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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Rregarding the TE's, I think Royal's days might be numbered. Not that he's a bad TE, this is just a bad system for any TE. I really believe that even Gates, Gonzalez or Winslow would have looked mediocre at best in the Bills system the last few years. The TE is an afterthought on this team and if they can go cheaper and younger, they probably will. Schouman, Fine and Anderson might be left standing when all is said and done but does it really matter? Sad but true since the statistics really hammer out that fact. Who knows, they might keep an extra OL, put him in and declare himself eligible on most plays. That's how underutilized that position really is with this coaching staff. The DB's on the other hand is actually going to be interesting how it plays out. I agree that they will probably keep 6 CB's with Cox being on the practice squad as a flex backup at both corner and safety. It's also likely that the backup SS isn't even on the current roster. Wendling might make the team as a ST player but if something were to happen to Whitner or Simpson, the Bills might aggresively pursue a trade of some sort instead of looking on the street this year.
  2. I really have to agree with everything you said since I just rewatched the game myself. The one thing you neglected to mention though is the coaching. I know it's preseason but I seriously think that coaching is going to keep this young and talented team down. I really can't see Jauron letting the offense open it up and utilize weapons like Roscoe and defensively, he will keep them playing smart and bend don't break, but not aggressive. I hope I'm wrong but the inability to really look aggressive on either side of the ball Saturday, especially with the 1st units, brought back too many nightmares from last year. Gonig 3 and out then watching them run all over our defense is just to coincidental.
  3. Regardless of what everyone thinks, the Bills, pre-season or not, have the same philosophy on offense and defense as they did with that horrible team from last year. Keep it close, don't do anything stupid and let the game come to you. It might give you 7or 9 wins in High School and possibly 3 to 7 wins in the NFL, but realistically, the best you might do is 9 wins depending on division and conference. Jauron wouldn't last more than 2 years in the NFC West, by far the worst conference in the NFL and yet he still has a job in a division that is a very close 2nd to the NFC West in competition. Coaching is going to kill this team regardless of the talent. The Bills, and I hate to say it since I live and breathe the Bills, are no more than a .500 team with the current coaching staff and QB. Neither are flashy and neither will do anything more than mediocre. I'm not saying this based on a lame 1st pre-season game, but what the team has presented us fans the last couple of years, If my wife can sit here and watch the game, with minimal football knowledge, and predict what the team will do, both offensively and defensively, it's pretty safe to assume that the cheating Pats or the far less knowledgable Fish might know what we're going to do. It's pretty obvious if anyone watched any game that the Bills played last year that everyone knew what the Bills were going to do. I hope and pray that this year is different but my brain tells me that this team will once again build up our hopes and crush our dreams. With all the young talent that is on this team, it really might be time for a new coach that allows the talents of the players to shine, instead of them playing in a structured system and being good little boys and playing not to lose and embarrass anyone. Buffalo needs excitement not the doldrums of Jauron.
  4. I should have stated that the Bills Personal Cap stigma would have set them back for years. I realize the Bills have a bunch of cap rooom available to them and Favre would fit easily into that space. The only problem is, the Bills aren't the rest of the NFL and spend their alloted cap allowance to the maximum. There are a few teams now following the Bills model of Cash to Cap, which really restricts them financially to go out and make a huge splash in free agency or trading for a big name, high salaried veteran. But, in their market, they have to do it. Would I like to see Favre in a Bills uniform? Sure, if he plays like Favre of last season or Favre or 1996 and 1997. Do I think the Bills should have made an effort to get him? NO, because the salary structure of the team and the current youthful structure and promising young QB's on the roster don't necessitate making a move for a QB that you really don't know what you're going to get. I'm not sold on Edwards only because of the moronic system he was burdened with last year, but I feel that he has the potential to be a pretty damn good QB in the right coaching system. JP is in the same boat system wise, he's been bounced from coach to coach and system to system since he got here and Hamdan seems to have the tools to be a pretty decent guy to have on the roster.
  5. Your points are right on about the Bills and Favre. IF the Bills had any interest in going after him, which they didn't, they would have set themselves back years by trying to S Q U E E Z E in $12 million onto a payroll that has so many young and talented players much more deserving of the cash down the road. I didn't hear the conversation on WGR but I can imagine the point that was talked about was that the Bills would have benefitted by merchandise sales and media hype about Favre being a Bill. Sure, semi-valid pionts to an extent but the long term affect on the chemistry, not to mention the salary cap of the Bills would have been devastating. In the coming years, players like Peters, Whitner, Evans, Lynch, Crowell, McGee and Poz would be walking because the trickle down effect of Favre's salary would handcuff the Bills financially for about 5 years. In reality, even if the current Bills had a desperate need for a QB, they just couldn't afford to gamble the potential future of the team away.
  6. BINGO!! As I read through the posts, the more and more I started comparing what the Jets are doing to what the Bills went through for a good portion of the Donahoe era. The "names" on the team give the impression of great potential but when you step back and really look at it, take the fan blinders off, there is really no chemistry between the young and the old, the stars and the rest of the team. The Jets really do remind me of the Bills when the signed Bledsoe, the supposed missing piece. What did it get us, bupka. A lot of pre-season thoughts of the promised land, the guy that has the strong arm, all the records and post season experience, someone that can finally rebound this team back to the glory days. Where did it get us in the end.....a lot of false hope, a team that on paper was supposed to be well above average to a team on the field that was barely average. The comparisons are eerily similar which actually bodes well for this young, under the radar, talent and chemistry driven Bills team. Let the Jets get all the media hype with Favre as the savior. In late November, after all the media has been following the Patsies and the Favre media circus in the AFC East, no one will have been looking and the Bills could be 9 and 3 going into the last month of the year.
  7. I've been to a few stadiums for games and The Swamp is very comparable to the Ralph, actually Rich Stadium in overall noise. The Ralph doesn't seem as loud as it used to be back in the 80's and 90's. Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa are pretty geriatric when it comes to noise. Atlanta can be a little loud but it's a dome and still no where close to what it should be given that fact. Old Cleveland stadium used to get pretty loud but still not comparable to the Ralph. I was at that May Day game at the Aud and that was the loudest that place and probably louder than HSBC can ever get. I seriously thought the place was going to implode that night. Just incredible!!
  8. Now that's Funny. Mary sounds like a B word!
  9. Looks Awesome, any timetable for the roll out? Hopefully before the start of the season. Also, is it possible to use an always changing Bills Player in the ribbon or even better yet, using a series of retro players like Kelly, Thurman, Bruce and so on to try to avoid the "jinxing"?
  10. I have to say that last years team sucked hairless balls for the most part. The offense couldn't stay on the field and the defense couldn't get off it. They were lucky that the schedule was really in their favor, otherwise the Bills would have been picking in the top 3 this year. Wins against last years powerhouses such as Miami, Jets, Ravens, Bengals and a lucky win over a distraught Redskins team doesn't impress me. I honestly still don't understand everyone's infatuation with Edwards considering all he was actually good at was being able to avoid a sack. Other than that, he couldn't move the offense. Sure, he had poise for a rookie and hopefully that will translate into something this year but I am not sold on him yet. Time will tell. There is hope and part of being a Bills fan has indoctrunated us all into the "Wait Till Next Year" mode. To the matter at hand with the Front Office. I believe Peter's has 3 years remaining on a contract that the Bills actually overpaid when he first signed it. If that's the case, he should show up, sack up and play out the next 2 years and then try to renegotiate with a year left. If the Bills start renegotiating everyones contract halfway through, as soon as they get national pub about being pretty good, they aren't going to be able to keep anyone around. The Front Office is doing exactly what just about every Front Office in the league has to do.
  11. If he is that good, JP will probably have a new address the first weekend of September barring injuries to anyone else.
  12. Just to compare how bad taxes are in NY compared to FL, I threw in a house from here in Central Florida that's price falls between Mould's and McGahee's. http://new.watsonrealtycorp.com/Search/Sea...198c1ad&e=i The taxes on this particular house ($658,990) would be $11,828.16
  13. Great post BBB and one of the best posts on here in a long time, although Tipster's might be the best post of all time. I totally agree with all the optimism and euphoria. Times are a changing and it's been a long time coming. I can't wait for the home opener. It will be my 24th in a row and and possibly the most optimistic I've been since #12 walked onto the field against the Jets many years ago.
  14. Some pretty good videos. The interesting thing is, the Bills look like they once again drafted a couple of respectable young men and pretty damn good football players. Both of these guys, more so Johnson though, appear to have some leadership capabilities. They don't seem to shy away from being out in the forefront which is a plus on this young Bills team!
  15. Exactly, we are what we are. The Bills aren't going to "wow" anyone with flashy players but they did add some decent depth and a couple of potential starters in key areas of need. Winning 9 or 10 might be a stretch but the softness of the schedule might help in pushing this team into the, dare I say it, playoffs.
  16. Good point about Reed. IMO, Reed and Parrish are basically interchangeable at WR. I probably am wrong about them letting Roscoe go and it will probably be Reed that might not make it, I just have always likes Reed for some reason, probably his "potential". Either way though, the writing is on the wall for one of them.
  17. IMO, the Bills draft did probably what they set out to do, add at least a couple of starters either now or down the road and take a chance on hitting on a few guys that add depth that could one day start. I'm pretty sure most teams have this approach but the Bills were one team that was in need of depth all over the field and they seem to have filled that need this weekend.
  18. We all have our opinions, you seem to have to relate your opinion by criticizing someone, which is fine. I'm not a Roscoe fan and honestly, with his character issues, lack of size and basically being relegated to #4 receiver at the start of last year, it just seems that he might be the obvious choice of WR's that might not make the team next season. The Bills are getting bigger at WR and Roscoe isn't.
  19. Don't get me wrong, I like Parrish but his lack of size is a hinderance. The Bills, and most of the NFL are getting bigger at WR and unless Roscoe reallys wows the staff this upcoming camp, his days as a Bill might be over.
  20. This is actually a pretty good draft for some depth players along with at least 2 starters almost right away and Ellis possibly taking over for any one of the 3 DE's in the near future. Players come and go in this league and the way the Bills have drafted so far, they are sending a message to a few guys on the team that they need to put up or move on. It's obvious that the Bills really are adding some quality depth for now and the future. They will have a VERY competitive team.
  21. Call it a hunch but it's quite possible that he could possible unseat Roscoe on this team. Granted, Parrish brings a lot to special teams but really doesn't do much offensively. With the fact that the Bills have drafted a couple DB's and have at least one DB with great return ability, the writing might be on the wall for Roscoe.
  22. I don't know how he says he misses many tackles, here is the write up on him from NFL.com: He led the nation in solo tackles (95) and tackles per game (12.92) as a junior and was the team leader in both categories in his two years starting for the Cyclones.
  23. I've posted in other threads that NFLN's coverage puts ESPN's to shame. They had McKelvin going to the Bills while ESPN's morons were actually talking about which QB was the best available for the Bills. NFLN was discussing how good a CB McKelvin was, when the ESPN talking head were then blabbering on about which CB might be the best pick when the card was being walked up on stage. ESPN has really gone with having a "show" without substance as opposed to NFLN having substance without the "show"
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