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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Just like some Bills fans after seeing a backup, overpaid, useless center that got manhandled every time he snapped the ball, get cut
  2. ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ I don't see any cost cutting going on here at all. The Nix/Gailey regime is doing what every other GM/Coach tandem has done throughout the league, they are cutting players from past regimes that aren't cutting it up to their standards. It has nothing to do with money but more to do with performance, loyalty and most likely youth. Nothing more, nothing less.
  3. Thank you Didn't Ahmad make it somewhat big too? I know it wasn't quite Hollywood but he made it pretty big on the networks.
  4. Didn't Lucius play for the Bills in the late 70's/early 80's?
  5. I would guess that Chan already has Bell's replacement on the roster and is just waiting for him to learn a little more before he throws him into the starting lineup. I agree with you on Chandler, the guy has the all around game at the TE position to be a solid Brammer type player, or even close to what Metzelaars gave the Bills in the mid 90's.
  6. I wouldn't change anything. I did notice that in your signature, you have the Bills selecting Kellen Moore in the middle rounds of the draft next year. Gailey is a proponent of the Pistol offense and Boise State with Moore primarily runs out of the Pistol. Do you think the Bills invest a higher pick, possibly a 2nd in getting their QB of the future?
  7. I don't know the exact history of the Bills/Lions preseason games but if I recall, they usually play in the last preseason game. Given the close proximity of the two cities and the usually short turnaround time between games 3 and 4, it kind of makes sense to play the final game against someone geographically closer just to save on time.
  8. I guess that would mean Brown gets cut, Smith is the 3rd QB and they can keep 6 wr's which will most likely be: Johnson, Parrish, Easley, Nelson, Jones and either Aiken or Roosevelt. I think they keep Aiken because of his size.
  9. Have to agree that it will not be Roscoe that gets the axe. IF they keep 7 wr's, it is going to come down to Jones and Roosevelt. I think they go with 6, including Smith and they keep Aiken over Roosevelt and Jones. I personally like Jones but when you look at the receivers, Parrish and Spiller kind of take care of that role that Jones has. Nelson could be in the mix to get cut but I think they like his size in the red zone and don't have anyone else other then the TE's to use in that role, and we know that they don't use the TE's. I say if they keep 6 it will be: Johnson Parrish Easley Nelson Aiken Smith Add in Jones if they carry 7 and unfortunately, Roosevelt ends up the odd man out.
  10. Let me preface this by saying that there is no rational explanation for the behavior that we have seen at the stadium over the last decade. BUT, I feel that alot of the poor behavior and frustration we have seen is a direct result of the product on the field. It's a bit two-fold, you have a higher number of youngins that act like they can do anything they want because it's a football game which is most likely a result of the older folk not buying tickets to see such a poor product produced by management and owner. I had season tickets in my younger (early 20's to early 30's) days from '85 to '96 and the crowd was much more into the actual game. Sure there was a considerable amount of partying going on but everyone, for the most part, was considerate to one another. I don't know if it's a result of society and everyones lack of personal responsibility or if it's just frustration of what we have seen on the field. I am sure there are several factors contributing to the behavior we have seen, including a much larger number of foreigners going to the games and acting like they can do anything because they are from another country. Sorry to the Canadiens that act like humans there.
  11. With the exception of Williams, everyone else has been here over the last couple of years. Though statistics show that our pass defense is somewhat decent, I can't help but wonder how in the hell we didn't rank in the bottom 2 or 3 in that category. Personally, our pass defense is attrocious. We can't cover the TE, we can't cover anything underneath and we have serious issues in 1 on 1 coverage. The only saving grace that our defensive backfield might have this year compared to previous years, is the hope that our revamped front 7 can create a pass rush. Otherwise, we will be here screaming about McLovin, bitching that we paid to much to keep Florence and whining about why didn't we keep Whitner over a converted WR. If we don't create a rush, we will be dead last in pass defense this year.
  12. I would guess that fans from 16 other teams say that every weekend in the preseason. With that said, it is preseason. Nothing more, nothing less. Sure, we would like to see better results from games 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 and so on but one thing to remember with this team is there are ALOT of new players on defense, especially the front 7, that are just getting going here. The "offensive" line (using the other definition of offensive) is another story altogether and we can only hope that the front office takes notice and does something in the next couple of weeks to correct the glaring needs there. I hope that Chan saw what he needed to out of the players filling in for the starters out there last night and realizes that if we have a rash of injuries, like we have had the last few years, that this ship is going to sink quickly and it might be worthwhile to think about the Luck sweepstakes if we are listing heavily by late October.
  13. I always preferred anywhere in the upper deck between the 35's, first couple of rows up on the aisle. When I moved to Florida in '96, the hardest thing I had to give up in Buffalo, family included, was my season tickets, N3, row 3 or 4, can't remember, but on the aisle, right out of the tunnel. I could hit the bathroom and back between opponents plays on a good day.
  14. Good question Senator, what happened to The Dean? It's been forever since he's been on here. Maybe he found an endless supply of wine and is living happily ever after.
  15. B I N G O This is exactly the kind of plays we saw in the late 80's and early 90's between #12 and #83 with some #34 sprinkled in. If the Bills stick to this type of passing game, I, for one, will be quite happy. I was sick of watching our receivers catching the ball while being stationary over the last few years. Hitting a player on a 5 yard pass while he is running full tilt could easily result in 20 yd pass plays. The only thing that will slow this type of offense down is not having any type of stretch play that will keep the defenses honest. Hopefully Gailey will get some deep posts into the equation to keep the safeties from jumping down on the short slants and drag patterns.
  16. Welcome to the board BUT you have got to be kidding me. I need to get out my "From the Hood Dictionary/Thesaurus" to figure out what in the hell you are trying to say.
  17. I can't even vote in the poll, it's assinine. The oft injured Steve Smith, who has had one decent season, would help this team how? I guess every player that some moron might have heard of should be signed by the Bills or Nix is an idiot. Come on folks, I thought Bills fans were supposed to be passionate and somewhat intelligent about their team. I am losing faith every time I read some of the posts on here.
  18. I agree, if the field isn't playable, cancel the game. It isn't fair to either team to risk any injuries considering the circumstances going into the preseason games. The field here in Orlando was absolutely awful. It was just a matter of time until a little rain fell between the Champs Bowl and the Citrus Bowl games that would cause a problem. The city did address the turf issue here but that stadium is easily in the top 3 worst stadiums in the country, including high schools. It is a toilet bowl and the City of Orlando should be ashamed for dragging their feet on building another one.
  19. I know the Bungles drafted Dalton this year but it really looks like they have set themselves up pretty good to be in the Luck lottery. Time will tell but it sure looks like they are heading there.
  20. I know it's a little early to be asking but does anyone know if any of the games will be streamed live on the internet. I know justintv used to broadcast the games, albeit a lousy picture, but football live nonetheless, but does anyone know if there might be any other sites with the games. I am hoping something on DTV in the 600's will have something but I really doubt it. I just can't wait till Sunday at 7pm, almost 24 hours after the game. I love that football is back uninterrupted.
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