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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I should have clarified. I don't want to spend to much time in Buffalo. My wife is pregnant and due in a few weeks and I'm already in the doghouse for going to the game. My punishment is that I have to take my 2 year old daughter up with me for the weekend. Is that better?
  2. As much as I would love to see the Saints game played in Buffalo, the NFL should somehow try to schedule any of the Saints home games at neutral sites, including the Giants game but it's too late for that. There are plenty of cities around the country, and Canada, that would love to host an NFL game for the weekend. The Giants game could have been scheduled for Syracuse, for instance. The Bills game could be played in Toronto, the Miami game in Orlando, the Chicago game in Champagne, the Detroit game in East Lansing and all the division games in San Antonio. Some the money for each of the games could have went to hurricane relief. The NFL always seems fairly slow to react to most things so obviously their knee jerk reaction is and would be just to move the games to the opponents site. It's unfair but that's how the NFL seems to operate.
  3. I'll be there, for the 21st year in a row. Flying in from Orlando on Saturday, leaving Monday. I don't want to spend too much time there if I don't have to. Section 336, rows 17 & 18.
  4. I have to agree with VA on this. Edwards would probably be a rotating DE at some point during the games. Not to say that I don't like the idea of HD in a Bills uniform to be a pass rush specialist but I just don't think he quite fits that role anymore. Maybe at one point in his career he did but he looks to be past his prime for that. Also, given the Bills low numbers on the Dline, they might be able to keep everyone one of them active for the games and possibly use someone like Bannan or even Sape at DE towards the end of the game when they are fresh. Just my opinion on not using a roster spot on a specialist like Douglas.
  5. What is JP's completion percentage for the preseason?
  6. This is the most accurate statement in this whole post. If any of you were a police officer and were told to abandon your family in the midst of this devastation so that you can "police" the area while not enforcing the actual laws, would any of you do the job? I sure as hell wouldn't. The city basically is being run by the gangs of looters and criminals right now and until somebody with big enough balls orders the police or National Guard to use any force necessary to restore order, you are going to keep seeing what the "media" is showing. Unfortunately, the local government of NO and the state of Louisiana weren't prepared to handle this catastrophe, which I don't think any city or state would be, and they are now acting like the true politicians that they are and trying to be politically correct in handling the situation without offending or hurting anyone. They are passing the blame onto the US government which seems to be caught off guard by the magnitude of the devastation, not just in NO but in all of Mississippi and Alabama also. The media isn't helping the situation here but that's another post in itself.
  7. Thank you for sharing Cindy. I might sound weird here but I have been fighting back tears every time I read something about Hunter. I have a 22 month old daughter and a son on the way in September, who has already been diagnosed with a Heart Transposition. I can't imagine what Jim and Jill and the whole Kelly family is going through but everything they have done with Hunter has already made the world a better place for children. God Bless them.
  8. QUOTE(Zip @ Aug 10 2005, 06:43 AM) Has anyone seen the satellite coordinate for the Idy game yet? QUOTE Captain Stillman: Coordinates? Soldier with Mortar: Yes, sir, they determine where the mortar's... Captain Stillman: Soldier, the army has spent a lot of money teaching you to fire that thing. Now set it and fire it. Soldier with Mortar: Sir, we don't know where the shell's gonna... Captain Stillman: Soldier. The only way to learn anything is to do it. Now fire the weapon. LMFAO!!! A classic
  9. I would have to second the vote for Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) on Rescue Me. His encounters with Jesus have been pretty dramatic and pretty funny. I think only Leary would be able to pull have meeting Jesus on a TV drama.
  10. There might be a whole new interpretation now for the spearing penalty!
  11. What about the newest network on Directv, LOGO. The MTV channel for gay and lesbian viewers. I saw this channel pop up a couple of weeks ago and wondered why they didn't send anything announcing the new channel, now I know why. They must be keeping this one a secret until the hockey season starts and will be the broadcast station for NHL Center Ice, LOL.
  12. Was it my imagination or did the TV crew from the scrimmage on Friday night mention that NC and his agent are negotiating to make him the highest paid corner in the league? If I did hear this, which I'm pretty sure I did, though I did have a few Red Stripes in me, something tells me that the Bills and NC were waiting to find out what shook out of the Ty Law contract. It's my guess that the Bills wanted to see what the Jests gave Law before they presented NC a new contract. The signing bonus money for one player is always a factor in another players contract. I seriously doubt that Law's contract will create any problems with Nate's negotiation. TD knows that he probably has one of the top 5 corners in the league here and will need to step up and offer something substantial to keep him here. I really think that he will be signed to a new deal before the final pre-season game.
  13. How long do we have to go until the DB threads stop? He is gone and I would bet pretty much every penny I have that he won't be back. WHO CARES what DB does, is doing or has done, he no longer is part of the Bills and for at least a year, the Bills won't have to deal with him.
  14. I'm just curious but do these same prognosticators also suggest that Pittsburgh will probably be an 8-8 team because they have a 2nd year guy at quarterback? Sure, BR looked okay last year for Pitt but Pitt, for the most part, let the defense and the running game determine most of their outcomes. BR was coddled through the year and he did a great job in that role. He was never called on to carry that team on his shoulders and the team responded by winning almost every game. These writers need to look at that fact when they try and figure out how the Bills will do, but the last time I checked, the Bills have a pretty good defense, pretty good special teams and a fairly decent running game.
  15. 4 years ago I probably would have said Law but right now, after his injury and him showing his true colors (so to speak) with his contract negotiations a couple years ago, I would take Milloy in a heartbeat. Good corners are very tough to come by in this league but top safeties are even harder to find. The Bills are in a position now that they need that leadership in the defensive backfield and both Vincent and Milloy give them that.
  16. It's not even 2 weeks into training camp, why in the hell would the Bills want to pick up someone else's garbage? Spears might have been decent 8 years ago but..........This is a fairly young team with some veterans at key positions and we don't have a need for a 10+ year player that is on the downside of his career!! Why is it that every time some team cuts a player, it gets posted in here with the thinking that the Bills should pick them up. They are getting cut for a reason folks. They aren't getting cut because the coach or GM didn't like the way he combed his hair. Give it up with all the "lets pick up JoeBlow" posts already. There are going to be a lot of players cut before training camp ends and the odds that the Bills picking any of them up are 1 in 1,000,000. Unless of course that person would seriously upgrade a weak or injury position, is willing to take a small salary and has the ability to learn the Bills playbook in a very short time.
  17. I couldn't agree more with this post. There are some COMPLETE IDIOTS on this board that constantly harp about the doom and gloom with JP. The guy is in his second year and he is still learning. The Bills had a couple of options at the QB position this off-season: 1) Keep Drew and go into another season knowing that the QB position is going to be the weakest and least creative on the team. DB sucked (missed passes, crucial turnovers, NO mobility and inability to win a big game) for the last 2 years here and signs were pointing that he wasn't going to get any better or any younger. 2) Waive DB and pursue a veteran QB in free-agency that might only be here a year until they feel that JP has developed enough sitting on the bench and watching while still earning 1st round pick money. Doing this might scar the mentality of JP though and he might never recover. OR 3) Waive DB and give JP every opportunity to learn and earn the job of the QB and future of this franchise. People on this board need to realize that JP is the quarterback, regardless if he throws one or two bad passes in a controlled scrimmage or if he throws 2 during the first game. He is going to be the QB. By every play that I watched Friday night, he looks confident and prepared to handle that job. Sure, he's going to make mistakes but who doesn't. Kelly blew a few games himself as the Bills QB, especially the 2nd SB but he was still considered the QB with only idiots calling for his head. Most teams in the NFL would love to be in Buffalo's shoes right now knowing who their QB will be for the next 5 years or more. I guarantee, all of you naysayers will be jumping on the JP bandwagon before the end of the season. He has the tools, mental capacity and all the athletic ability to be a type of QB in Buffalo that we have NEVER seen before. Sorry for the FFS type post but people really need to look at the options of what the Bills have. They went the right direction, just give it time to materialize. We still haven't even played a pre-season game yet!!!
  18. I should have clarified my post by saying that adding a veteran player that the team isn't built around never hurts. A solid veteran on a young team only helps the team get stronger both in the locker room and on the ice.
  19. I couldn't agree more with this. The Sabres are going to be a young and hungry team with a lot of players that didn't take a year off but actually either played in Europe or in Rochester. As I said in another post, the "new" NHL is somewhat geared toward younger, faster, skilled players which the Sabres actually have an abundance of in their system. They might not get 100 points this year but they should be closer to the 90 to mid 90 range and solidly make the playoffs as about a 5 or 6 seed.
  20. I might sound like a homer here but I actually think that Darcy is doing the right thing. Letting the "older" players get overpaid by teams such a Philly while the Sabres sit back and watch a large portion of the league overspend is not necessarily saying they are cheap. They are letting the market play itself out. The Sabres have decided to build from within and stick to the youth theory while other teams invest a lot of money for older players that might not be able to play the "new" style of hockey. The Sabres have a lot of young, aggresive and most of all, quick talent on their roster and in the system. They are a team that is built for the "new" style and doesn't necessarily have to go after the older, veteran players that might not be able to keep up as the season progresses. I say stay away from all the elderly big name players and scoop up any young ones that might slip through the cracks.
  21. Thanks for the heads up steve, much appreciated.
  22. It's pretty impressive that the whole defensive unit is in the NFL. Says a lot for that program, almost along the lines of Miami.
  23. Thanks for all the reports Rock. They aren't long at all and I wish they were longer. I, along with all the other out-of-towners will take what we can get though. Keep up the great work and don't fall asleep and miss a practice like Mike, j/k. Thanks for all the reports guys.
  24. This would be one hell of a story even if he makes the practice squad, which I think is very possible.
  25. My guess here is that Wade probably overheard the "give it to em" call on the sidelines and was so pissed that he just wasn't thinking clearly. It's a tough position for a coach to be in, knowing that you are being bent over and given the "moon river" on national TV. If he had it to do again, I'm sure he would probably keep them on the field.
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