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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Living in Orlando, I have seen this kid play quite a few times and he is definitely a ballplayer. I would love to see him as a Bill but I just don't see it happening unless they draft him around the 2nd 4th or in the 5th as a rotational DE. The Bills have a serious NEED for an established 3-4 ILB and Miller does not fit that profile. I don't know how he is projected as a 3-4 ILB though. He has the size for ILB, similar to Moats, but I would guess he is more of a 3-4 OLB or even staying at his natural position as a DE. One heck of a football player for whoever drafts this kid.
  2. He is a Patriot so he will probably get a pass or a slap on the wrist at most. On a side note, I used to live in Apopka and Apopka High School is as close as they come to being a football powerhouse in the state of Florida in any city not named Miami. Warren Sapp is from there. Yearly they send a few players to D1 or D1A schools. Unfortunately, Apopka is also a tale of two cities. It's probably about the a size of Hamburg, maybe smaller. About 1/3rd of the city is below the ghetto line. They don't have cars on blocks, the houses are. The funny thing is, you can get a house less than a mile from "the hood" starting around $750k or get one in "the hood" for about $750.00. It's a pretty nice place to live but don't cross the tracks at night.
  3. Exactly! There isn't another FA out there that I would want over this guy. If the Bills front office had the stones to spend the boss's money without any repercussions, I would say spend it on Asomgha.
  4. I'm not saying Ralph is cheap. I just don't see him going out and dropping that kind of money on Asoumagha. I love the fact that Ralph isn't cheap but Asoumagha is at the top of the heap here and I honestly don't think Ralph would do it. I just think Asoumagha would greatly help that D and the team in so many ways that it wouldn't be a bad idea to really step up and take a shot at the #1 Free Agent prize for once.
  5. Reality hit me at the end of this too, that's why I wrote it. I tend to agree with the DR on this one. It's a nice thought but like I said, it's a pipe dream and Ralph would never spend that kind of cash on one player.
  6. Went to a Scottish festival a few weeks ago and albanac (sp) was one of the bands. They were pretty good and I think one of the other bands there was the Young Dubliners. They were awesome. Some pretty awesome music. Good Luck today Poojer!!
  7. I know that there needs to be a new CBA in place before anyone even thinks about Free Agency this year but I am wondering what the chances would be for the Bills to actually be a major player in Free Agency this year. I'm not thinking that they go after 4 or 5 guys but what if they went after the top prize this year...Asoumagha? I know it's a pipe dream but since they were relatively quiet last year, would, or could they actually get off the wallet and pony up for him? I know it's going to take a pretty good size signing bonus but the thought of him on our D with the possibility of us going D for the first couple of rounds is an exciting prospect. A trade down scenario and grabbing multiple front 7 players with the knowledge that you have upgraded an already pretty fair secondary is very exciting. The season ticket sales would probably go back up into the high 50,000 range and merchandise sales could go through the roof. I know it's a pipe dream but there are so many positives to come out of this that it would be a pretty good investment overall. Now we just need Ralph to leave the wallet on the table and have that mischievious kid Buddy to go in and grab a few bucks out of it.
  8. I wouldn't mind seeing half these guys in a Bills uni next year. Butch Davis has done a hell of a job recruiting in Tar Heel land. Too bad that some of the players got stupid and they and the team got punished for it. Imagine if they had that talent all year. They would have easily been a Top 10 team with probably some outside rumblings for a BCS title game berth. I think any or all of those first 5 listed can help the Bills.
  9. I wouldn't mind this if they were picking around 7-9 with a second 2nd round pick and another 1st round pick next year. Otherwise, at 3, I really see them doing D all the way. They might reach a little for someone like Quinn but I think Dareus would be the smart choice. That being said, it won't be Dareus and most likely Quinn or even Miller. A trade down would be the best cast scenario this year but I really don't see that happening. Safest pick would be Peterson or the other corner from Nebraska that I can't think of his name off hand. Our corners aren't bad but it never hurts to have one that you don't need to help (see Revis). Defense has to be that pick no matter what. Unless Green can do something to stop the other teams from moving up and down the field on us, he is not the pick regardless of talent.
  10. Anywhere but NY, CA and MI. Living in FL, I would rank it in the Top 5. Idaho would also be there. The other 3 would be a toss up based on multiple things including places with no income tax and it being a right to work state. NH would be out because I would probably be arrested for saying something derogatory to the leftists.
  11. I'm jealous. Congrats on your tickets. The price, no matter how you slice it, is a deal and then some. I miss my seasons (N-3, row 7, seats 1-4). I know the seating has changed but I loved those seats. Just a right out of the tunnel and into my seats. I could sit on the aisle and actually make it to the bathroom and back between plays when the other team had the ball. I had my seasons from '86-'96 so getting there during the K-Gun was impossible. Actually won the "Super Bowl" lottery and went to SB XVIII in Atlanta for $350 for the pair. Talk about a deal. I would get seasons now but I only can make one or two games a year since I live in the Orlando area. The price is right though. Sure the team sucks but I'm not a bandwagon jumper and love going for the experience. I think the only thing that bothers me about going to the games now is the intensive security. Back in the day, it was minimal at best and the problems were far far less IMO. Have fun this year, should be better at least.
  12. You might be onto something here. As much as I love beating the Dolphins, Pats and Jets, though that doesn't happen as often as we all would like, the Bills playing the Brown and Steelers yearly would generate a rivalry faster than any other division tinkering the NFL could come up with. They could keep either the Bungles or Ravens in the Division and move the other with the East teams and it would appear on the surface to be a seemless transition. The Ravens appear to be the logical one to move out but I wouldn't care, as long as the geographic rivalry was established.
  13. I don't think trading out is realistic, i understand the OP's frustration with how our 1st round picks have turned out for the past decade. Spiller still will turn out to be a good pick and Wood was a steal, IMO, but the rest have really been a waste for the most part. I do like the idea of trading back in the 1st and acquiring multiple picks. If we were to trade back into the 20's and obtain an additional 2nd and 3rd this year along with and additional 1st next year, I would be all for that. I don't know what the value would be for letting someone trade up 20 spots in the 1st but I would guess it would definitely cost another 1st. I don't think anyone would give up that much to move up but if someone has a hardon for one of those top defensive guys, you have to explore moving back if you get 4 solid picks in return. The Bills do need an impact playmaker on defense though and if someone like Fairly was still there at 3, you can't pass on that. There are some pretty good defensive players coming out this year which would make the Bills think about moving to obtain some extra talent on both sides of the ball. I wouldn't put it past Buddy to be taking any and all calls from anyone willing to move into #3.
  14. you might as well give up now and just become a Pats fan
  15. That's (2) practice squaders this week that have been signed onto someone else's roster. How many players were signed off the Bills practice squad during the previous regime's tenure? It shows that Nix, Whaley and Gailey have started to accummulate some talent that other teams actually desire. It could be a good sign of things to come.
  16. Who are those guys??!! Thanks Tipster, great post. When you look at the Bills roster, your first thought has to be, honestly, who in the h e double hockey sticks are these guys. The current alphabetized roster is a who's who of something other than a football team. IF you look at the roster and imagine looking at it from an outsiders perspective, the only names that might be familiar would be Moorman, a punter, who I highly doubt is recognized by anyone other than the most diehard football fan, Fitz, a journeyman QB with nothing much on his resume except for being in the right place at the right time when Palmer went down in Cincy and Spiller, who was a high draft pick this past year but was mostly known throughout ACC circles but not as highly recognized on a national level. That's it, IMO. Hat's off to Nix, Whaley, Gailey and company to get the most out of what could be described as a roster from the Island of Misfit football players(to celebrate the season). Let's hope that we continue to see progress from all of the staff and players this year and over the next couple of years. There appears to be some great things happening at OBD and we are just beginning to see it.
  17. Did anyone hear WIlcox scream for joy when Polamau (sp) intercepted at the goal line? If you have it recorded, play it back, it's unreal. That kind of biased behavior out of a so-called analyst should be grounds for termination. It was ridiculous. The guy is a tool.
  18. Sounds good to me.....but no Cablelady or Promo? Maybe they will be in the next round of additional moderators.
  19. Someone needs to tell that to Roscoe. I love the fact that the guy fights for every inch out there but he is constantly getting hurt. Maybe it's time for him to realize that he weighs about half of everyone else out there and he should be avoiding some of those hits. I know the broken wrist was kind of a fluke but the fact is, he is worth more to this team playing every week as opposed to getting a handful of weeks a season out of him.
  20. Another poster in another post made an interesting observation regarding the Gailey/Edwards fiasco. He stated something to the point that it was Wilson that was so high on Edwards and Gailey was more or less covering-his-ass by annointing Edwards the starter. The poster mentioned that he thought both Nix and Gailey knew Edwards wasn't going to cut it and they put him out there knowing that he was going to fail miserably, more or less a sink or swim situation. WIlson's meddling with the QB situation started this season out on the wrong foot and it's taken several weeks for them to recover. I can see where the poster makes some sense here. Obviously Gailey isn't a moron and he had to see what us fans had seen for the last few years with Edwards. The guy had no heart, no will or desire to become a leader, much less a productive part of this team. I don't see any other explanation except that maybe Fitz just didn't pick up Gailey's system right away, which most likely is not the case considering that Fitz is probably smarter than most of the people in that locker room collectively.
  21. The one thing you can compare with Moore and Brees is that they both played for colleges that primarily threw the ball. Purdue, at the time, threw exclusively and obviously Boise likes to toss the ball. The more common factor with the two players is that they both were, and are, students of the game. Both come from coaching lineage and both QB's can pick apart a defense if given the opportunity. Don't underestimate Moore as a pro, though he doesn't have the ideal size, he has more between the ears than probably 75% of the current NFL QB's.
  22. That is probably the strongest part of the defense. Williams and Troup make a nice tandem and each has their own niche. Nothing against Stroud but he is a converted 4-3 under tackle trying to play a strong side, pass rushing end in a 3-4. It's not his gig and that is obvious. I believe that Stroud would be rotated to LDE next year and splitting time with Carrington and the Bills will draft a pass rushing RDE very high in the draft and compliment him with a pass rushing OLB to shore up the front 7either from the draft, free agency or Merriman if he is able to come back from his troubles and resigns with the Bills.
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