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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I don't care how great of a playcaller/offensive guru Gailey is, if the QB cannot execute the plays called, there isn't a chance of being offensively effective. Eventually throughout the course of a game, the opposing defensive cooordinator will see that #5's trend will be to check off and dump it down to the RB. The amazing thing is that Trent is still on this team. Sure he might have the ability stashed away somewhere there between the ears but once he lines up opposite different colored jerseys, he becomes tunnel visioned and hence, Captain Checkdown arrives. (cue the Dom Deluise...Kaptain Kaos music) I hope for the sake of the rest of the players laying it all on the line, that #5's days as a Bill will be limited to a couple weeks of training camp and a preseason game or two.
  2. .......if the corn that I had for lunch has fully been digested or not.
  3. I just got the new DirecTV Swim thing a couple of weeks ago. It is pretty cool and nice to be able to record things on one receiver and watch the recordings in another room. I went with (2) DVR's to double my record capabilities, with one of them on a TV on the patio for the Bills games. I don't think DTV has worked out all the kinks with this system but it is great. One thing to be ready for when they come to install it...They will probably need to re-wire the cable in the house if it is more than 10-15 years old. You might want to call DTV back and ask them to have one of their own techs doing the install as opposed to a subcontractor. The subs, from my experience, don't have a clue to what they are doing when it comes to installing the new system. I had two out to my house before I threatened to cancel and DTV sent out one of their own technicians. It took about two weeks to get it straightened out but luckily I was in between moving and i didn't have to go without the TV for more than a day or two. Also, make sure you have your router and modem in an accessible location because that is a requirement and a neccessity for the system to work.
  4. James = Marino Each a statistical whore but playing team sports isn't in their own best interest.
  5. This is right on. I don't care about the stats and what the scores were going into the 4th quarter. We know that the Bills had some talent on last years squad. Obviously they didn't have enough because they couldn't fill 19 players on IR with quality but that isn't the point. The problem was coaching. It was coaching 3 years ago and it was the same exact problem last year. Dick Jauron had some very good qualities with motivation and having his players playing hard. His problem was that they weren't properly prepared, weren't properly conditioned and weren't properly coached during the game. Playing not to lose IS and should always be a FAIL when analyzing any coaches philosophy. To steal a thought from the comic book guy on the Simpsons...Worst Coach EVER!!!
  6. If there was anything noticable on that clip, it's that Edwards was rolling/bailing out of the pocket almost immediately while both Brohm and Fitzpatrick were hanging in there to deliver their passes. Granted, there wasn't a rush and it's possible that the plays were designed that way but it just seemed odd. Too many times over the last couple years that we have seen #5 appear to panic and leave the pocket and rush a pass or dump it off, as opposed to hanging in an extra second or so to deliver the pass to a receiver in stride.
  7. I might come across as the snobby one here. I grew up on Genny, Old Milwaukee. PBR, RWB, Barvarian and whatever else I could get my hands onto. I have slowly graduated to "real" Beers and have more or less have become a conisuer(so).
  8. You would know!! When it comes to Stella though, IMO, it's a great beer, but it has to be served properly. Bottle or one of the many places that jockey it really can't perfect it. It's unique if you ask me, and has to be served that way, but I am just a simple Bills fan and don't know any better.
  9. Gotta agree Mr. Dean, any of the Genny products are a joke. I've been up tp your neck of the woods and there are a few decent places to have a good Beer. I am only a couple hours away but I've only been up there once. Went to a lot of bars but it's too damn touristy. Anyway , I will try and contact you next time i am up there and we can shoot the bull about the Bills and sample the finest beverages that St. Augustine has to offer.
  10. Thanks, I will stay with DTV. The Nickel and Diming I mentioned is for the monthly charge for my multiple receivers which I guess is normal. I swear by DTV but it is getting really expensive. They do have the market on the Sunday Ticket, which probably keeps the competition at bay, but they are the only ones that have it.
  11. Sounds like they nailed it on presentation, yum, yum, but it really needs to be poured into the "Stella Glass(40cl)" at the right temperature.
  12. You're awesome. Thanks!!! I do have Cat5 available in every room so I will defintiely inquire, though most of the CSR's that I talk to are far less knowledgable than myself. The house I am moving into was a home business and they networked every room thankfully, except the patio, where I will probably watch most of the games. I am getting fed up with DTV with their nickel and diming on everything but here in Florida, I don't have a choice. Do you know if ATT U-Verse has the ability to carry the games via the Internet and TV feed?. I am told they do by one of the HillBillys that works for them but I don't trust him when it comes to that. Thanks for your help and I and (we) appreciate your knowledge.
  13. To be honest, I've had Stella at probably a dozen or so places and there is only one that I believe that can nail it. There is a British Pub about 20 miles from me that I will go just to have their Stella on tap. I don't know what it is but I honestly believe that Stella is one of those beers that has to be at that perfect temperature (38 degrees give or take a degree or two) to taste optimum. If it's too chilled it tastes like a Miller product and to warm just sucks. It's one of those beers that is hard to find on Tap because there aren't may places that sell it that can really nail it. It's one of the oldest beers in world and really needs to be nurtured. Bottled sucks monkey balls and most smaller Bars/Pubs that carry it really need to respect what their selling to get their money's worth. I pay $4.75 a pint at the British Pub but am never disappointed. Keep looking until you find a place that can "nail it" with Stella. I don't think you will come away disappointed.
  14. Mr. Fez, I've seen you post on multiple(hundreds) occasions and I would guess you are probably the most knowledgable on here when it comes to DTV. I've had DTV and the Sunday Ticket since '96. I am curious about their new whole house DVR thing. I have talked to the moronic CSR's and they don't have much of a clue how it works. I am in the process of moving into a new house and am curious if the whole house DVR thing would work. Do I still need dual cables into every room that is receiving the DVR feed or would I be able to work the receivers off of a single feed? Also, since I am moving and having a new Dish installled, DTV has informed me that a couple of my Receivers/DVR's are outdated and that I have to upgrade to match the new Dish. Is this true, since the ones that I have are probably between 6 and 10 years old? Thanks and I (we) appreciate your knowledge and help with everything when it comes to DTV and others.
  15. I prefer a Johhny Walker Black or Makers Mark on the rocks. I go either way with the Scotch and Bourbon, I like both of them. I love Woodford Reserve to sip on now and then too, a very very tasty Bourbon. Beer, I love a Hoegarrden draft or four, Stella will probably come a close second as long as its on tap with Harp (draft of course) at the perfect temperature, third. For the game though, I go with Blue Light when I am up for the game and usually start with Blue Moon or two at home on the patio, then switch to a simple Coors Light, the longgeviety beer. The way I see it, watching the Bills, makes me want to DRINK! I have to go with something that I can put away and not get blind and/or psycho.
  16. I have a feeling that those aspects might not be as important to Gaileys scheme as some might think. With CG implementing a running game with zone blocking, having offensive lineman, especially the tackles, that are more agile with quick hands might be more important than having ones that are built for power. The power on the inside with agility on the outside of the line is what is needed with zone blocking. Wang has the attributes to fit that scheme perfectly.
  17. Perry's D was able to keep the point total down because the other team was gaining 60 yards on the ground per drive and eating up a huge amount of time off the clock. The Tampa 2 sucked monkey balls. The only thing that was decent was the secondary, and that was attributed to the other team running it down out throat.
  18. And there you have it......reality at it's finest. I agree completely that the sound system sucks but I don't go to the games to hear someone tell me what I'm watching. I don't need to hear music introducing the players or something blasted out as some sort of filler between plays. I do need to see the Bills score touchdowns and win football games. Period!
  19. Happy Birthday, billscursed and billsrus, mine was yesterday.
  20. Brohm should start just on the basis alone that he isn't Trentative Checkwards!! I don't care if he can't throw is 60 yards in the air, he isn't that slouching, deer in the headlights, p*ssy of a quarterback that #5 has been for the last few years. This team will be 100% better without Edwards on it.
  21. I guess the one nice thing about Nix/Gailey and Company is that they aren't Brandon/Jauron and Company. I feel much better about whichever direction the offense is heading, because I honestly don't think it could get any worse than what we have seen for the last couple of years. I would imagine that the defense is considerably improved by just switching to the 3-4 and having the intent on stopping the run with the additions to the line and linebackers. The Bills might not have the overall talent to compete for the division this year but they should have enough talent and coaching to make them competitive in every game. I am hoping that the years of ho hum boring Jauronesque football is over. Enough was enough with trying to keep it close and giving yourself a chance. Bullsh*t! Win and win often should be the motto.
  22. Very interesting interview. I really think Buffalo has struck gold here with Buddy. There are going to be the naysayers here on this board but after listening to the interview, Buddy is definitely a guy that is going to tell you the way it is, like it or not. The interviewers did seem to think that Buddy has something to prove after possibly being the man behind the scenes with AJ Smith in San Diego. They seemed to imply that it might have been Buddy building that team but AJ was getting all the credit, to the point where AJ had a PR guy doing the praising for him. Buddy didn't have that. All in all, after listening, there is definitely hope after years of Donahoe, Williams, Mularkey (though I think his hands were tied), Levy, Brandon and Jauron. Buddy has a simple direction and is going to get there, his way. It's nice to know that there finally is a direction with this team instead of the endless wandering that has been going on for the last 10 or so years.
  23. I don't think the plan was to get a QB next year either. It appears that Brohm is definitely going to have every opportunity with Fitz probably being the veteran support as a 2nd stringer. The wildcard is going to be Brownand how quickly he develops. He is a good one IMO.
  24. The opening drive on Sirius this morning stated that the Bills tried to get Dan Williams before 26 but couldn't and the Cardinals had targeted him there.
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