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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Makes sense to me. Clean house from the top down. This team needs an enema in the worst way!
  2. The real problem here is that game in and game out, Jauron and the Staff are completely unprepared coming out of a time out. Look back at the time outs the Bills have called, or the other team for that matter. The play calling is completely ridiculous on both sides of the ball. Jauron and the Staff are clueless when it comes to preparing this team week in and week out.
  3. I haven't missed a game in at least 26 years, live or on TV except when I was on my honeymoon in Germany and couldn't find the game on anywhere. I don't plan on missing this one either but my attention span will be minimal since I am fed up with this team, the organization and basically anything to do with Jauron or Wilson. Once either one of them is gone, preferrably both, I will become a full fledged fanatic again. I just find it hard to really get excited about anything that Jauron puts on the field anymore. It's monotonous and abysmal to watch on both sides of the ball. I find myself flipping around to watch FoxNews or the Weather channel during the games lately. It's sad, I didn't even have this attitude during the Williams or Mularkey teams. Hopefully things will change before Free Agency. At least there is something to look forward to.
  4. ...TO Fail ?? There seem to be a few similarities between the Bills and the ficticious Charlestown Chiefs from Slap Shot and the Cleveland Indians from Major League. This is just something that my wife pointed out to me that almost makes sense.
  5. That would probably be the best pick at that slot. The Bills need SERIOUS upgrades at just about every position so starting at a spot that has been a weak spot for years would be an anchor for quite a few years to come.
  6. I know you don't like whiny fans but in reference to "all the young players" comment, I have to say that there are maybe a handful of young players on this current team that are worth keeping. I really don't think the whole problem is the ownership, coaching or even the fans. There are a lot of question marks with the talent level across the board with this team. Young Players would have to include Whitner, Simpson, Scott, McElvin, Greer, McGee, Poz and Ellis on D. Of that group, the only ones playing to any sort of potential would be Whitner and McGee when healthy. The rest look lousy at best lately. The unnamed players aren't even worth mentioning except Mitchell. Offensively, there is talent in the young Lynch, Schouman, Fine and Evans (if he is considered young still). Evans would probably be best as a #2 receiver though and the rest of the group is lacking serious talent, sans Reed. The line is pretty much a veteran group and have been playing well for the most part. The real problem here is the lack of talent at the QB position. Edwards shows flashes of a decent QB but then shows that he probably isn't the leader of or Qb of the future of this team. His flaws have been exposed and his head mentally has shrunk to the size of a pea. He is scared and that doesn't bode well for an NFL QB. The rest don't need to be discussed because either we've seen to much (#7) or not enough (#10 or whatever number Hamdan is). This team needs an enema from the top on down. It is time to clean house and bring in an experienced football guy with a track record of winning, not riding the coat tails of his coach (see Donahoe). The talent and experience level of this team is only a couple of steps above what Williams had to work with.
  7. I have been a JP supporter only because I thought that DICK shafted him but in retrospect, I have to look at McGahee's numbers and surmize that JP was probably the problem. Lynch is putting up the same numbers as WM because JP can not move the ball down the field. DICK is still the worst coach in the league but JP is only probably the 50th worst QB, backups included. The Bills need a QB next year, along with a new coach and staff, owner, defensive line (as a whole), linebackers, a corner, safety, at least one WR and an OL at the very least.
  8. The point is that Trent, JP, Dfense or anyone else played like they did in the first 4 games. It's all part of the Jauron legacy, get alot out of your players early in the season to mask the rest of the dismal season you know they're going to put up. It's the same old story year after year with him here in Buffalo,
  9. Not sticking up for JP but wasn't that JP's problem when he started tailing off after a pretty hot start once he got under center as the official starter?
  10. Honestly, can't disagree here though Kelsay did actually play a decent game. It took him 12 games to look decent but hey, he's one for 12. Firing .500 Dick is a no-brainer though. How much more can us Bills fans take of mediocrity. He has built, along with a very mediocre front office, a very soft team. There are only a couple of players on this team that we can say are "elite". When you have a 53 man roster and 2 or 3 are probably desired by other teams, you know things are bad. I hate to say it but it's time to start over again. We (fans) can not go through another season of this crap anymore!!!!!
  11. I'm just guessing here but wouldn't another win on the schedule, regardless what happens against Ball St., possibly help UB to a bowl game? It might not be a game in late December or early January but it might be some sort of Wednesday Night Bowl in mid December.
  12. Who cares. He did what any normal player does nowadays. Big friggin deal!
  13. Yup, like all the Terrorists that "1st black president"......Clinton pardoned.
  14. BINGO It all depends on what type of under-achieving, under-paid, un(der)-talented Coach and possibly GM that Ralph brings in to screw it up this time. Ralph's ability to evaluate a GM is basically 1 for the Franchise. Polian brought in Butler and that other guy that went out west, Arizona I think, who were pretty good GM's. This year, it should start at least with a Coach, hopefully someone who is a talent evaluator too.
  15. IT = BALLS! Maybe but let's see what he does against a good team.
  16. My guess, and this is only a hunch, is that Dick doesn't like black people. He would have never even thought about putting up 50+ points against Bellichek. Mangini or Sparano.
  17. Sounds like some sort of MAN LOVE to me! Is using the word "GAY" politically incorrect? If so, sounds Gay to me.
  18. I still think the coaching staff has to go. Trent is still on a week to week basis in my eyes but since DJ is probably watching him shower, I don't think that anyone will see JP playing any significant time until he is on another team. Sure TE had a good game today against arguably the worst team in the league but so far, when it counts, he still hasn't proved a whole heck of a lot.
  19. I guess he finally pulled his head out of his ass.
  20. I would guess that DJ looked up the phrase "play action" in the dictionary this past week and figured out that it might work. He hasn't used it since he got to Buffalo so obviously it's a new concept to him. I guess you can teach a Yale Grad new tricks.
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