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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. If there is a stud DE or OLB that is head and shoulders above everyone else, that is the direction the Bills should be looking, regardless if Luck comes out or not. Defense wins championships and the Bills D is extremely weak all the way across the front 7. I wouldn't be surprised if they drafted the first 3 or 4 rounds in the trenches on both sides of the ball. The kid from the Tar Heels might be a consideration for DE. I am sure between now and after the combines, there will be a couple of players that jump out above the rest. QB would be a necessary pick if the Bills had stuck with Edwards but right now, its a need, just not an absolute necessity in the top 5. The Bills need a playmaker(s) on defense and that is about as glaring as it will get. Another Bruce Smith type of player would be nice.
  2. As Marv always said, when you start listening to the fans, you will soon be sitting with them.
  3. Whoever the moron is that thinks that CJ is a bust, here is the line from the Bears game: Rushing ATT YDS TD LG C.J. Spiller 7 20 0 15 Fred Jackson 8 16 1 6 I guess that shows how much of a bust Spiller is. Might as well call FJ a bust too and just cut them both with your moronic thinking.
  4. I didn't have any issues yesterday but I did have a problem with one of the earlier games in the year. The funny thing was, I wasn't getting HD for the Bills game but I did for all the other games. I called DirecTV about it and they had no clue. All I did was unplug my receiver and restarted it and everything was fine after that. Sometimes it's just your equipment and not the overall system.
  5. Funny thing is, if it wasn't the punt it would have been something else. No matter what, something would have gone wrong. Kicker is, if the game would have been reversed and the Bills were punting in that situation, the ball would have bounced 15-20 yards in the opposite direction and the Bears, or any other team would have had the ball around the 40 instead of the 1.
  6. I live in the Orlando area that has (1) Major sports team and there are two stations with sports talk and all three of the news talk stations carry one form or another of sports games.
  7. S W I - Swimming While Intoxicated I didn't know that was a crime but nowadays, it appears that any form of public intoxication is subject to arrest. The worst thing that's going to happen to this guy is that he is going to get a ton of crap from his teammates in the locker room.
  8. Just played my first round of the season on Friday. It's too hot here in Florida to play during the summer. I usually get out at least once a week, twice if I have time. I work nights so I tend to try to get out during the week when the courses aren't packed. I would say that during the Fall, Winter and Spring, I probably get out 30 or so times a season.
  9. Hey, at least you weren't watching the OSU/Wisconsin game and the announcers talking about the Bills and Pryor. I actually heard the same thing while watching the game though. My guess would be that the Bills scouts happened to be in town doing some scouting while the TV crew was there at the same time. Sherrod is a decent LT but I highly doubt he goes in the top 5-8, likely where the Bills will be picking. The way it looks, they will be picking in the top 3 and, unless they trade out, they will be taking a QB.
  10. Is it possible that both parties, Wilson and the Kelly group, are waiting to see what happens in Washington in the next few weeks? There is a possibility that the Bush tax cuts will be extended and in that bill, there is the "death tax", that was waved till the end of this year. There is also, if I remember correctly, something in that bill that lowers the amount of capital gains taxes levied on the sale of anything with a capital gain. They might be waiting to see what transpires with all of that, and considering that the Marxist wants to lower the boom on anyone making more than $250K/year, it is likely that both parties are waiting till the last minute to make the deal. I would bet that a deal is done before the end of the year if the tax cuts aren't extended completely for all involved. If congress and the Marxist decide to screw the "rich", Wilson has no other option than to sell the team this year. If the regime loses the house and senate in November, there might be a compromise to extend the tax cuts for at least one or two more years and the need to sell right away won't be as necessary. Either way, my guess would be that everyone can look to Washington and the White House as to what happens with the Bills in the next couple of months.
  11. Wow. Can't wait to see how this plays out with the allegations. With all the people confirming Luchs, it's hard to believe Kiper's denial. I am sure that Kiper and Wichard had (have) some deals going on, it's almost hard to believe that there isn't something a little shady going on there.
  12. One suggestion I have for your high maintenance tailgater would be to bring a package of foil, wrap an individual size amount of pork in the foil and use a hand held propane torch to heat the outside of the foil, thus warming it's contents. I've actually done it before and it works. It looks and sounds stupid but it's a lot less bulky than a grill and it only takes a few minutes of warming the small package to heat the contents. On a side note, pulled pork it probably my all time favorite tailgate dish. It's simple (meaning it can be prepared a day or two in advance) and it's damn tasty.
  13. I can't disagree with anything here. Unfortunately, the Bills are a bad team with a bad reputation right now. Until both of those things change, the media will have it's whipping boy.
  14. This right here says everything that needs to be said about Trent Edwards. There is nothing else to say.
  15. I loved those commercials with him as the compliance Linebacker. Actually thought he was a pretty good LB with some potential until he had the knee injury. Honestly, is he worse than Ellison?? I am guessing that there are at least a dozen LB's out there that could do a better job than Ellison but for whatever reason, he still has a roster spot. I personnally think he has compromising pictures of someone very high up in the organization and he is locked onto this team.
  16. I thought that he was on schedule to make it back for the Jets game this weekend. I think Poz had a tweak in his knee or something along those lines. I hope he is back soon because I am sick of seeing Ellison being pushed 15 yards downfield and just too weak overall to be a linebacker in the NFL.
  17. Nothing against Fitz but don't forget his high throw on the first drive that possibly cost a possible touchdown, leading only to a field goal.
  18. that Keith Ellison is by far the worst player on the field for the Bills. I wouldn't be surprised to see his sorry ass cut when Poz gets back and Nelson is activated from his suspension.
  19. There has got to be some f#$%%^n moron that will say that Edwards completed more than 50% of his passes!!
  20. Amen to that! I lean a lot further to the right of center than to the left of it but I have to say that there is plenty of blame to pass around on both sides of the aisle. Any incumbent that has served more than two terms should be ousted for creating this mess and definitely get rid of anyone that openly states they are a socialist. There are some that have even stated they are Marxist that are in Congress. That crap just needs to stop before our children are deprived of growing up like we did.
  21. Happy Birthday to nuklz jr. Thank you both for your sacrifices. I'm sure he's enjoying it as best he can, you should too.
  22. That has been his problem since the beginning. He doesn't like to throw into coverage. Even though the receiver might be open at some point, if there is coverage there, he will not chance a throw into it. Notice on a lot of the dump off throws, he hits the checkdown receiver while they are standing still instead of leading them. On the few throws he does attempt over the middle or to the outside, he hits the receiver while they are standing there. How many times did we see Josh Reed catch the ball with his feet still. That guy needed the ball while he was moving, that was his strength, to get the ball and run after the catch. He does the same thing to Lee, unless of course he is chucking it downfield and praying that Evans can run under it. The touchdown to Roscoe Sunday only happened because RP got open. Wide Open. Had there been a corner close, that throw would never have been made. Edwards needs to take the tampon out and throw like a man for once. He does not have the mental fortitude(large enough sack) to be a successful QB in the NFL, IMO.
  23. I just ordered and received my white Spiller throwback from DHGate.com. It's the Chinese knockoff but the jersey looks awesome. The cost was $39 including shipping and I received it 8 days from the time I ordered it, with a holiday mixed in there. I used PayPal for the payment which expedited the process, and I used the seller china-trader. I also ordered a Broncos Tebow jersey for my neice and it looks pretty nice too. I know you don't want the knockoff but it's a damn nice jersey.
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