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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I say Fire him this Sunday night after the Houston game, even if they win 100-0. This team is pathetic, though with Checkwards out of the way for the time being, they aren't as inept as they were a couple weeks ago.
  2. The problem is that the Bills will need to make room to bring anyone on board. The only move they could make right now is TE to the IR.
  3. Perry Fool is the best Defensive Coordinator the Bills have ever had and he meets the minority criteria so he must be awesome. It's time to clean house from top to bottom here. Enough said.
  4. From an optomistic turd seeker here, given the coaching staff, the best the Bills will do with that stretch is 2-5. This coaching staff plays the games as close to the vest as possible. A simple win is an adventure with this staff and they have already proven it this year and obviously shown it last year. This team is destined for 7-9 again but us real Bills fans are hoping for less just for a higher draft pick. Optomism went bye bye back in 2004. Dump Dick and optomistic Bills fans will come back.
  5. Maybe (hopefully) not ever again. Not that I wish Trent ill health but just wishing he doesn't take any more snaps as a Bill unless this recent blow to the head somehow jumbled whatever was dislodged in his melon in Arizona last year.
  6. Good! We might have a chance to win again this week.
  7. Actually, I would either like to see them win at least 8 of the last 10 or lose 8 of 10. There isn't much room for error there, 10 wins gives them a shot at the playoffs, 4 losses gives them a shot at a top 5 pick. Anything other than those scenarios would be mediocrity at it's finest, AGAIN. Unfortunately, the way the schedule plays out, a split the rest of the way is not out of the question. Fire Jauron now, bench Edwards for the season and let the next decade have a flicker of hope.
  8. we will finish 7-9!! WOOOOOPEEEEE!!!!!! 7-9 would be a moral victory at this point.
  9. Missed the 1st 6 game minutes here since they had the Minnesota/Baltimore game on, then once that ended, CBS needed to make up for some lost commercial time and bombarded us with 10 minutes of commercials, I think one of them twice. CBS is absolutely brutal with their commercials at times, they seem to go on forever after a change of possesion.
  10. Did Ryan read Jaurons book on how to blow it when you have the other team on their heels?
  11. I have the Pittsburg D going against the Browns or the Jets against the Bills. Bases on the offensive juggernaut the Browns appeared to be last week, I'm leaning toward the Jets. Thoughts?
  12. 31 - 0 Same ****......Different Week
  13. As much as I would love to see Leach as the next long tenured coach of the Bills, it just won't happen. For one, Ralph doesn't know enough about college football to even dabble into it to find a coach and two, the front office might know something about Leach but IF they are even looking for a coach of the future for this team, it's likely to be some retread (not retard that we currently have) out of the NFL. Leach is an amazing coach and deserves to be pacing an NFL sideline next year but unfortunately, most NFL "geniuses" view his offense as gimickry. The only team that might consider him would be the Redskins and they won't since they've already been down that road. Mr. Senator, you need to put a package together for Leach and send it to Ralph. Maybe someone can deliver it to him with his morning oatmeal and ensure.
  14. That's funny. You have been watching to much Dick on TV.
  15. I don't think the NFLN can spend its entire show on how inept Edwards is so they pick a few plays to demonstrate their point. Anyone that has followed the Bills without the rose colored glasses on the past couple of years will tell you that Edwards is the major problem with this team. Not that the coaching, management and ownership don't share some of the blame but the onfield ineptitude of the offense lies squarly on the shoulders of #5. Plain and Simple.
  16. There are a hundred things to list on why I think the NFL is declining but the most recent and troublesome is the whole thing with Limbaugh. The issue crosses well over in the PPP category but the major problem I have with it is that the NFL is still in the United States.......Land of the FREE...Home of the Brave thing. When the commissioner and supposedly players come out with the disagreement of someone being part of an ownership group because of his political views appears to have the markings of decline all over it. Regardless where anyone stands politically, the freedom in the NFL (and the US for that matter) appears to be dwindling. Couple that with the employees (and Union) demanding to make more than the owners and it won't be long before the league starts seeing a downward spiral.
  17. Thanks, I missed that with all the Hate Jauron and Edwards talk going on here.
  18. Did something happen to Scott? I haven't seen anything.
  19. The Bills injury report should read: *QB Trent Edwards - "Scarecrow Disease* *Head Coach Dick Jauron - "Cowardly Lion Disease* Something could be said that these are interchangeable but does it even matter if both are unwilling to change their approach
  20. Did I miss something? What happened to Scott?
  21. I have to jump on the recent bandwagon and say: P1=QB P2=OT P3=DL
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