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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I like the Hardy pick and all but can someone please point out what Marv had to do with this pick or anything relating to the Bills. I might have missed something along the way here but I thought Marv retired again from the organization and doesn't have anything to do with the decision making.
  2. ESPN has been a joke thus far in this draft. The only thing they have going for them is that they are braodcasting in HD, otherwise, NFL Network has beaten them to the punch on every pick, especially talking about the Bills going WR in round 2 over the QB's ESPN were talking about. ESPN is a joke today.
  3. Without moving up or down, the Bills addressed both needs and got great value with both picks. Mckelvin might be the best corner overall considering the return possibilities and Hardy was by far the best BIG receiver in the draft considering what the Bills were looking for. A very nice one-two punch so far.
  4. Funny, I was flipping between NFLN and ESPN and NFLN had basically announced the McElvin pick while ESPN was still talking about NE and figuring out which direction the Bills might go. ESPN has really lost a lot of it clout when it comes to the draft, IMO. Unfortunately, NFLN doesn't broadcast the draft in HD so they might lose some points there but overall, NFLN is head and shoulders above and beyond ESPN with content and description of what's going on with everything related to the draft.
  5. One of my reasons for thinking that drafting Thomas (with the #11 pick) will upset the apple cart, so to speak, is the fact that his agent is Rosenhaus and the turmoil that he tends to cause. I just don't know if taking a WR at 11 is the best move for a team that really has very few veterans that lead in the locker room and Evans is one of the most tenured leaders on this team. He already has asked to re-negotiate/extend his contract to stay in Buffalo and the drafting of a WR higher than he was picked might hasten his exit. My thinking with taking Harvey is that, IMO, Schobel is expendable. Word is that he (Schobel) isn't the best locker room guy, doesn't like to practice and doesn't like to show up for the off-season work outs. Couple that with his ridiculous contract and lack of production for a guy being paid in the top 5 at his position, he can be replaced by a high draft pick.
  6. Ellison won't be on the team this upcoming season regardless who the Bills pick 1st overall. They will draft an OLB at some point this weekend to take over as backup for the oft rolled over, beaten in coverage Ellison.
  7. If this were to happen, you can just about count on Lee Evans playing out the final year of his contract next year, if he even shows up without a trade demand. Thomas would probably want to be a #1 receiver, given the fact he was the 1st receiver drafted this year and picked even higher than Evans. Just too many negatives down the road making this pick, IMO. Take Harvey and let Schobel and/or Kelsay/Denney walk.
  8. Regardless of who gets paid what, is it possible that this guy could and would be an upgrade over any of the DE's on the current roster? I say probably an upgrade over all with the possible exception of one, but after last year, he could come in and be the best DE on the team. With that as a possibility, I think that any time you can upgrade a position that is VERY hard to upgrade at all, Harvey is by far the best choice at 11, if he is still there.
  9. Any Boise State player on the Bills is never a bad idea. Carr was an exceptional player for the Broncos but went undrafted. He would definitely add some needed depth at Safety and would be an upgrade on Special Teams since Aiken and Wire are gone. He fits into that Taskeresque mold.
  10. Basically, what it boils down to regarding the Bills choice at WR is that they wanted to keep Lee Evans. If the front office signed Johnson to a long term, over-inflated contract, you could have pretty much kissed LE goodbye. Personally, I would rather see the money invested in a known commodity in Evans, than a hope he pans out Bryant Johnson.
  11. I just want to add that I am not comparing JP to JK in any way here or the team that was built in the late 80's to the current team but that the moves being made are similar in some ways and that there is obviously a plan in place to build this team around a certain core of players.
  12. I don't know if this point has been made recently concerning the movement of Spikes, Fletcher, McGahee and Clements along with last years departure of Milloy, Vincent and Moulds. I think it's pretty obvious that Marv and Dick are assembling a locker room that will be lead by the young leaders of tomorrow. J.P., Lee Evans, Jason Peters, Donte Whitner, Ko Simpson, Keith Ellison, Chris Kelsay and Aaron Schoebel, along with a few slightly older veterans such as Melvin Fowler, Derrick Dockery, Larry Tripplett and Kiwaukee Thomas. For the most part though, if you look at the current roster, this team is now JP Losman's team. The same thing happened back in the late 80's when Jim Kelly, Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas, Kent Hull, Bruce Smith and Darryl Talley joined the Bills. There were a lot of veterans that were jetisoned to make room for the new core of players. Players such as Jerry Butler, Greg Bell, Carlton Bailey, Jestin Cross, Ken Jones, Tim Vogler and Charlie Romes were all shown the door in that late 80's era. The point is, change happens, sometimes good veteran players get let go or get traded to make room for a New Attitude in the locker room. Every player that the Bills have lost over the last two years has been part of a losing team which isn't their faults individually but collectively, they were part of a losing atmosphere at One Bills Drive and something needs to change. This team is JP's team now, like it or lump it, just as back in '88 and '89 when several players were shuffled out to make room for new ones to build around. Marv and Dick have a plan and they are basically weeding out the older players who ran the locker room to make room for the young guys such as Losman, Evans and Schoebel to become the new leaders of the Bills of the future and the futre is now with these guys. So, instead of harping on the negatives with the loss of a few older guys, look at the positives and similarities that the future of this team holds with a new core of leaders with this team.
  13. I heard it on the Dan Sileo morning show here in Orlando yesterday.
  14. Has anyone else heard that the Bills are one of several teams interested in his services?
  15. Good post. I in Florida and have Directv since '97 and honestly wouldn't know what to do without it. I catch every Bills game and nearly every Sabre game throughout the year and love it. It by far is the best invention ever with the DVR a close second. IMO
  16. If they sign this guy or anyone else, who do they cut? Or do they put McCargo on the IR and end his season?
  17. This post reminds me of a pretty good majority of people in WNY. I was up there for the Jests game a couple weeks ago and the people and their attitudes haven't changed one bit. Everything is doom and gloom no matter what the topic. I am so glad I got out of there 10 years ago or else I probably would have went postal on a few people by now. In regards to the fan(s) at the games, it's just typical. They probably weren't happy during most of the earlier 90's either but it's just the environment that they live in. Born miserable, live miserable and die miserable. Welcome to WNY. Maybe that should be the new slogan for the Chamber of Commerce.
  18. Just a note about Talley. He does a show on Saturday nights locally here in Orlando regarding college football played that day. As far as I know, he still lives in the Orlando area and was probably heading up to Buffalo for the Andre celebration at the stadium last Sunday. He actually isn't all that bad on TV and might have a future in doing some sort of commentary for either college or pro games either during a pre, post or halftime show. I don't think he has the voice to do a color position during a game but I hope something on a larger scale opens up for him along the way.
  19. I saw this post and just wanted to make an observation, which I don't think has been posted. I am not a conspiracy theorist or anything but after the New England game earlier this year, my blood got boiling and I looked back and the travesties in the NFL but mostly against Buffalo. In the 4 Super Bowl losses, the Bills didn't play against the Giants, Redskins and Cowboys, they played against the #1, #6 and #4 television markets, or close to those rankings. I don't know about any of you but all I hear with the NFL is the TV money. Just a thought but large TV markets are going to win more often than small ones. Just my opinion.
  20. And that wouldn't surprise me one bit! Remember Andre and Henry!!
  21. Thanks Jack and Stl Bills. I saw it in grey on that site but I was just curious if the Bills or the NFL were selling the same shirts that the players wear on the sidelines. I liked the red short sleeve and my wife was hoping to get one. We will take a look when we venture up for the home opener. Maybe the one shop near the stadium has those items. Thanks for the effort though in trying to find that shirt.
  22. I saw TKO wearing this shirt on the sidelines of last weeks game against the Lions but in a short sleeve. Does anyone know where I can get one? I checked all the links and none of them carry it. I appreciate the help. Thanks link
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