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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. TE, IMO, does not have the tools to be a starting QB on a weekly basis in this league. I like the guy and hope he does well but watching him week in and week out, he frustrates me. I just don't think he can handle the rigours of being an NFL quarterback. I still think the coaches tie his hands too much but after the hit in Arizona, he was coddled even more. If he had the balls to play QB, he would have been able to change some of the calls that came in from the sidelines. Sorry to say but TE isn't the future QB of this team if they WANT to win. (which is another discussion all together)
  2. The starting QB position should be addressed in the draft. After watching #5 butcher the season after the Cards game, it seems pretty obvious that he doesn't have the leadership, mental or physical ability to run this team. The coaches didn't do much to help him but TE showed his true colors. D-Line or LB should be the first things addressed when Free Agency begins if Ralph decides to open up the wallet and change the attitude of this team. Bring in some shady guys if they have to, ex-cons, anything, as long as this soft mentality changes and they start playing with passion.
  3. The Team need playmakers, plain and simple. Unfortunately, this team has relegated itself on drafting and signing free agent high character football players for the majority of the last 5 years. It's time to go out and get football players, regardless of character. If DJ is such a good coach in the owner's eyes, then he can turn their character flaws around. This team needs football players, not choir boys with high motors or underweight, underskilled players at positions that require game changing playmakers. And yes, you Trent Edwards lovers, this means him too. This team is lacking leadership in the worst way and the QB position is the most obvious place to start. Sure TE has "potential", he is lacking in the basic fundamentals to lead this team when things get tough. He turtles into his shell and pokes his head out to throw groundballs at receivers feet. It's time to get a real leader back there once again.
  4. Dawgg, I'm a die hard fan but I'm also a realist. I'm probably going to piss and moan for another month or two about this crap but in the end, I'm going to get excited about Free Agency, the Draft and the upcoming season. Right now though, I feel like my heart has been yanked out and pissed on by Ralph again. The future is bleak with Dick. He's proven that this is the best that we are going to get from this team.
  5. Naturally, but it's nice to think that we might have a 50-50 chance for once.
  6. 2009 Buffalo Bills: Lacking Balls but we STILL have a Dick
  7. Can't disagree here. If there aren't any major personnel changes next year on this team, we are looking at 0-16 right in the face. The Bills are quickly becoming the laughing stock of the league (overall). They've always held a rung on the ladder of laughing stocks but we are quickly taking 1st place overall. Detroit can only get better and we have actually taken a step backwards and this years playoffs haven't even started. We just might be setting ourselves up for the Bradford/Tebow Lottery.
  8. I Agree!! There isn't a need for that talk. Ralph did bring a team to Buffalo so at least he has done one positive thing. I don't wish any ill will against him, I just wish he would try a little harder to sell the team because, if it wasn't for Al Davis, Ralph would be viewed as the most incompetent owner in the league. His knack for being cheap and hiring some of the worst coached in the league are second to none.
  9. Obviously, the only positive he has is that he is quick with the "YES" word around the guy that signs the checks.
  10. He's a kitty for a coach and there is no other way to describe him.
  11. I hope you are kidding. Jauron is that bad. His record speaks for itself and not just the W-L record. He is an awful coach. His teams (not just the Bills) have been grossly unprepared to compete, completely lacking in competitive depth and thoroughly outcoached on Gamedays against nearly every competitive team they have played against. His players play hard but lack overall ambition to play for 16 games, lack overall competitive fire to outlast their opponent and lack the overall talent and knowledge to know what it takes to win in the NFL. There are enough negatives in DJ's resume' to prove that he does not have what it takes to be a Head Coach in the NFL. The only positives that he has going for him right now are, the need for an abundance of coaches coming up this off season are needed more than ever and his current bunch of SOFT players actually like his coaching ability. Gregg Williams or Mike Mularkey's coaching style were actually more conducive to getting the best abilities out of their players more so than Jauron and his ability with his current group of players. Both of those guys had serious issues with the talent level at a lot of positions due to a lack of comorodity among the coach and front office, where Jauron has had more of a say in who plays on his team more than anyone since Levy. It's amazing he has lasted this long in the NFL. If he wasn't such a nice guy, he would be a doorman somewhere making minimum wage plus tips.
  12. 6-0 Pats in OT. The weather will be a factor and the Pats will return the OT kickoff for a touchdown.
  13. I have to say NO to Burress. Just way to much baggage involved with him. TJ on the other hand would be an outstanding acquisition to be a compliment to our current 1B receiver in Evans. The jury is still out on whether Evans is still a capable true #1 and if TJ was to join him as a 1A and Evans, a 1B, the Bills would be set with the starting 3 receivers with Reed being a true #3 and Hardy or Johnson would join the corps as the #4 and #5's.
  14. The DE and DL positions should be addressed this year, both in Free Agency and the Draft. Looking at that schedule, if TE is still alive after 2009, he might not have enough brain matter inside his skull to be a QB in 2010. He still has lapses against average teams, downright sucks against good ones and the only time he has looked good was against some pretty poor defenses. The jury is still out on him being a leader and a top flight QB in this league, IMO.
  15. Hate to be pessimistic but with the current players and lack of depth, coaching staff, etc. and that schedule, the Bills might be looking at a top 3 pick in the 2010 draft. Time to start looking at draft picks in 2010. Tebow or Bradford might be available if they don't come out this year.
  16. Conclusion 1)Front Office/Head Coach 2)QB 3)DE/DL 4)WR - #1 5)LB 6)SS
  17. How about letting the players show emotion. Not just the periodic celebration when they score, but the all out, *uckin A Right I Scored emotion! Let the players have fun out there, and not this business sense. Emotion builds character too! Keep it toned down to the level or two below the Chad Johnson, Terrel Owens assinine emotion but hell, show something on the field. If it wasn't for Josh Reed celebrating a 1st down, the Bills would look exactly like their coach every single play, clueless and damn near dead.
  18. I'll take the job. At this point, I know what not to do compared to the simple things that the Squirrel Jauron does on a weekly basis.
  19. I honestly think the top pick should be a DE but it all depends on talent available at our pick. IF and it's a BIG IF, there is a stud QB on the board, which, looking at the QB's that might come out, the Bills really have a shot at any one of them. They seriously need to look at the next leader of this team from the QB position. After watching TE in action, (especially on the sidelines) even the few games the Bills won, he is not a leader on this team. Couple that with his "playing scared" since the hit in Arizona, he might not even qualify as being the next Frank Reich. It's time to even think about trading up into the top 5-7 to get their guy if a few a the Juniors decide to stay another year. This, seriously, might be the make or leave draft of the Buffalo Bills. The fan base is disgusted and frustrated with years of ineptness and the season ticket number might see a serious decrease from last years. They might really need a "name" to put A$$es in the seats to keep the Season Ticket number above 40,000.
  20. Get off the Kool Aid, the season basically has come down to 2 things. Coaching and Talent!!! Both are lacking and are glaringly obvious. Last year, .500 Dick tried to skim it over by saying the season came down to a handful of plays that could have turned the season around. BULLSHIP!!!! This team is one of the worst Bills teams of all time. There might be some "talent" supposedly, but the coaching is attrocious and the QB play hasn't been this bad since Dufek, Ferragamo and Marangi. What little hope that was there early in the season was pi$$ed away by awful coaching only to be followed up by QB play that was nothing short of playing scared (TE) and playing completely clueless (JP). This is the 3rd year in a row (under Jauron) that all of us Bills fans come away scratching our heads wondering what the hell is in store for us next year. Another inept team with hope, coached by Jauron or hopefully, by some small miracle (Ralph might see the Light and hire someone decent) that this team is given an overhaul and quality players* and coaches are brought in to right this Titanic once and for all? *Not anymore of these panzy ass "character" players either, actual talented players with a desire to play with passion, heart and a desire to win at all costs!
  21. Are there any QB's that might be available when the Bills pick around 11 again this year? I would imagine alot depends on which of the Juniors come out, but if there is an abundance of Juniors, there might be a Quality QB for the Bills to take in round 1, which I think is necessary since the leadership role on the offense is non-existent on the current team.
  22. Statistics don't tell the whole story. It's apparent when you look at the completion percentage of QB's for the season. They have all day to throw, the defense can't get off the field and when a stop is absolutely necessary, the opposing team walks down the field because they know what the Bills defense is going to do. It's all about coaching and this staff is not qualified to take this team and defense into a level that makes anyone stand up and say "wow, look at that defense". They are below average at best even though statistically speaking, they are middle of the road.
  23. This points it out exactly. Regardless of what anyone thinks about if the call was right or not, it doesn't really matter. The clock is the issue here and running the ball, regardless of any other situation at hand, was the thing to do. I said it immediately when the Jets called timeout, run the ball and get to the 2 minute warning for a 3rd and whatever play or hopefully a 1st down. It's as basic taking a crap. just sit down and do it, it should just be natural. The "braintrust" of the Bills don't have the basic knowledge to coach a simple game. They get outcoached at every turn and this 1 stinking play is just a small sample of a collection of blunders by this coaching staff and organization. The easiest tasks cannot be handled by anyone in the organization and things need to change sooner than later from the top on down!!
  24. Watch just about any defense in the league this year. The Bills defense is very close to being the worst defense, and worst coached, in the league, no matter who is playing on that side of the ball. It's the same story, new year for this team. If any of the current coaching staff is around next year, expect the same thing, high expectations, low results.
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