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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I am thinking it was Thomas also. It's possible it could have been Buluga too but I would put money on it that it was either Thomas or Williams.
  2. I think there are a couple that are sped up but the ones in real speed are amazing. Once that guy hits a little space, he hits another gear that only the Smiths, Thomases and Paytons could have wished for. His breakaway speed is uncanny but it's the stopping and starting again at full speed that gives this guy Hall of Fame potential if he stays healthy.
  3. The guy is a walking highlight reel. The moves that he put on the sideline against Geaorgia Tech are Barry Sandersesque. The one thing that separates Spiller from Sanders is the S P E E D. That guy goes from 0-60 in .01 flat!
  4. Unfortunately, here in Florida, the options are limited at your local supermarkets. Sam Adams, Cable Car, Dutch Windmill, Corona, Bud, Mich and the likes rule the shelves. There aren't any consumers to be found and 60% of the beer section is filled with everything from Busch to Yuengling on the American side and six packs of most of the popular micro and euro beers filling the rest. Sucks but take what you can get.
  5. Exactly. Only the Bills and maybe Matt Millen could screw that one up.
  6. I grabbed the Miller Lite new keg draft thing tonight for the draft. It's not bad but they need to put better instructions on how much to turn the pressurizing dial. The first bunch of pours were a bit foamy but the overall taste is as close to an actual bar keg taste. Not bad to try but the cost per beer is higher than bottle. $17.99 for 1.5 gallons, or 192 ounces or 16/12 oz. bottles/cans.
  7. I don't think we need to trade him. If anything, Spiller should give ML some incentive to come out and step up his game. Spiller might be moved around quite a bit and the Bills are going to need someone like Lynch to move the ball. The question is, does ML have the maturity to come into camp and show the talent he has?
  8. Maybe in previous years, a player in Lynch's position, given the background, would have maybe gotten a late 2nd or 3rd round pick. This year though, we should be happy to get anything between a 4th and 6th for him. He hasn't proved a whole lot except that he's basically a punk and teams aren't giving up much for someone with alot of baggage. Nevergiveup is the man/woman. Never doubt anything we hear from him/her!!
  9. Exactly, Spiller might have been best overall as a playmaker in the draft but given the fact that the far and away best DT's and OT's were off the board, the Bills got the most exciting player in this years draft. I don't see any reason why the Bills should have even entertained a trade when the most exciting player is sitting on the board for them. Also, why take a player that might have been rated between 20 and 30 but just because it's a need position, they should reach is mind boggling. Great pick and one hell of a football player coming to the Bills!!!
  10. Defintely the PLAYMAKER the Bills have been missing on the offensive side of the ball. Love the pick, Spiller was probably the most exciting pick in the draft and it definitely worked out well for Matthews who probably moved up 10-13 picks with Spiller going in the top 10 and as fast as he did.
  11. I think the only way we trade back into the 1st is if we were to trade down from 9 and acquire 1 or more additional picks that we could use to move back into the 1st. Other than that, I don't see us doing it. The risk is too high and the reward is to unknown. I do like the idea of trading back as far as the early 20's and gaining up to 2 extra picks there and then trading back into the 1st or high 2nd for Tebow or whoever Nix and Gailey are really targeting to be the next QB of the Bills.
  12. Whoever he/she is, they are very well informed and there is no way I want to know. If any of us did know, we probably wouldn't be getting the inside info that NGU has provided us. Thanks NGU and please don't reveal anything to anyone.
  13. That is really some funny shite right there!!! Right on too.
  14. I'm hoping that the new coaching staff has a clue how to exploit his talent because it's pretty obvious the past regime had no clue how to use him or what to do with him. Last years coaching staff was comparable to a 30 housewife (domestic engineer) having a Ferrari as her grocery getter. Sure it looks nice but she has no clue how to drive a stick or what to do with it once it rolls down the driveway. It is far to early in Maybin's career to label him a bust. Everyone was jumping on the bust bandwagon for Mario Williams at the draft and after the first year, but he has pretty much shut up all those critics. Imagine if he had a stronger team around him. It might be time for the Bills to build the defense with some playmakers that would allow Maybin's talents to rise to the top. I say trade back in the 1st, pick up an extra pick or two, and get some playmakers on both sides of the ball in this draft.
  15. Knowing this board, I was thinking we would see something else here.
  16. This is an excellent post from all contributors. I usually don't read all the replies to a poster but this one was too interesting to stop reading. Great work by wizard, bob, newcombo, thurman and juan. I hope somehow this post gets put into the keeper section so that we all can follow the updates and changes as we get closer to the draft. Thanks and awesome work so far wizard.
  17. I agree. The one thing the Bills are lacking on either side of the ball is a playmaker. Spiller is a multi-talented back with game changing speed and moves. He might not be Adrian Peterson because his game isn't based on power but think more along the lines of LT.
  18. Just a thought, would it be beneficial not to tender Incognito and try to re-sign him as an UFA? I don't know what the terms we signed him at last season but I would imagine that we, more or less, had to offer a bit more given the time of year. He might come a bit cheaper.
  19. This is exactly the main reason for the lack of jobs and people relocating to find good paying jobs. I would move back if there was a decent paying job to move back to. Also, taxes would have to be reduced because living in Florida now, taxes are considerably lower across the board. Florida is also a right to work state, which makes it fairly easy to find a decent job. Buffalo and the State will never thrive unless the union control is taken care of and the free market system is allowed to work the way it is supposed to. Companies will not move there because of the union control.
  20. NO for the millionth time. Edwards is one of, if not, the worst QB in the NFL. Period!!
  21. WTF?? Color me confused at what this idiot is trying to say here. Either he has been tipping a few and has no idea what he is talking about or he is just a complete tool.
  22. Thank you! If the Bills were to trade Whitner to the Skins, it should be for a 2nd to 5th with Campbell thrown in. The Bills shouldn't be giving up anything to just get Campbell.
  23. That was ......................................... AWESOME!! Simon was exactly correct in his interpretation of Edwards and the Bills. Edwards is a B U M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't think of any reason that this guy should even be considered to be on the roster when the Bills hold their first mini-camp, OTA or whatever. Edwards has been more of a problem than the line itself. If Edwards would have made a friggin play once in a while, the line wouldn't have looked so bad. I can recall more than several times off the top of my head that Edwards had all day to do something with the ball and either ended up checking down or taking a sack. He does not have the infamous "IT" to be a NFL caliber quarterback. Plain and Simple.
  24. It would make sense that the New England game would be the next in line for Toronto but wouldn't a Bills/Lions game make some sense considering both teams do draw out of the Canuck market?
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