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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. This needs to be painted in every corridor, toilet stall, lunch room and coaches office at OBD. The Bills record is abysmal against the division. 20-40 in the last 10 years, 8-22 in the last 5 and 2-10 under Chan. If the Bills can come out of the division games with a winning record, everything else will fall into place. This has been the achilles heel of this team and until they fix this, the futility will continue.
  2. Taking Mercilus at 10 is a risk, more of a slippery slope deal. He looks like he could be a pretty nice NFL player when he reaches his potential. He also looks like he could be another Big 10 DLineman "bust" that we have seen churned out over the years from that conference. Unfortunately, the Bills don't have the flexibility right now to take a chance on a guy that might or might not perform as a number 10 pick in the draft. Upshaw is another player that would be a really nice pick, proven track record, leader, national champion and an every down player BUT is he a difference maker that the Bills need at 10? It's a good year for getting quality throughout the draft, just not a good year to get top of the line front 7 talent at 10. I believe the Bills will have to make a strong push for Mario Williams in free agency, if he makes it that far, because he is head and shoulders better than anyone the Bills can draft to fill that pass rush position in the 1st round. If that were to happen, the draft gets much easier and they can set their sights on one of the CB's or OT's that would fill the "difference maker" position that the Bills need at 10. They can draft DE's, OLB's and ILB positions in rounds 2-7 to help in the front 7. They need a playmaker at 10, not a steady or project type player.
  3. At least the Bills would be well represented in the Toilet Bowl
  4. Sorry but I can't say the same for Tannehill. If I've read correctly, he is your choice of a QB in this years draft. I think he's pretty decent but probably not much of an upgrade over Fitzpatrick in the long term. We need to draft a QB that will be a solid QB and leader for years to come. They both might be leaders but neither has the physical tools to take this team to he next level, IMO.
  5. That kid Pachall looks like a gamer. He is raw and only a 1 year starter after being behind Dalton but he is a very physical QB that will stand in and deliver the throw while getting hit or pull it down and gain some positive yards with his feet. He's going to be a good one.
  6. Denver over Dallas in the late 70's would be my first pick and then probably Seattle over Pitt and then Arizona over Pitt.
  7. Got it, this is just a joke. Whew!! Really thought you lost your mind there or just got liquored up and had access to a computer.
  8. I paid $175 each for two tickets to the last Bills Super Bowl in Atlanta through the lottery system for season ticket holders. I was offered $1500 each by a Cowboys fan but didn't even think about it, I really thought we had a pretty decent chance in that one.
  9. Thank God you don't have any say in the Bills personnel decisions. Good Lord, Ellison was horrible at best and only was able to look halfway decent because the rest of the team sucked balls around him!!
  10. It is mind-funkkery going on but as a whole, the Sabres are at best a team that can maybe get to the 2nd round. They just don't have the horses to get beyond that. You aren't going to win much with softer guys like Roy, Gerbe, Ellis, Ennis, Sekera and Stafford. They are decent but if you aren't going far with small soft guys in the NHL. At least the Bills have a nice young core to build around with Wood, Byrd, Levitre, Williams(2), Spiller, Johnson(if they keep him) and Dareus.
  11. Right idea by Pegula, he just has the wrong people running his team and making the overall wrong personnel decisions. It's been a soft team with a complete overall lack of talent and trying to throw money so quickly at talented players to join that team was putting the cart before the horse. A roster cleaning was in order before you do what they did. Hopefully, if the rumor is true, Pegula learned a little and will jettison some dead weight, though, I think the Bills are actually in better overall shape than the Sabres when you are looking at core talent.
  12. All of that and if there is any $ left over, find at least ONE FA that can play on the defensive front 7.
  13. Oh Noooooo. Look what this guy has done to the Sabres. Kidding! Someone had to say it. If true, it would be great but there have been the Galisano and Trump rumors before and we are talking about Ralph here, so I tend to be a bit skeptical.
  14. You're right. It just appears that the justice system and NFL let him slide even though he basically got caught red handed. Still a nice tumble into the end zone for a guy that might be serving some time in the big house. You don't want to be previewing your flexibility to any potential "bubbas".
  15. Mind boggling....I guess he didn't kill his prgenant babies momma or harm any dogs in the process, so he gets a season pass because he didn't get caught dealing it. Just prepping it for distribution.
  16. The NFL needs more colorful coaches like this guy. Coaches that aren't afraid to say what needs to be said and less foot licking, hoodie wearing zombie lifeless coaches that are on the sidelines nowadays.
  17. Smart on his part? Absolutely Not! Critical to his Draft Position? Minor at the Most. Cost him Millions? Nope but he will have to endure some extra behavioral clauses probably. As someone else mentioned, if he was a QB, it would be a Huge deal. I think the NFL is a bit more tolerant nowadays as opposed to 10-15 years or so ago. Look at Ricky Wiiliams as someone else mentioned or even sommersalt Jerome Simpson who had pounds of weed delivered to his house and hasn't been disciplined yet. As long as this guy can produce Clean Urine at drug test time, he will have a pretty decent career.
  18. I don't care if they run the 6-2 stack monster, as long as they can friggin stop someone once in a while. We can't stop the run and when we do, we can't stop the pass. We were trully a defense void of talent and without direction. Whatever Edwards was doing for 14 of the 16 games this year didn't work and he didn't put the putrid talent in a position to do well even if they sucked. It was a complete lose/lose situation on defense. Hopefully the stache will be able to utilize what little talent we have more efficiently. If Ralph opens the wallet like Buddy says, hopefully they will be able to land a couple of Free Agents to shore up a very weak front 7.
  19. I would guess he gets taken right after Luck
  20. He should be fired because he actually thought Trent Edwards should have been the starter last year coming out of camp and I am sure he gave some sort of endorsement of Fitzpatrick. I seriously question his ability to assess a QB's abilities in this league. I think he thinks he is such an offensive guru that he can just plug anyone in that position and things will work. It is obvious that the QB position is a gaping hole on this team and Gailey is directly responsible for that and should be canned because of it.
  21. Why didn't Miami make the list? For us long time Bills fans, I personally think they are still the most despised team.
  22. Our first 5 picks in the draft should include a QB, 3 OLB's and a CB. If there is a QB worthy when we pick in the 1st, take him, then concentrate on OLB's. Other than Merriman, we don't have any other OLB's on our roster that played that position in college. The current depth chart at OLB consists of a Division 1 DE, a D1 DT, a D2 DE and two D3 DE's. This is a glaring weakness and a huge hole that needs to be addressed early and often next April. We have a lot of needs but the OLB position is clearly the biggest.
  23. Gotta go with Smith on this one. I will give Ehrhoff a pass because hockey does take a little more time to develope chemistry.
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