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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. What is "play action"???? Dick does not believe in that phrase. Please refrain from using those words on here from now on!
  2. I guess my point is..... The talent is there (on the field or on the bench), it's just not being utilized. The stubborness of the owner, front office and coaches, from top on down, seem to be keeping this team mediocre. The same issues were being discussed with JP in there, so obviously either there is a problem evaluating talent at the most key position on the team.................or.......................it's a coaching problem.
  3. Oak, you might be the eternal optimist here. You might be the one that hasn't been around this team for any length of time. Even throughout the Kay Stephenson and Hank Bullough years, the team played with heart and passion. The talent level sucked but they played. Under DJ, the talent level is there, and all us fans know it. The problem is, and has been for 3 years now, that no one knows if the team (and coaches) will show up! We keep hoping for something great to happen but year after year, it's the same ol' same ol'. Enough is Enough already. This team, along with last year's team, are the most frustrating Bills teams to watch and cheer for.
  4. I guess it doesn't matter that the Bills don't have an offensively philosophy or a QB to get any of them the damn ball. It's a moot point at this stage of the game. Shoulda, coulda.woulda. Might sound good tossing out names but if they only see the ball within 5-10 yards of the line of scrimmage and standing there waiting for it, what difference does it make. This offense, Quarterback and Team is built around mediocrity at this point. The talent is there, it's just not be used to it's potential.
  5. Pretty much sounds like the last couple years. Almost like a shampoo bottle......wash, rinse..repeat Get used to it folks......If .500 Dick has that contract in hand, we can expect this for another 2 years at least.
  6. I voted for Jauron but in reality it's: ALL OF THE ABOVE Everyone is to blame at some point here. Edwards should get his fair share here too. Once a team goes south, the one to blame is the QB. Kelly took, and accepted his fair share of criticism throughout his career. What did he do? Rallied the team, regardless who liked him or not. Edwards really doesn't look like he has ANY of those leadership qualities, yet. Hopefully they will come but that takes time and balls. Right now, this team is lacking the time (see Toronto) and he hasn't shown the balls (see every game). Blah Blah Blah about Jax and Oak, that comes down to the blind chicken theory. Any blind chicken can find a kernel of corn. Prove it against a GOOD team. (See Dallas last year). I want him to be the next Montana, I just don't see it happening anytime in the near (5 years) future.
  7. I Love the Squirrel avatar. DJ = Squirrel. The problem with a lot of people on this board is that they really love Edwards and would hate to see him fail, regardless what it means to the team. Those same people didn't have the same passion for Losman which has created a mini-divide amongst some fans. What has really been missed is the True lack of direction from the owner on down. The team is soft! Soft at just about every position except RB. This team has been exposed from the QB position to Safety. TE may be a decent QB with a quality team but the Bills aren't there. This team, kool-aid drinkers aside, is a good 2 years away from being a contender. Seriously, if the Buffalo Bills were going to be any sort of contender for a playoff position, this would have been the year. The glaring weaknesses on the coaching staff aside, this team is lacking depth and SERIOUS playmakers on both sides of the ball. NOTE: For all you TE enthusiaists out there, he is not a playmaker. (See Montana, Young, Elway, Favre, Kelly, Hostetler or even Warner). The only way this team steps to the next level is getting a new coaching staff. If that means a new QB to take the team beyond mediocrity, so be it. As a fan, I don't care what needs to be done, it's time to start winning again. Empty losses in a .500 season don't mean crap. It's time to turn things around and shoot for 16-0, 14-2 or even 12-4. The days of being satisfied with a 10-6 record are over. Not that we have seen 10-6, but the point is there. We need to win again! Win with authority and be a contender, not a pretender.
  8. This sounds like the typical Democratic Poll asking if Obama is a good candidate for President. Throw in some negative points that actually would reflect his play. HE (Trent Edwards) is not the next Joe Montana, Troy Aikman, Brett Favre, John Elway or Mark Rypien. Edwards is as average as they get and that kills me. I want him to suceed along with the rest of the team. I just am not sold on him. He has shown poise at times but really hasn't shown the strong arm and QB leadership that an average team needs, much less a good team that is trying to be an elite team. It's probably the coaching, which I said about JP, but maybe it's the Organization. The team is in a free fall that is almost guaranteeing (sp) the team of a top 15 pick, if not Top 10. Call it a hunch, but it seams that someone (owner) in the organization, is happy with the team turning a profit, growing in value and looking more desirable for a takeover year after year. I spend a couple thousand (as a fan) year after year on this team and am disgusted in the direction they are going. Trent might of might not be the answer but if his play over the last 5 weeks is any indication what we(Bills Fans) have to deal with for the foreseeable future, we are screwed! Good Luck Trent, but, please, take yourself out if your HEAD isn't in the game!
  9. As a Bills Fan through and through, for a long time, one might think that agreeing with crayonz would make sense. Enough is Enough, but from a different perspective. Enough with MEDIOCRITY! This ship sailed in 2004. How long do we have to defend a coach, management or owner(again) to get results. Sure, 1999 had promise, but that team was disassembled completely with the start of the Gregg Williams era. Mularkey followed with more promise with nothing to show. Both of those coaches actually had the team playing with fire, passion, imagination and desire on both sides of the ball. Sure the talent level wasn't there but there was hope. Marv came back into the picture when all that failed, and hope was alive again. Unfortunately, he chose a re-tread coach with a sub .500 record to try to rebuild a dying franchise. 3 years later, the result is still the same. I, as a fan and financial contributor to this team, am willing to accept that Dick Jauron will not save or fix this team. He will not be able, no matter the talent level he has to work with, take this team to the next level beyond .500. Unfortunately, it's time to start over, from top to bottom, with all due respect to Modrak and Guy, with this team. Watching this team week in and week out for the last few years doesn't give much hope, just a lot of aggrevation. As much as they say things will change, the more they stay the same!!
  10. If Trent was some sort of Messiah, maybe he could have figured that out early. Sure, they scored 27 points. but 7 were on special teams. The problem is that he might have figured it out, and was told to dump short, which makes great sense. Problem is that you are playing into the other teams hands at that point. Exactly what Jauron has done his career as a head coach. He doesn't adjust well and doesn't prepare well. A sub .500 coach will give you everything we have seen since he's been here, a lot of hope and no results. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE!!
  11. It's the JP argument all over again, no matter how you sugarcoat it. JP basically said the same thing and got benched for it. Yes, his play was erratic, but isn't it basically the same play at the QB position that we've seen the last several weeks. Maybe it's not the position but the coaches that are basically teaching that position on a week to week basis. JP self destructed under the same coaching staff (for the most part) at this point in his career and everyone wants to give TE a pass while JP is in the doghouse. Trent is probably right, along with JP, that the coaching staff, from top on down, is holding them back!! Everyone is tossing around blame but the result has been the same with different personnel in there. Mediocre, average, predictable, boring and downright stupid. It's time for a change again, regardless what it means to the "rebuilding" program. Enough is Enough! How much longer can us Die Hard fans take this? It's time for a real coach, not a re-tread, next coming of a brilliant mind or someone that a front office person knew somewhere along the way. Bring in someone that knows how to run a football team, from top to bottom. Someone with experience and worth the money he should get for being here. Cowher comes to mind but anyone in that type of mold that can build his team without the purse strings and meddling from the owner would be nice.
  12. I've never been a fan of Sullivan but he really nailed it dead on again. Besides the obvious coach not to lose decisions that Jauron makes week in and week out, we have to look at the stupid calls that he makes, or doesn't make at the same time. We call timeout when the Browns are 3rd and long and we have the on the ropes? It seems every week, he calls a defensive timeout just to have the other team come out and outcoach him and get a first down. Calling timeout with 3rd and 1 only to come back out with the same formation is absolutely baffling. He pulls this crap every week, those small simple plays that might not standout in the grand scheme but when you go back and watch the game, you scratch your head and wonder if a Pee Wee football coach is making some of these decisions. That's not blasting the Pee Wee coaches, most of them are probably more in tune to what's going on during the game than DJ.
  13. After the terrible play of the QB position for the last 5 weeks, I would say that if the "HEAD" on # 5's shoulders isn't examined for possible "Chuck Knoblauch" disease (inability/afraid to throw it downfield), something needs to be done. The QB position is down the list in a long line of positions that need to be upgraded. In no particular order: HEAD COACH and STAFF, TE, DE, DL, OLB, FS, OC, FB (if we keep one) and WR #1 or #2 depending on how you look at it. What this team really needs is a playmaker on defense, someone that can change the course of the game at any given moment. This team has been lacking that for a long long time. They need a similar threat on offense too but right now they might have one or two of them, they just aren't being utilized properly.
  14. If the QB won't get the ball to them, why not go HEAVY and just run it all night? Seriously, if the QB is afraid to throw it, why use them?
  15. The point is that there is a mass frustration tonight and you seem to be dictating what people are allowed to vent about. Loosen up and just let it go.
  16. Every time someone starts a thread that remotely resembles someone else's or critizes the coaching staff or team, the TBD NAZIS come in and shut it down. What a F#ckin joke this site has become. I've come here enjoying the mostly sensible jabbing and fun and the Moderators have found it in their infinite wisdom to shut down any and almost all posts that criticize the Bills. What's next, SDS is going to work for Obama?
  17. Unfortunately that is the battle cry once again. Hopefully it will be with a new Coach and a new direction because obviously the "play not to lose" mentality has to go. Beef and toughness on the lines is woefully needed and a linebacker with some strength is needed on the weak side. A new QB coach, with no offense to AP, is probably needed to loosen the stuck marbles in #5's head. If not, someone that doesn't have Chuck Knoblauch disease is needed to lead this team.
  18. YES but serious consideration has to go to Perry Fewell as the worst assistant coach with Honorable Mention to whoever is talking into Jauron's ear for the better part of the game!
  19. This game was basically blown when Edwards decided to run with ONE timeout and 20+ seconds left in the first half instead of throwing the ball away BUT basically boils down to Jauron getting outcoached every time he calls a timeout. Poor coaching and a lack of a QB knowing whats going on around him cost this game and another season! Jauron has been outcoached at every turn and if you look at every time there was a stoppage in play, not just this game, but just about every game, the opponent has converted a 3rd down or something other to continue their possesion.
  20. It's called Capitalism at it's finest. If you made that kind of money and someone said you have worked to hard and made to much for your own good, it's time to give it to everyone else, you would be pissed too!!!! Why try to succeed when you can let Government decide who gets what? GET A CLUE!!
  21. I'm sick of it, not necessarily the losing, just the mediocrity, the poor coaching and their inability to win a BIG game against a Division/Conference opponent when they really need to. I also had seasons the same years as you until I moved out of state. I'm not a fly by night fan on here, I've been around a long time and I can honestly say that at least under Mularkey, or even Williams, the team was consistent. What you saw was what you got week in and week out. There wasn't quite as much talent overall but you knew what to expect. There wasn't that constant letdown week after week.
  22. I second this!! Even 10-6 and not making the playoffs because we can't win a division game, or even a tough conference game is completely unacceptable given the softness of the schedule and the whole Brady thing.
  23. Sage, when were you elected God All Mighty of the Board? I thought this board was based on free speech and opinions. I guess you voted for Obama and have the ability to decide what people can and cannot say. If you read what I said, you might actually see that it is my OPINION, which is more prophetic than anything after today's game. Moderator, please do not start eliminating posts on this board because someone does not agree with the aggregate opinion! Just because I said Jauron is a .500 coach and no more does not mean that my IQ is below the Mason Dixon line. In actuality, it's well above average and the facts are there for the taking. Look them up! I'm as much of a Bills fan as the next guy but facts are facts. This team has basically sucked for at least 8 years now and it has only been average at best under Jauron's tenure. I've said it since day one, .500 Dick is not the right coach for this team and he's proving it with every tough opponent that the Bills face. If beating a below average San Diego team at home under adverse conditions constitutes a BIG victory, well, shut down the city and celebrate. That's as good as it's going to get under Jauron.
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