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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I am confused...What exactly would on OL guru coach do? I'm thinking keeping from getting them injured....miraculously make them All-Pro? Please explain. The way I see it, considering the injuries and lack of Offensive leadership on this team, the Bills already have an OL guru given the way he has put together and kept this OL with all the adversity they have had to overcome.
  2. Can we please just stop these threads right now? Peters is long gone, along with Williams, McGahee, Spikes, Fletcher, Winfield, Wire, etc. etc. etc............ There is absolutely no need to beat this horse any longer..............it is DEAD!!!
  3. Poz got mentioned too. There really isn't anyone on this team that should be going to be Pro Bowl and it's not because they don't have the talent to go, but because Jauron had sucked the fire and passion out of the players that their abilities were so widely squandered overall. Give some of the players a decent coach, decent game planning and the ability to use their talents properly and we might see some Pro Bowl caliber players in the next couple of years. BTW, Moorman might be the only one on the team that should make the actual Pro Bowl.
  4. I think one player that would need to be kept only because this is not the time to start looking for a kicker is Lindell. There are so many positional needs on this team, both starter and for depth purposes that looking for a quality NFL kicker is last on a list of needs for this team. There would be a line of teams in the NFL right now after Lindell if he was released. Also, you have to figure that the Bills realistically need to keep around 30 or so of its current players just to be able to field a team next year. Counting the draft and probable Free Agent additions, they will probably only be able to come up with roughly 25 or so new players next year. With that said, in 2-3 years, there might only be 10-15 players on the current roster that will be in a Bills uniform (if they are still the Bills) by the 2012 season.
  5. I voted the 2009 team but I would have voted a compilation of the 2006 - 2009 teams. The team were filled with some talent but just god awful teams to watch. There has been nothing exciting to watch from OBD since 1999 but at least the Gregg Williams and Mike Mularkey teams, sans Williams' first year, were somewhat exciting to watch. Now it's just watching because you're a fan, knowing that the team will most likely lose and look absolutely pathetic bad doing it.
  6. I don't think it would surprise anyone if AVP is the first one to meet the Turk on the 4th. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all but he is in way over his head as OC or passing game coordinator or whatever his title is.
  7. +1 or 2 or whatever number we are up to now!! Get this done now, maybe it will also help in bringing in a new Gm and Coach.
  8. I can picture it but can't think what movie that was from.
  9. At least Dick and Turk aren't his coaches anymore. That should help him somewhat. He has issues to overcome but at least he doesn't have the lack of testicular fortitude that our current 2nd stringer lacks. I honestly didn't think he was that bad, though I would still take Todd Collins over him but, for the most part, at least he tried to move the team down the field. He didn't look at his first choice then checkdown to a RB. If anything, JP still has his head on his shoulders and not dangling somewhere between his sack and poop shoot. He might actually do okay if he gets a chance. Good for him.
  10. Are you kidding, you couldn't give Trent away for a bag of balls right now. Given his more than fragile head, inability to read a defense, lack of arm strength and a complete failure to feel pressure, you couldn't package him with $10 million dollars and get a draft pick out of it.
  11. I'm not saying Tomlin wasn't the better candidate, I'm just saying that it's possible that there were other factors into the Steelers decision making process. All things being equal, Tomlin did step into a pretty good gig and anyone, even Jauron, would have fared pretty well.
  12. I would guess that this is pretty accurate. Tomlin is a pretty decent head coach but I think the "Rooney" rule came back and bit them in the a-$$ on this one. At some point in time, the Steelers would have to cave on the rule and the timing and hiring of Tomlin worked out for them to squelch the NFL committee's bitching about it. I'm sure if the rule wasn't in place, we wouldn't be discussing the possibility of Grimm because he would already be off the market.
  13. This has flame written all over it but....... I understand where you are coming from in a way, but that is the way most WNY'ers feel. They think they are all subsidizing Ralph with the $1.47 they pay in extra taxes per year. The one thing that people tend to forget is that this is entertainment, plain and simple. If you don't like it, don't go. The extra couple of bucks in taxes isn't going to make a difference in anything that you do. If the money doesn't go towards the Bills, it will end up in some Union members pocket while he is claiming he is working, while sitting at a bar at 9am, trying to figure out if he should buy another drink or play keno. Erie County is F##cked up in so many ways and people actually find time to complain about the chicken scratch that Ralph gets out of the county and or state. I lived there for 30 years listening to the same crap year after year. Ralph isn't doing anything different than anyone other owner in the NFL. He actually is probably in the bottom handful in payouts from the jurisdictions and he is still there. Don't forget that the Bills on gameday bring in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands in TAX revenue for the county.
  14. If I may add one Stupid is having your "football guy" basically phoning it in from his home in Philly rather than being with the team year round
  15. This guy reminds me to much like Rick Mirer and everyone should know how well that worked out for Seattle or whoever ended up with him. He came from a pro-style too and it didn't translate to well.
  16. If Pike comes out, and he is there in the 2nd, I say take him, no questions asked.
  17. Yup, it was all Tebow's fault that the defense sucked all day yesterday.
  18. Absolutely NOT The Trent Edwards experiment is a done deal! He should and will be gone sometime in mid February. There is no need to hope for a guy that has proven time and time again that he does not have the mental fortitude to handle the QB position in the NFL. PERIOD
  19. So you're saying don't be successful and do the best for your family because every dollar you work your a$$ off for, the government will take 50% of it to give to the lowlifes of society who don't try to succeed. That is the socialist agenda and what is dividing this country faster than you can say revolution.
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