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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Even before today, someone needed to be held accountable for the lack of depth and quality throughout the team. After today, someones head at One Bills Drive needs to roll. That display is totally unacceptable from a fans perspective. Fire someone, Cut someone, I don't care but things NEED to change because this level of play is completely unacceptable in the NFL week after week.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly. The refereeing in the NFL seems to have gone downhill over the last decade. I don't know if it's because they are relying to much on instant replay or that they are just getting older without much turnover. Either way, with the amount of mistakes, blown calls and non-calls throughout the league, it might be time to revisit the system in general. I am sure there is some sort of referee union that has a stranglehold on the NFL but after watching that ridiculous call in the Philly/Dallas game, something needs to change. The call was so blatantly missed that everyone not wearing stripes seemed utterly stunned at the call.
  3. I don't know where he is on his current contract but this guy is about as automatic as they get. Sure he has a miss every now and then but if you look around the league, the pickens are pretty slim for someone with Lindell's ability to kick in any condition. This guy should be in the top 3-5 players that will be getting a new contract sometime after the season. Not ridiculous money but something decent with a nice signing bonus to keep him in Buffalo as long as his leg is still attached. I checked and his contract is up at the end of this year. This should be a no-brainer considering the amount of stiffs out there like Olindo Mare, who more or less cost Carolina a game yesterday on what would be a Lindell chip shot.
  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Video-Refs-in-Philly-make-worst-on-field-ruling?urn=nfl-wp10761 Could have used these Refs in Nashville a few years back.
  5. Thanks for the info, I will pass it along
  6. I have a friend of mine that's going to be in Vegas for work till early next year and is looking for a Bills fans gathering spot. Does anyone know of a good one somewhere in the vicinity of UNLV? Thanks
  7. I am pretty sure we will see a bunch of 2 TE sets with Lee next to Levitre often helping out
  8. This Too. Security is definitely a problem. They are basically mostly mall cops at football games. There are some that might actually be undercover police but for the most part, they are no more than some punk with an attitute wearing a flourescent windbreaker. Couple that with giving any idiot with a phone the ability to screw with someone at a football game and you have some very serious issues with innocent people getting treated unfairly.
  9. Here is the Catch22 of this whole texting thing at the stadiums now. Any idiot with a phone and not to hammered to use it has the ability to screw anyone in the stands by texting security and having them removed. If you are sitting next to a big fat guy/girl and they are infringing on your space, you can text anything to security about them and if you do it enough, you can have them removed and have more space for yourself. The whole texting security thing is wrong and should be banned. If you have an issue, go get security, have them see with their own eyes and let a judgement be made from that. Otherwise, it's all heresay and probably more often then not, an innocent person gets the short end of the stick.
  10. Thanks everyone for their input. I had a feeling the ATT guy was full of shite and just trying to make a sale using the Sunday Ticket as leverage. I have had DirecTv since 1996, when I moved from Buffalo here to Central Florida. It was my only way to be able to follow my Bills. I have both the Sunday Ticket and NHL Center Ice and probably could not survive without at least the Ticket. Glad to hear that DTV is keeping the Ticket for at least 3 more years and I don't ever see them giving it up unless the government steps in with some sort of lawsuit against them. The Ticket is their bread and butter and without it, they would just be another Dish Network. Go Bills !!!
  11. I know Fezmid is our local DirecTV answer guy but I have a question for anyone that has information regarding the Sunday Ticket. I had a guy come to my house in Central Florida the other day trying to get me to change over my service to ATT U-Verse. I explained that I have Directv because of the Ticket (among other things) and he proceeded to tell me that after this year, Directv no longer has the rights to the Ticket. He also informed me that ATT was taking over exclusive rights and that I should sign up now so I can have it for next year. When he pushed the signing now, I felt that he was just a salesman playing on a weakness. I had heard something similar a few years ago from a salesman from Time Warner. So the question is, will Directv lose the Ticket next year or is there still negotiating going on with all parties involved? I will have to jump ship if someone else has the Ticket but I hope that ATT doesn't get it. I have heard a couple good things and mostly bad things about U-Verse so I really hope I don't have to think about switching to ATT.
  12. Great story. It isn't everyday that people like us are lucky enough to find wives that are more than supportive of our football endeavors. My anniversary is also on 10-9-93. Met my wife at a Patriots/Bills game in 1989 and the rest is history. It's alot more fun to scream and shout watching a game when your wife is doing the same thing louder than you sometimes. Congrats and have fun.
  13. I will say that the Bills have some talent on defense, I just think that they are being utilized all wrong. I am going to hijack your thread a little and push make this the FIRE GEORGE EDWARDS THREAD. Edwards was horrible last year and outright sucks this year as a coordinator. There is no way that a D coordinator would allow little 5'9" players to run all over the field and catch for 250 yards against them or let a rookie QB pick apart his defense in the last couple of minutes of a game. Last week, the Brady/Welker show can be chalked up to Brady being a pretty good QB but that debacle yesterday was absolutely uncalled for and someones head should be on display at One Bills Drive and Abbott today. That defensive showing in the 2nd half yesterday was attrocious!
  14. Should the Raider safety that went helmet to helmet on Stevie on Sunday be fined? He did get penalized 15 yards and the shot he gave Stevie was clearly a blow to the head. It might be the first offense by that guy, I don't know, but the Raiders were definitely throwing some cheap shots around out there.
  15. I caught the Fox halftime show when they went through the scores of all the early games and the Bills/Chiefs game was the last on the list. Every game got a mention of some sort but when they got to the Bills game, they rambled on about the game listed before them then went to commercial. Pretty pathetic for one of the NFL's braodcast networks to completely overlook that game like it never happened. Sad to see how irrelevant both those teams are in the eyes of the FOX network studio crew. The only one that mentioned the Bills at all after 4 was Bradshaw and he boasted how he picked the Bills, other than that, the Bills are pretty much a has-been football team in the eyes of the networks................so far.
  16. Looks like they're trying to resemble the Florida State color scheme. Makes sense.
  17. I don't believe the Bills are playing a style of defense that needs the space eater. They have the point of attack players in Dareus and Edwards, with Dareus doing a little more penetrating and using Williams to get that penetration up the middle to disrupt the pass/run. The Bills are going to be using all 4 linebackers actively across the LOS to penetrate and get after the RB or QB. I believe that the Bills are looking at who they play twice a year (cheaters and jests) and forming a front 7 that will get after their QB's and having Williams forcing plays to bounce out with DE and MD to hold the point while the LB's clean up. Last year we were very weak at all 4 LB spots and there wasn't anyone big enough to do the cleaning up except corners and safeties. Hopefully that all changes this year with one of the strongest and experience LB corps we have seen with the Bills in years.
  18. I would give Terry Miller consideration long before Bell, Bell was an !@#$. The only thing Bell was good for was that he was a throw in(get rid of) player in the Bennett deal. Bell should never be considered for anything, period.
  19. So let me get this straight......last year everyone in the media and on here was saying that our DB's were the strength of the defense and that our front 7 sucked. Now, that our front 7 appears to be the strength of the D, the DB's, which virtually hasn't changed with the exception of adding one of the top DB talents available and getting rid of everyone's whipping boy, that sucked, is somehow worse off? I just don't get you people. Please make up your mind. Yes, McLovin is a possible handicap if he is returning kickoffs against the Pats on the road in the last minutes of a game, but he is a pretty decent talent on the corner covering some of the top receivers in the league. Couple that with Florence on the slot receiver and a pretty good pass rush from a greatly improved front 7 and all you haters out there will be partying on McLovins lawn instead of trashing it.
  20. I should have said that I've got a Wood jersey that I might go with. I'm leaning towards the Wood jersey over the Kelly one for the opener.
  21. I've got Wood. I might go with my home Wood jersey or my white Kelly Superbowl circa 1991. I'll pack both with me and decide that morning.
  22. I unserstand that the OP wants to show that there are players out there but come on, do you really think that guy would be and upgrade to Hairston? The Bills have what they want right now on the line and I doubt that they are going to make any drastic moves just because some team cut a guy that might or might not fit into what Gailey is trying to do. The Bills actually have a pretty fair line with decent backups. Sure, they aren't All Pros but it is, for the most part, the same line that kept Fitz upright last year. Lets see how week 1 works out before we have a firesale on the line please.
  23. I wouldn't say Moore is a consolation prize, I think he has all the tools that Luck, Landry et. al. have with a better head on his shoulders. The only downside to Moore is that he is 6"0" which isn't ideal for a QB but what he lacks in size, he makes up for in overall knowledge and can probably read a defense better than a good amount of starting QB's in the NFL right now. If the Bills actually have a decent season and finish picking in the teens, they won't have a shot at the top 3 QB's coming out and Moore might still be there in the 2nd for them. Efaw is a player and would definitely be worth a pick in the 3rd or 4th. He would be the 2nd TE that the Bills drafted out of BSU.
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