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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I don't live in Buffalo anymore but I am considering buying Season Tickets this year. I owned them from 86-96 before I moved out of state. I probably won't make more than 2 games but I believe that Gailey is a pretty decent pick here. If he add a decent D-Coordinator who decides to scrap the cover-2, the Bills might actually have a chance at becoming a contender this upcoming season. Gailey is an offensive guru, for the most part, so adding an O-Lineman and a decent QB could easily change the offensive woes around. The talent is there in the skill positions (except QB) but the coaching was horribly overmatched in this league. No disrespect to AVP but he is not a NFL caliber coordinator yet. Give the Nix-Gailey team a chance to put players in a position to succeed and you might be surprised what winning is all about again.
  2. I tend to agree here. I believe they will probably stay with the 4-3, though it will be more of a traditional 4-3 and not the Cover-2 version. They would have to bulk up at LE replacing Kelsay and Denney and possibly add a D-Lineman that could play DT or DE. The Bills will probably go after more physical LB's on the outside, possibly moving Poz there and adding a stud in the middle and getting away from Safety sized LB's like Ellison and possibly using Maybin as a OLB/rush specialist on passing downs. They will probably go with a physical SS (possibly Scott) as oposed to a "coverage" type in Whitner. I don't know if they can change their defense in one year especially with the possibility of a lockout looming overhead.
  3. I would only go with this if that dude from Clemson was there in the 2nd round. That kid is explosive.
  4. Exactly. It's a great avatar that unfortunately is becoming more and more likely, daily.
  5. The Bills need the Norv Away after watching that debacle. Holy Crap, I think even Dickie J would have kicked off with 2:14 left and a timeout only down by 3. Good God that was some really poor coaching. Norv Turner might be the worst coach in the NFL. Sure his team finished 13-3 but the Bills might have won 10 games with that schedule even with the injuries. He is and always has been a pretty lousy coach. Obviously AJ learned how to hire on the cheap while he was here in Buffalo. I would bet Norv gets canned.
  6. In case anyone missed it, the Draft runs this year from a Thursday night into the weekend.
  7. I don't know what's going back and forth between you and dib but I can't stop starring at dib's avatar. Good Lord that's amazing! Oh, Tebow, right. Get him, don't get him, I don't care, as long as they start winning, it really doesn't matter. Tebow wouldn't hurt only because that is all he knows how to do but the Bills have so many needs right now, they need 3 drafts just to get competitive again.
  8. From everything that I've seen and read, the GREED lies on the part of the players union and not the owners. The owners, like any other business owner in this country, should have the right to make as much or as little money as they feel fit. The problem in the NFL (and a lot of companies) is that the union has been given too much power and us minions that pay to watch this form of entertainment are the ones that will eventually get screwed in the end. I especially agree with the owners when it comes to the rookie pay scale. The vets that weren't drafted in the first round have worked for years to get to a point to make a reasonable salary, only to get squeezed because some 21 year old who had one great year in the NCAA against a bunch of pushovers, is demanding more money in a signing bonus than that vet will make his entire career.
  9. Jones is a criminal. Granted its considered a white collar crime, so to speak, but a criminal nonetheless. He will single handedly ruin the NFL in time. Maybe not immediately, but within the next 10 to 15 years football will tail off like the NBA has.
  10. Idiotic Tool Do you really think that the owners are sitting in their mens or country clubs thinking about ways to keep the brother down? They interview people that are qualified. PERIOD. Obviously there are people of color who aren't qualified but they get an interview now based on a system that doesn't give a fair shake to the people that actually deserve it. Affirmative action is and always has been a way to actually keep the race issue at the forefront. There is no need for it except to satisfy the moronic thinking of the libs.
  11. I would think Devine would be a nice compliment to FJ as a change of pace back.
  12. I agree that NO ONE knows where he will go but I can't think of anyone in the last 10 years that plays with as much desire and is as much of a leader as this kid is coming out. That LB out of Wake Forest last year might be close but he was a sure thing all around, IMO. The only reason he didn't go #1, IMO, was because no one wanted to pay #1 money to a LB. With that being said, I'm not advocating that the Bills look at him at #9. There are too many positional needs that need to be addressed. If they were to trade back with someone like San Fran and possibly get their 2 #1's for say our #1 and #3, I say grab him at the 17 slot if he's there(if they thought he wouldn't go to Jax at 10). That would still leave the Bills 3 picks in the first 41 with one addressing their need at QB. Just thinking out loud.
  13. Being one that lives in Central Florida and having the opportunity to see every Florida game for the last several years, I can attest that Tebow has a very strong and accurate arm. He does have a bit of a longer delivery which might deter some NFL personnel men but if this guy is coached up on his mechanics by the right coaching system, he is going to be a definite force to deal with in the NFL. The mechanics are coachable, the will, determination and desire are not. Ask Leaf, Mirer, Losman........ the list is too long to post but the point is dead on. There is a difference in skill levels when it comes to quarterbacks in the NFL. I would think that most NFL guru's would prefer a QB that has the desire (among other intangibles) to succeed and average skills over a QB that is a knucklehead and great skills (see Leaf, Vick, Russell). I would love to have this guys leadership on the Bills. He is the type of guy that would have the players and fans following him like the Pied Piper. He has the intangibles that someone like Dan Marino could only dream of. If Marino had a quarter of the leadership and determination as Tebow, he would have won several rings, IMO.
  14. Didn't Seinfeld and company go to jail over a similar offense?
  15. Instant Classic That is some funny shite right there
  16. The guy that drives the John Deere cart that picks up the injured players off the field and takes them into the locker room. He worked his a$$ off this season.
  17. CUT Unless of course he learns how to play either LB, OL or QB.
  18. I don't want to get into a he said she said discussion here but I thought that the media (James and his ESPN cronies) already were covering the story and the witchhunt didn't get into full bloom until after Leach's side of the story came out. I could be wrong on the timeline but he was fired long before his side got aired in the media.
  19. Mr. Senator, you are absolutely correct. Did Leach really do anything wrong or was it the overzealous media looking for a big story spurred by their "white hope" James leading the charge? Hopefully Coach Leach can keep his winning tradition alive as OC for the new Buffalo Bills in 2010.
  20. The only way I see that Guy was even considered for the GM job was to satisfy the NFL's requirements for interviewing a minority candidate for any open position within the organization. IMO, Ralph and/or Brandon were just covering their a$$es by offering Guy an interview. If they hadn't, the ACLU and NAACP would have been knocking down the doors at OBD, bringing unnecessary spotlight to a situation that doesn't need it. It would have probably hampered the process of getting a coach in here in a timely manner and just set the new direction of this team off on the wrong foot.
  21. The elder James should be fired from ESPN just for the fact that he is a f@#$ing a-hole and taking this situation into a media circus that wasn't necessary. Everyone can understand that he is trying to protect his son but the fact that this is college football and not every kid gets equal amounts of playing time or a participant medal at this level. James is a POS and the fact that he handcuffed the university with this story at a time when they basically had little choice but to relieve Leach from the Head Coach position, shows what a true low life p@#$y James is. We know the facts aren't all out completely with this but with everything on the table so far, Leach did nothing more than try to protect a whiney spoiled brat from further injury. Sure, he might not have coddled him like the little baby should have been coddled, but he is also trying to get 80+ other young men ready for a bowl game. I don't hope but wouldn't be surprised that the James' family goes down in the Red Raider history as the ones that destroyed their run near the top of the college football kingdom.
  22. They do have the Bills taking QB Pike in the 2nd round.
  23. IMO, if the supposed leader of the team is moping on the sideline because he went 3 and out, he's a cancer to the well being of the team as a whole.
  24. I don't agree with Leach ripping them publicly until all the facts are out but I think he was unjustly fired because Adam James is a woos and cried to his dad that he wasn't getting enough playing time. The whole thing got blown out of proportion and it will eventually hurt all the parties involved including Texas Tech the most in the long run. If anything needed to be handled internally, it would be this situation and it wasn't because the player involved has a media outlet in his house. Adam James needs to be released from the team as well IMO.
  25. Edwards has 1 game left in a Bills uniform. It's time to get rid of this cancer. He has shown time after time that he isn't a "team" player. He mopes on the sideline and becomes a recluse if he has a bad series. Thanks for your time here Trent, don't let the door break your ass on your way out.
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