that she is an awesome pitcher, she is a beautiful woman. She is really down to earth too. While at the exhibition where I saw her, there were hundreds of young girls (ages 5-18) that were following her around everywhere. The team was on a strict schedule that night but JF asked the coach if she could sign some autographs for the crowd and she ended up standing there for about an hour and a half, even after it started raining, to sign something for anyone that asked. She is quite the icon for young girls. And older men for that matter!!
  9. OK, good point, I should have clarified that out of 30 teams in the NBA, 90% of them play streetball while the other 10% plays the game with finess and defense. Sorry for generalizing but for the sake of ranting, the NBA is a game run by players, for the most part.
  10. Tom Condon = RJ If this guy thinks that some team will shell out $35 million for an adequet, aging, often injured rapist, he is sadly mistaken. The league, for the most part excluding Snyder and Jones, has frowned upon shelling out large amounts of money to guys with character issues. He is going to get a one or two year deal at the most and nowhere near $35 million, IMO.
  11. This statement is exactly what the NBA has become. The players march to the beat of their own drum, for the most part and the coaches are afraid to tell the players what to do. How many coaches have been axed over the last 10 years because his players didn't like playing for him because he told them what to do? The NBA is made up of criminals with enough talent to get paid. On another note, it's almost sickening to watch an NBA game because of the amount of whistles that are blown. The flow of the game can't last more the 30 seconds without one of the refs blowing the whistle on something, though not blowing it on the "star" players because they don't like being told that they did something wrong. The game has gotten into the pathetic stage and that's a shame for a game that used to be fun to watch. Sorry for the F-F-S type rant.
  12. Did anyone notice that the NFC has only one team that plays a schedule that is .500. Also, the top 15 teams are in the AFC and only the Titans play a below .500 (.492) schedule. It kind of shows who is the dominant conference. Even back in the late 80's and early 90's, the NFC wasn't nearly as dominant as the AFC is today. Funny too that the Super Bowl runner-up plays a .453 schedule. Goes to show that when the Bills play the NFC south (probably the best NFC conference) this year, no one is going to terribly worried. The Falcons aren't nearly as good as their record showed last year.
  13. I'm not one to flame but you have to remember, the cops are there to enforce the laws that we live by. Without the cops, crime and criminals would be running rampant in this country. Crime is out of control for the most part as it is and police departments are understaffed to handle the criminals. If this cops turns a blind eye to a lady doing 16mph over the speed limit, what would prevent her from possibly doing that in a school zone and wiping out a couple of kids. The cop in the video was just doing his job enforcing the laws in which we all live by. He did nothing wrong handling the situation that she put herself in. She swung at the other officer and the cops have certain procedures they have to follow in those situations. I saw a video in a class about an officer, in Georgia I think, asking someone he pulled over to please step to the rear of his vehicle. The officer asked the guy over 20 times to comply and he didn't. Next thing you know, the guy pulls out a rifle from the back seat of his truck and starts shooting the officer. He shot the officer 4 times, went back and reloaded, shot him several more times and then put the gun to the officers head and finished him off and drove away. He was stopped down the road without incident and when asked why he did that, he said the officer didn't show him respect. The officer had a wife and 3 kids with a 4th on the way. That video is shown in training for most police officers around the country. The officer should have tazered the guy earlier but didn't. Just goes to show that they never know how a situation will escalate unless they control it from the beginning. This is why the officer in this video treated the lady like he did, it's part of his training.
  14. Now that is just funny. I picked JP only because he is one that might be around for a while. I wouldn't mind getting a throwback Kemp or Kelly jersey though.
  15. I couldn't have said it any better myself.
  16. 1) I was sick of my crappy job, the crappy weather and crappy economy. 2) Moved to Florida, Orlando to be precise. 3) Much, much larger house with 1/4 the taxes. 4) I don't think I would ever move back, it's a nice place to visit over a weekend for a football game but otherwise, there is nothing there, not even family, that I would move back for. 5) Somehow lower taxes and structure the tax dollars to be spent wisely and re-investing into the area instead of just pissing the money away. The whole area needs an economic and structural boost and the quickest way to do that is to get all new politicians to fix things. The current ones are doing nothing but wasting hard earned tax dollars.
  17. I had season tickets from 1986 through 1995. I moved in the spring of 1996 but still make it back for the home opener every year plus usually one other game. I already have my (10) tickets for the opener this year but since my wife and I are expecting our second child in late September, I don't think I'm going to make it back up for another game besides that one. Western New York is a great community for the most part but I just don't think I could live there, and probably not work there any more. It's a nice place to visit for a weekend though.
  18. Good lord, that's a nice pair. You've gotta love cleavage!!
  19. I heard that the computer system went down for a little while which induced the clusterfu*%. I can't believe that people in here are actually blaming TD for this. In the current age of high technology that we are all dependent on, things like this are bound to happen. We should be thankful that the Bills even allow season ticket holders to purchase a block of tickets in advance. I don't recall this being an option before TD arrived. Be thankful for what you have.
  20. It's a tough call, Peter is much funnier right now than Homer but back in the beginning years of the Simpsons, Homer was probably funnier overall. I have to agree that Stewie is funnier than Bart but the Simpsons set the stage for shows like The Family Guy to be successful. The Simpsons is an all time classic but for overall Non-PC humor, The Family Guy might be one of the funniest shows of all time.
  21. Red Stripe is another good one. It's my favorite bottled beer. I still have to stick with Stella Artois as my favorite beer though, but only on draft, bottled Stella just doesn't have the same quality and taste as it does on draft.
  22. Who the F**K cares!!!! The little guy sucks as a QB and Bills fans should only be happy he is with New England. He is, and will always be, a team killer. Like it or not, look at the track record!
  23. It wouldn't surprise me to see them win 10 games. Every year, some team manages to surprise people and start out on a roll and end up in the playoffs. Two that come to mind would be Baltimore a few years back and the Chargers last year. Also, every year, a team that everyone picks to do well, falters and doesn't do half as well as predicted. My team to crumble this year is the Pats. I know it sounds a bit of a reach considering two SB's in a row but they are well overdue for that hangover. I also don't think Atlanta is all that good and MOST of their wins last year were against some pretty dismal teams. Unfortunately, a couple teams on the Bills schedule this year that will pose problems would be Carolina though their vertical game leaves a bit to be desired, the Bengals and the Jets twice, though I don't think their rushing game will be nearly as good as it was last year. Point is, the Bills have a fairly favorable schedule to start out and if they get on a roll, they could be home against the Jets with possibly no losses or one loss at that point. I don't think 10 wins is all that far fetched for this team.
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