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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. What about starting Roscoe at QB in a Wildcat formation? Obviously, the Bills have 2 of the bottom 3 or 4 quarterbacks in the league. Why the hell not try something different? I know AVP only knows about 3 formations but trying something different wouldn't hurt at this point in the season. There is no hope anyway, give the ball to your playmakers, Trent and Ryan have proven that they aren't them. Even if the Bills don't thrown downfield for the rest of the year, most, if not all teams, won't notice anyway. The Bills haven't tried to stretch the field more than 10 times this season anyway.
  2. The Bills could technically have the best offensive line in the game(which right now they don't) with TE as the QB and everyone would say that the line sucks. When the QB has 4-5 seconds to throw (which is most of the time if you watch the games), he should be able to find someone open other than the checkdown RB. Sure, maybe the WR's aren't getting open enough but Trent has shown that he has a HUGE inability to throw the ball in a timely manner when needed.
  3. You are correct, this is a simple offensive system they have put together. So simple in fact, that players from the opposing defenses laugh at the simplicity of it and can't believe that the Bills don't offer more of a scheme than something they last saw when they were playing in the 115lb. class of Pop Warner. I can't wait to see the imagination that AVP comes up with this week to have Trent checkdown on his first 10 pass attempts along with getting sacked 3 times, fumbling twice and throwing a pick, all before halftime. This offense is the worst since the 84-85 Bills and Edwards ranks right up there with Dufek, Mathison and Marangi as possibly the worst QB's ever to wear a Bills uniform. Of course, JP, RJ and host of others can lay claim to that title too.
  4. Just another circus event under the Big Top formally known as One Bills Drive. If there is some sort of move afoot to activate Hardy at Owens' expense(or even Roscoe's for that matter) I don't blame the poor bastard in any way. He came here trying to do the right thing. The Bills ownership, front office and coaching are the circus act here, not the players.
  5. Quarterback!!! Hand Down!!! If the Bills get a quality QB early in next years draft, the line inproves by default. Sure the line is a bit suspect but the Bills haven't put anything under center that would actually qualify as a NFL caliber Quarterback. The QB will make the running game look better too. Once teams realize that they can't put a vanilla defense out there to outsmart the opposing QB, they will finally be on the defensive against the Bills.
  6. Put the Crack Pipe down. It's 9 weeks into the year, don't you think other teams would be gobbling up ALL THESE PLAYERS if they were worth a ****. Good Lord man, get a clue. The Bills could cut their whole team and maybe 5 or 6 players would be looked at by other teams. There is no one out there to help this train wreck. Just deal with it like all of us have for a decade now.
  7. January 4, 2010 The day Dick Jauron and the entire coaching staff, along with most, if not all, of the front office are shown the door at One Bills Drive!!!!
  8. Barrel..........Falls and not one of those fancy padded barrels, just a wooden one that will shatter its contents when it hits the rocks below!!
  9. Pretty Sobering stuff! The only aberation on there is Trent's stats from last year, which I trully believe are an abberation, considering how bad he sucked it up last year to close out the season (sans the Denver game). It's obviously the coaching to an extent after seeing how DJ "system" is a killer to any offense, though we all saw this years ago. Trent's head and overall ability still screams at the Bills to draft a QB next year in the first two rounds. Trent isn't the answer and regardless how much DJ's coaching sucks, Trent sucks right up there with him.
  10. I'm calling BS on this poster. There is no way this guy loves Dick this much unless he is a Butt Pirate.
  11. I keep seeing this on Page 1 of the forum and keep thinking to myself, this guy is an IDIOT. There is nothing that can be heard out on this one. The poster is a tool, plain and simple. He must either be high, a Jets, Phins or Pats fan or has no clue what has been happening at the Ralph and other locals the past 3+ years. The only way that Jauron should be kept in any form in this organization is to make him the official dunk tank clown at the Bills Experience prior to the games.
  12. This whole question is loaded. If you want them to fail, you aren't a "true" fan and if you want them to succeed, they might keep the worst coach in the history of this franchise, and quite possibly the NFL. There is no right answer. IMO though, I am kinda hoping they lose out, though a win against the Fish would be mighty sweet. Unfortunately, 2 wins the rest of the way is probably the best case scenario. We all know Dick's track record against teams with winning records so the last 3 games are all losses, along with the Jets at "home" in Toronto. Miami, Jacksonville are close enough to having a winning record that those will be losses, so that leaves the Titans and Chiefs, which are both on the road so those are a crapshoot. It really doesn't matter what any of us want as far as Wins, as long as Dick is leading this sorry bunch, they don't have a shot at anything more than mediocrity.
  13. Well, one thing is for sure, the Bills are loaded at the #3 Quarterback position. At least they can say that they won't be drafting a solid #3 guy next year, someone who excels at carrying the clipboard. Throw in Roscoe and the Bills are 4 deep at the Headset and Clipboard position. I say come out of the bye week and start Roscoe in the Wildcat. Obviously everything else the Bills have tried on offense has failed. The coaching staff is (should be) in a lame duck status, so why not. Screw conventional wisdom and just say screw it for the rest of the year. Can they really get any worse??
  14. Edwards is and will be nothing more than a mediocre Quarterback. Given the fact that he has regressed the more he gets hit, my guess would be that he will be out of football or backing up JP in the UFL in a couple of years. The Bills need a change at the QB position, among others, along with a new coach, front office and owner if possible.
  15. 7 is tough, I think I could go as far as 11 or 12. I didn't include McElvin, Jackson, Levitre, Maybin or Nelson
  16. You are correct. I guess that in the NCAA over the past years, what Texas runs is about as close to a pro system as you might find. Most teams are running some sort of a spread or hybrid of a pro/shotgun style offense. The point is still there, that McCoy does have to actually read a defense instead of running a spread option offense. I don't like him regardless. I just don't trust any QB coming out of Texas. It doesn't matter though, the Bills will somehow screw it up and not have a shot in the top 5-7 picks anyway. We will end up settling for the Safety from USC and go with a NT and 10 DB's on defense next year.
  17. B I N G O Freedom of Speech is nearly dead in this country thanks to the result of the "Election of 2008", the election that destroyed America!
  18. Maxine Waters is a douche and wouldn't be in congress if she were in a district that had any intelligence as opposed to voting for someone based on ethnicity.
  19. I agree, McCoy does have bust all over him but unfortunately, he is probably the best of the lot right now that's coming out of a pro style system. I would rather see Tebow or anyone else over McCoy. The point is that the Bills will be picking between 9 and 13 AGAIN so we are going to be out of the lottery for one of the elite players. We will probably go DB in the 1st anyway so hoping for anything else is moot at this point.
  20. I am curious if there are any potential FA Quaterbacks or any that we have the potential to trade for, though that isn't the route I would go. The Dick is going to screw it up and lead us to probably a 6-10 or more likely 7-9 record and leave us out of the McCoy lottery. Bradford would be available if he comes out which is now unlikely. That leaves probably Snead, Tebow and a host of potential 2-5 round picks to chose a QB from. Hopefully a new coach will get us out of this dreadful Trentative Checkwards era and start with someone like Tony Pike out of Cincy if he comes out. I could live with Tebow considering he can't be any worse than what we have now. RB - who cares, it's going to be a committee approach with Jackson and whoever is still here or drafted.
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