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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Great report LT. If there is a next time, don't dilly dally and get the picture of Fity's wife, just for curiosity's sake. One thing that concerns me is Nelson hangning with Marshawn. Maybe we can put 2 + 2 together here and come up with the reason for the suspension. Thanks again for the report.
  2. Like it or not, Schouman might be the best TE on the Bills roster right now, that isn't suspended. Unless of course Klopfenstein is back on the roster today. I can't keep track with that guy. Stupar is okay but he honestly doesn't possess the all around tools that Schouman has. I just hope Schouman's injury isn't long term. Schouman's loss might be somewhat devastating to a team that is really thin at a vital position.
  3. I guess this would explain the dozens of satellite dishes on top of the Patriots coaching complex!
  4. I like your ideas here except I could honestly see things playing out this way: Brian Brohm - Starting QB TBD Veteran Backup (possibly released from another team or in the CFL/UFL) Bad Bad Levi Brown - #3 QB I really don't know who is out there as a vet right now but I'm sure there is going to be at least a couple on the wire before the season starts that are better than TE and RF. I do think though that Chan would stick with BB as his starter and the vet being brought in strictly as a #2 to help him and teach Levi. Fitz isn't a bad guy to have on the team either but it is time to cut our losses with Trent. He is a workout warrior, so to speak, being that guy that lights it up in Training Camp. Once the bullets start flying though, he looks as if he has never taken a snap from center.
  5. I went with Moorman. He is going to get a lot of work and losing him would just be the cherry on top of everything else wrong with this team. I don't see how the Trent thing would be a bad scenario. I'm hoping he is cut before the end of the preseason so we can finally move on without having to see him suck another year for this team.
  6. I agree with everything you're saying Promo. I think the point that you are trying to make, that is getting lost a little here is the fact that, Jauron's teams over the last couple of years have looked grossly inept, misguided, incompetent, directionless and just plain bland. The one thing DJ did get this team to do was overachieve which did produce the 6 wins last year, which IMO was an amazing feat considering how terrible the team looked 90% of the time they took the field. There are a lot of questions surrounding this team which the other posters have pointed out. I still believe that they will win at least 9 games this year solely due to the fact that there is a "feel it in your heart" direction to this team for the first time in a long time here. I think the players and fans sense it. Hell, even the lifeless, sackless Trent Edwards appears to be showing some balls and signs of life for the first time since his rookie year. Lets hope that all this fundamental teaching pays off. It sure looks like it will so far.
  7. I am curious about the move with the injury to Easley. Just a complete guess here but is it possible that the Bills might be making room for another player. Maybe they have a LT or OLB in mind that they want to bring in and need to clear some space first. I don't know, maybe they just feel that there is plenty of talent at the WR position and there is no point in keeping Huggins around any longer.
  8. I like everyone's optimism on Trent but I really have to agree with the Senator on this one. We have seen for the last couple of years that Trent is a very good QB when wearing the RED Jersey. The problem is, when he dresses into the real jerseys and lines up across from a defense that isn't going to pull up on him, he becomes the Cowardly Lion. He will take a shot, miss a pass and go to the sideline, sit on the end of the bench by himself and sulk. This is where we all can agree that Trent is probably most comfortable. He lacks the toughness and desire (from what we have seen in years past) to be a quality NFL QB. I really hope things have changed with him because the other 3 options don't bode well for this team at this juncture. Maybe someone sat down with him, or maybe the new coaching staff had a come to Jesus meeting with him about his mental toughness. We don't know yet. We will see starting this Friday night and the following weeks. One thing we can be sure about though, if Trent is the starter against the Fish and he plays with the lack of stones that we all have seen before, he will be booed right off that field and may never take another snap for this team.
  9. Thanks Mike, great report as usual and very appreciated. I do have a question. I know you are really busy keeping track of what's going on on the field so you can relay these great reports to us, but is there any chance you can give us a little insight to what Trent is doing when one of the other QB's take over? I am not a big supporter of Trent, mainly because I don't think he has the stones to be a true NFL Quarterback. He might have the physical ability but the leadership skills and desire appear to have been lacking the last few years. I am curious if he is talking to any of the linemen, receivers or any other players about what did or didn't happen when they were on the field. Is he looking over plays with the coaches or is he off in a corner somewhere by himself chewing on his nails? Thanks and keep up the great reporting for all of us that can't make it to camp.
  10. I don't care how good Edwards looks, it's all depends how he processes information between the ears and how big the beating organ is in his chest. My guess that once he looks across the line of scrimmage in a "real" game situation, he is going to crumble like he has done the last couple of years. He doesn't have the heart to withstand the pressure of being a real NFL quaterback. He is going to go 3 and out his first series, walk to the sideline, sit at the end of the bench by himself and put his head down in his hands. The guy is a heartless machine. He does the same thing over and over, year after year, and yet there are people out there that think he is going to be different. Isn't the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? There should be a picture of Trent next to insanity in the dictionary.
  11. The passing game has been in shambles for a couple of years now so this is nothing new. I don't think it's going to help #5's confidence by having him beat up on the 3rd stringers. The real problem here is that the "starting" quarterback is mush between the ears and the tin man under center. Read a couple of his recent interviews and nothing has changed with this guy. He is the problem, plain and simple.. It's time to move on and see what the others can do. The worst that will happen is that they suck as bad as #5. The positive is that they probably show more heart and mental fortitude on the field.
  12. Is he made of wood? Seriously though, Nostradumbass has nothing on this guy........or is it Nostradomas? either way, it still some wild and wacky stuff Good Call BuffaloATL
  13. That's some funny **** there Mr Dean. I am curious though, does anyone know the details of the incentives? I'm sure they're out there, I just haven't looked anywhere else yet.
  14. I hope you're right. I think if he does get in before Monday, he might have a shot at seeing some action in the 1st preseason game. If he holds out beyond that, who knows if we see him before the 3rd preseason game.
  15. How about just a Harumph Link The thread itself is a bit ridiculous but I guess things are slow.
  16. What stuck out with me is the quote from Trent: “You go through your highs and lows at camp,” said Trent Edwards. “Obviously, the defense won (Wednesday) and sometimes we’re not going to win a football game. But you have to find a way to learn from it. We have to go back to the drawing board. Maybe it's me and my lack of enthusiasm knowing that Trent might be the starter but he hasn't changed. He still has the Dick Jauron style of speech. That, i]it's tough out there, we know we are going to lose some games, attitude. I have had enough of this guy and his ho-hum attitude with this team. Sack up Trent, say something like, they played us tough today, we sucked out there, too many mistakes but we will play better next time, attitude. Show some fire for Christ's sake. Show your teammates, coaches and fans that you have a pulse. Show that you WANT to win, not just hoping to win. In my opinion, Trentative should have been on the same bus out of Buffalo with Jauron. It's time for a new attitude. I don't care if it comes from a rookie 7th rounder, but we need someone to lead this team that has a heart and desire to WIN in the NFL.
  17. With such a young and aggressive team, maybe CG thought that they seemed to be getting a little sluggish towards the end of yesterdays practice and decided to give them a break and do some film and book study instead. Nothing wrong with that considering that they have been in pads from the get go. I think that Chan is going to be a good coach, jury is out on the gameday coaching, but from a motivational, educational standpoint, I think he is doing all the right things so far. Of course, gameday if the meat of it all. DJ was a good teacher too, he just sucked balls once he had to coach from between the 30's. Time will tell all.
  18. Looking at the $$$, it's simple. Looking at last years contracts, it does get a little more complicated. I said earlier in this thread that I really believe that it isn't about the cash, I would bet that the Bills are trying to squeeze an extra year into the contract so they could stay closer to the cash-to-cap. Spreading out $20-$22 mil over 6 years works alot better for the Bills fiscally than over 5 years. Last year the Niners and Crabtree squabbled for weeks but in the end, the Niners got what they wanted all along, the 6th year. Almost every player with the exception of a couple, have signed fairly quickly because of the 5 year contract. I might be way off here but this seems to make the most sense. The money is simple, it's the terms that are the B word of it all!!
  19. Great report again Mike. Thank you and keep them coming. They are appreciated more than you can imagine.
  20. Just spitballing here but is it possible that the money portion is the easy part but it's the length of the deal that might be the sticking point? Some of the picks are going 6 years, giving an extra year to prorate that signing bonus, while the majority are going 5 years. Knowing the Bills tendancy to be a little tighter (cash-to-cap) with their money, they might be trying to squeeze out that 6th year of the contract just to be able keep the cap hit down on a year to year basis.
  21. I just called DirecTV about the Sunday Ticket. I originally got billed for $49.99 for 6 months, then received an email that they are going to charge me $44.99/6 months. I talked to a normal CSR, didn't even go through customer retention, and asked for the deal for $179. They gave it to me no questions asked and threw in HBO and Cinemax for $18/month for 6 months and then tossed a $20/ month credit for those 6 months, basically giving me $2 a month to get those 2 packages. A pretty decent deal all around and all I had to do was ask for the $179 ticket price.
  22. I think the main item to look at here is the fact that Dick Jauron is no longer the coach. Plain and Simple. This alone is a huge upgrade over anything we have had since Wade stumbled the sidelines looking for the hot dog vendor. That being said, the talent level across the board gets an automatic upgrade also. Dicky was such an inept coach that the true evaluation of the talent of this team could never be realized. Hell, even Lil Donte might even showcase some hidden talent that was restricted under the DJ era. If the Jauron led Bills can win 6 games last year with what consisted of a UFL roster, I am sure that Chan and Co. can squeeze out at least 8 wins with the hidden talent that is there and the far superior coaching that he brings over the in-way-over-his-head Jauron.
  23. No Problem. The cool thing is that the 3 games are aired relatively close to the actual starting time. Years past there were sometimes days between the actual game and the rebroadcast on NFLN. I'm glad they are upgrading their replays of the games for us out of towners that can't watch it on WKBW.
  24. I put in the actual game times and dates just in case you needed to know how long to wait and see the games
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