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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. It depends how hot it is for the game. I have a Thurman jersey but it's a little heavier so if it's in the 90's, I will probably go with a white Poz throwback.
  2. That's a great one too. There are so many good one-liners on that show. Some of the best ones are between and Brian and Stewie when they are going at it about who is gayer(more gay, whichever works). Classic stuff.
  3. The way Florida spread the ball around, 25 is a lot and does late bloomer sound right for this kid? I sure hope so because he looks a lot like a modern version of Dwight Clark. IMO
  4. I hope so, the guy is a STUD at WR and how he went undrafted is beyond me. I guess most teams get enamored with speed and forget about the guys that run routes well and catch the ball. I would love to see D. Nelson as a #3 or #4 WR and getting touches every week. He might even give Roscoe a run just based on his size and ability to get open in space.
  5. FWIW, did anyone else notice D Nelson at the gunner position on the punt. Possibly a sign that he might make the team as a 5th or 6th receiver and seeing what he can do on special teams. He doesn't appear to be the quickest guy out there to play that spot on ST but maybe he's earned a WR spot. Just an observation.
  6. I have to say that the O-Line does look pretty decent tonight. There is some talent there and proper coaching really does make a difference.
  7. Coach, you are more skeptical than me when it comes to this team. Why do I need to stop worrying about our starting QB? I love what the Offense is doing but that has a hell of a lot more to do with coaching and other personnel than the QB. I am just saying that I hope the tigers stripes change before the season because he is going to be exposed when the real bullets fly.
  8. Hey, i am enjoying it and hoping that with the addition of Spiller, the O opens up. All I am saying is that I, me myself personally, haven't noticed much a difference in Trent overall. Sure, the dump downs look better when they go for positive yardage, but we are still witnessing the same Trent overall. That's all. I just hope there something else in the playbook because teams like the Pats, Pack and so on, will catch up to our O very quick. SKITTISH !!!!!!!!
  9. Hate to be a Debbie Downer here but if it wasn't for Spiller on this offense, we probably would look worse than last year if that's possible. Honestly, Trent looks just a Trentative and it's more than obvious that he just doesn't have "IT" to be the guy under center. Call me what you want but it just my personal observation through 2.5 preseason games and countless regular games the last few years. I really want him or someone to succeed at QB but I don't know if there is anyone on the current roster to take that job, with the exception of Levi, who is still relatively unknown. I guess everyone can blame the O-Line for some of it but, honestly, how much can you blame them when the QB looks skiddish at best.
  10. anyone else having issues only when the Bills have the ball?
  11. Between freezing and the game behing the announcers about 10 seconds, this site sucks monkey balls. Thanks for the effort though.
  12. What? Actually, you make perfect sense here. If everyone thinks back, the Bills did a pretty decent job running the ball almost every game last year, WHEN Jackson was running. He put up some decent numbers but nothing flashy. 6 here, 3 there, another 4 there and then maybe a no gain or a 1 yarder. Both FJ and ML are very average runners when it comes to consistency. Spiller on the other hand, has the ability to take it to the house on any given play. Sure, he might get stopped at the line or for a gain of 1 or 2 on a lot of plays but he is also going to snap off a 50+ yarder possibly every 10-15 touches or so. This is where the Bills offense opens up. There are a lot of people that questioned the Spiller pick but the simplicity of it jumps out. If he is on the field for 75% of the offensive plays, that means that the defenses will be accounting for him no matter where he is lined up. If he gets 10-15 carries per game, the odds are that he will have a big gainer once a game just from the RB position. That completely changes the numbers overall and gives the offense a completely different identity, sans the QB position. IMO, a very well trained monkey might be able to run the O with the running games potential. Don't be surprised to see a very strategic running attack every game with a lot more home run throws per game. We might not have the QB to get it there but it will be spreading out the D's.
  13. Does the VGA do both audio and video? I am buying one later today but I have no idea how it works. I have the output on the laptop and input on the TV for it but I am fairly novice at these things.
  14. I think Pryor's hype is because he plays for Ohio State. It seems every year, at least one player from that school gets overhyped by the media. There is a pretty long list of overhyped players that haven't done squat in the NFL. It's almost similar to the Florida WR thing. Pryor is a decent QB but tossing him into a Top 10 discussion is ridiculous. Top 50 maybe but there are a lot of smaller school QB's out there that make Pryor look like a joke. Kellen Moore from Boise didn't make the Top 10 and there are those in the Sporting News that think he is a legitmate Heisman candidate.
  15. I don't see 5 RB's making it or 4 TE"s for that matter. I figure there will be at least 8 LB's and possibly 9 DB's being carried. At this point, I don't know who Chan might keep or cut but looking at your numbers per position, I think you are close with the exceptions that I noted.
  16. How do you hook up the S-video to the computer? I was going to go with a VGA connection, which is the only output I have on the Laptop besides the 3 USB's. I have a thread going in the consumer board asking about this. Is there a way to get the sound and picture off the laptop onto the TV together? I was just going to try plugging in an audio cable into my headphone jack and the audio in on the TV to see if that worked.
  17. I'm sure you will find a party out there but you are welcome to join ours if you want. ECC lot 2 (i think) southern of the 2 lots there on Abbott. Along the center dividing road in the corner by the back road of the lot. Look for the guys with the 3 red seats attached to their bumper, that's where I will be.
  18. Wood, man, I love Jameson. Don't know if I could do shots BEFORE the game, but afterwards would be a different story. I might have to think about grabbing a bottle for the game. Good Idea. Maddog, I am so pumped that the opener is against the Fish. It's been forever since we've opened against them, I'm thinking somewhere in the mid 80's but I can't remember when and I'm to lazy to look it up. I think this is the most excited I've been for an opener in a long time, just because it's the Fish.
  19. You would be one that I was referring to Skooby. Don't get me wrong, I log a lot of time on here, I just don't post that often. I tried the other board but it doesn't hold a candle to this board or the posters on here.
  20. Since this is my 1,000th post, I figured I would start a thread. It's taken me a little over 7 years to reach 1000, which, it looks like some of you do that in a week. Anyway, lets see if we can get a head count from all of you as to who is going to the opener, where you are coming in from, where you are sitting and what you will be tailgating with. Flying in from Orlando on Friday with my wife and 2 friends. I think we might be heading to the Big Tree for lunch. (8 total in our group) Sitting in Section 335, row 15. Probably drinking Blue and Blue Light and the menu has yet to be determined. Suggestions would be helpful. I am limited with a cooking apparatus but have the ability to make something the night before. On a side note, former season ticket holder from '86-'96 and I haven't missed an opener since '83.
  21. I am guessing that somewhere here in the next couple of days, that there are going to be a couple of links showing where the game will be Streamed Live. I have a question regarding this and hopefully one of the geniuses (Fez) might be able to help me out here. I have aa Dell Laptop with a 15 Pin(female) output and a Vizio TV with a 15 Pin(female) PC Input. WIll I be able to watch the streamed game on the TV if I use the proper VGA cable. If so, is there a special software that I need to do this or is there a built in software on the computer that I need to link to the TV to do this? I have Windows Vista on an Inspiron 1750 Thanks for any and all input. I know this should be in another forum but I figure that the computer geeks (no pun intended) would probably comment in here.
  22. That is just classic!! On a side not, I'm finally closing in on 1,000. Took just over 7 years but I got there.
  23. The whole thing here is kind of a slippery slope. I like that Chan stuck up for his players but I don't like that he might be coddling (sp) his starting QB. Fans have the right to say what they want but it is a free practice and is that really the time and place for it? Probably not. (see mosque at ground zero) Something has got to give here and hopefully Trent (and Chan for that matter) will do something to shut up the critics. p.s. I am not a Trent fan but I hope for the betterment of the team, that he steps up and is able to become the leader that this team needs. If not, there has to be someone out there worthy of that challenge.
  24. I have to agree with everyone, the site looks great. Thanks for your dedication to all of us that need an outlet for our beloved Bills.
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