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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I agree with the other exception being the throwbacks of the Jets. Those honestly look like something you see swirling in your toilet after a night of hard drinking and late night Taco Bell.
  2. I'm not positive on this but it sounds like AVP might be looking back at the films of Metz, McKellar and Mueller. Just a thought. That offensive set opened up Andre and Lofton ALOT. Teams didn't know week to week who to cover, so don't be surprised to see Evans possibly outshining TO this week or next. As our Socialist leader proclaims, spread the wealth.
  3. Thanks! As I attempted to point out in a follow up post, the basis of the article isn't newsworthy to anyone except the few readers of the BNews that get off seeing this crapola that occurs at an outdoor sporting event. Arrests for virtually anything conceivable are going to happen at any outdoor event, except the snobs at a Shakespeare in the Park event. I live in between Orlando and Daytona and Daytona holds two large outdoor auto events every year, two large bike events and two large spring break events (one for everyone and one for blacks)(B word session on PPP another time). The Orlando and Daytona newspapers don't report about arrests at any of them except the BCR (black college reunion) event. There is obviously a reason they feel compelled to report on it, same as the Bills, but what that reason is, it's a head scratcher. It's not newsworthy unless they think by reporting about it, it won't happen again. It's an outdoor event with large groups of people, many of which are intoxicating themselves. Big deal, so what, move on and find something more useful to put into print.
  4. That whole definition of a "smartass" exchange was pretty funny too. Sitting on ice cream and being able to tell what flavor it is. It would be nice to see a QB in a Bills uniform act like that someday and not sit and sulk on the sideline by himself. I haven't seen much of Fitz on the sideline so I can't comment on that but I have a feeling that the new coach wouldn't go for Trentative's, woe is me, antics.
  5. It depends what city you are talking about and if said coach is an egomaniac or not. If you're talking about an ego driven coach and New York or Boston or someone a little more subdued and somewhere like Buffalo or Boise, it's not going to matter. Interchange those coaches and cities and it probably does factor in somewhat but probably not enough to have it become a deal breaker.
  6. My guess would be that the one's plucked out of the stands were probably somewhat grouped together in various sections. I was just trying to make a point that the number of arrests seems pretty low to me considering it was a nice day (from what I could tell on TV from here in Orlando) and it was a "rivalry" game. I know when I had my season tickets in the 80's and 90's, there were still a fair number of arrests going on. I really didn't think it was newsworthy then, and it still isn't now. There are always going to be a small percentage of people gumming up the works, just add alcohol and it's second nature for some people, myself included when I was a young punk. The fact that there are a high number of Canucks in that number doesn't surprise me either. They have always been (for the most part) belligerent at any event on this side of the Niagara (see Ellicotville or a Sabres game). If the news feels it has to print some sort of negative piece about the game, lets see them do an article on the number of car burglaries and things of that nature going on. That will get censorred immediately.
  7. Interesting tidbit in the BNews comment section on the statistics: Let me get this straight. Out of 70,000 plus people at each Bills game, the average number facing charges is 30-35. My calculator says that's a percentage of .0005. There are 212 state legislators and at least a dozen are facing criminal or civil charges. That's a full 6 percent. Attending a Bills game appears safer than dealing with our state legislators. It doesn't appear that the number of arrests at Bills games is newsworthy. The .0005% is pretty interesting considering it is probably around the same percentage of people who get caught for speeding on the interstates compared to the number of drivers. It is ridiculous that this is even that newsworthy unless there is an underlying reason why the BNews feels it has to make room for this in the paper(crap sells). Also, by rough count, not including the clubs and suites, there are 130 sections in the stadium, which means that 1 person in every 4 sections gets arrested. That's a pretty low number given the nature of the entire event.
  8. No Way!!!!!!!!!! He is INTERIM Get a real coach, new front office and clean up this F##king Mess NOW!!!!!
  9. Have you seen Edwards play over the past couple of years??' The dude sucks out loud and everyone sees it, including the biggest Bills fan and most prolific player even to don the Red, White and Blue. It's obvious that TE is done as a Buffalo Bill and Kelly is looking towards the future as both a fan and concerned franchise participant.
  10. Does anyone have a link for todays game for us poor souls that live in the Jacksonville coverage area?
  11. You're right, they should have kept Jauron. They should have kept him till his contract expires because us fans love continuity. We love how they continue to suck with absolutely no forward direction at all. I love seeing the Bills get manhandled week in and week out. I hope they keep the front office intact too. They have been doing such a great job of bringing in and evaluating all this top level talent that they've put on the field the last 4 years. The origination of the post is completely assinine. I love how you people that still live in Buffalo hate change. You would rather see a building, such as the aud, wither away till it almost falls on its own rather than approve a referendum to have it demolished. (this is just an example but the point is that most people in the buffalo area just don't like things to change)
  12. NO The Bills need a complete change from the top on down and that will require the new GM to bring in his own coach. PF could win out by blowing out everyone and he still doesn't get the job.
  13. What playbook, AVP's playbook is on a cocktail napkin.
  14. This makes no sense at all. All Fewell is saying is that he feels that a QB that doesn't have his head up his a$$ is better than the one who does. Christ, doesn't anything please you people? It would be like saying which is better to have, AIDS or Brain Cancer. Both suck but at least one won't kill you immediately. The Bills are just looking to survive the season and see which players have the want and desire to stick around next year. Fewell is just trying to win a game here and obviously Trentative has checked out in the coaches mind. Give the guy a break.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, BADO posted this prior to the draft. So, technically, if you look at the roster at the date posted, he was right on. As for the post, he is right on. I thought it then and obviously, he has an eye for evaluation of product. Basically he said the Bills will suck and true to form, they have. I told some friends back in March that the Bills won't win more than 4 games this year and the way the rest of the schedule looks, they might make me look like some sort of soothsayer, unfortunately. Maybe Fewell will screw that up for me.
  16. As long he doesn't end up in the Bills front office or in any role with the Bills is fine with me. If he ends up as a parking lot attendant, taking $$ for lot 5, I can live with that. I would love to see him hired as a coach for the Patriots, Jets or Dolphins though. We could use the advantage.
  17. WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO It's about time, did Ralphie just awake from his coma?
  18. The idea of a conspiracy of some sort isn't out of the realm of possibility here. I wouldn't necessarily call it that though, more along the lines of Trent just being a little B word and trying to prove some sort of point. I actually think that TE is just a lousy quarterback and even worse coming off little practice and a 2nd concussion. He probably would have trouble making it as a 2nd string on most teams in the league and he is going to be lucky to get even get a couple of tryouts for next year once the Bills cut him on January 4th.
  19. Would it be unheard of to cut your starting quarterback this late in the year. Trent absolutely blows and those throws no where near Owens were strictly on Edwards and not Owens' attitude.
  20. That #34 was pretty damn good. It would be amazing to see a RB of that caliber wearing the Red, White and Blue again. Nothing against Jackson or Lynch but neither of them combined talent-wise could carry Thurmans' jock.
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